Rating:  Summary: Absolutely no Absolutes & the Truth is - there is no Truth? Review: This book is very dangerous for it states as "Truth" what it claims "God" has said. The teen has enough trouble trying to sort out their feelings and knowledge of what is best for their life without someone, claiming to be God, giving them such terrible advise... there is no right and wrong... explain that to the family and friends of some one who has died as a result of the "wrong" and yes, "sinful" acts of another. If it is not wrong to be promiscuous, to take drugs, to kill, and so on... then why is it so wrong to speak against this book [some of the reviewers have been so outraged at the negative comments - why? Could it be that they disagree with their own premise? Are they confused about what they believe? ...and now, they want a whole generation to join in their confusion - it has been said that "misery loves company"!] It is interesting to me how the proponents of relativism can argue that the proponents of absolute truth are wrong! We who stand for and believe in the absolute truth of the Bible and defend the precepts set forth in it for all men and all time, believe that there is clearly "right" and "wrong." Consistent with this belief, we speak against that which is "wrong." However, when we speak out, consistent with our beliefs, it is not others who also believe in absolutes, just different ones, that come against our right to do so... it is relativists who claim to have very open minds and that there is no absolute truth nor "right and wrong," that are outraged! Do you have a problem understanding what it is you believe? Either you believe in right and wrong ---- or you do not. Whatever you do... be consistent. CONCLUSION: Folks, if you love your kids and grandkids, do not get this book for them - it is a time bomb. The God in the Bible I believe in is Merciful as much as He is Just --- He is not just merciful. The Bible is STILL the best book to read if you want to know what He has to say to your teen (and you)---- yesterday, today & tomorrow.
Rating:  Summary: Not Biblical, this is NOT for your Christian teen. Review: This book teaches things that are contrary to Biblical Christianity: - It supports Lesbianism - It teaches that there are no bad people - It teaches Pantheism and other New-Age beliefs - It teaches that God does not make judgements - It teaches that forgiveness is not necessary - It teaches that living together before marriage is not a sin against God This book is dangerous, because even though it has a Christian title, the content does not agree with Biblical Christianity. This book promotes secular humanism and other new age beliefs. As such, I would not recommend this book for your Christian teen.
Rating:  Summary: What God are we conversing with? Review: Moral relativism is exactly right as a previous reviewer put it. I dont know what God is being conversed with here but it is definitly not the God of the Bible. Beware of thinking this is a Christian book for your teen. It is not.
Rating:  Summary: If ever one needs zero stars . . . Review: There is no truth? There is no right or wrong? Anything is OK? Stalin is God? Don't let your teens read this garbage!
Rating:  Summary: Defamation of God's Character Review: Whether you are a "Bible Banger" or just a regular Joe looking for some simple guidance and truths in the questions many teenagers face, this book's answers absolutely do not offer any sound guidances, simply because the author does not understand the characteristics of God. God is not just loving but HE is absolutely Holy, meaning that HE is the absolute purity and one who is Just. To say that God doesn't care about what is right or wrong is simply the most ridiculous statements I've heard 'cause that mocks the intelligence of the teen readers. To say such thing, it binds us to the moral dillemma where we cannot decide such thing as whether the Columbine High School incident is right or wrong, or what Hitler did was right or wrong... if you think through a little bit more, the author's logics are filled with contradictions.
Rating:  Summary: Christians miss the whole point Review: O.k., let me put it straight for all the Christians who put down this book: You cannot say that the 'god' in this book is wrong and that your 'god' is right, simply because you have no real proof.And if you try to prove so logically, then his God would if fact be more reasonable. You cannot say that something is right simply because it is written in the bible, because there is no real proof that the bible is god's word, other than other people telling you that it is. You don't even have proof that Jesus himself was not really the devil, other than him saying so. Any loving God that exists cannot and will not punish, judge, or condemn us for believing in one faith over another, simply because we CANNOT be sure if what we believe is right or not. We cannot be totally sure, so no loving God would send us to hell for choosing 'wrong'. A judgmental and jealous and wrathful God would additionally be a 'sinful God, since these attributes are sinful, and therefore cannot be also 'without sin', as Christians claim he is. Christianity is faulty, and i dare any Christian to argue otherwise. I have in fact written similiar books ; 'The Truth: Will Shad's Conversations With God' , and 'The Whole Truth: Will Shad's Continuing Conversations With God', and I do not agree with Neale on all points, but he is definitely on the right track.
Rating:  Summary: Conversations with God for Teens Review: The problem with this book is that the title is very deceptive. I think that most people would assume that this books is talking about conversations with the God of the Bible. Reading some of the answers from "God," it is obvious that is not true. A more appropriate title would be: Conversations with the god of Your own Making or Conversations with the god Within Yourself. Call me a "Bible banger" if you like, but the reality is that the God of the Bible would never tell a teen that there, "is no right from wrong," or to go out and celebrate her lesbianism. You can label me intolerant too, but it isn't me that is intolerant, it would be the God of the Bible who is intolerant, intolerant of sin. The bad reviews written about this book are, for the most part, coming from people who share the Christian faith that is followers of Jesus Christ and if you understand the true Christian Faith, you will understand why certain reviewers are upset by this book. So if you are a Christian, this is not the book for your teen. If you believe in moral relativism or even nothing at all, this would be the book for you.
Rating:  Summary: This book is egotistical, self indulgent nonsense. Review: I find it curious that the leading blurb would cite "Claudia, age 16, from Perth, Australia, asks, "Why can't I just have sex with everybody? What's the big deal?", the answer God offers her is: "Nothing you do will ever be okay with everybody. 'Everybody' is a large word. The real question is can you have sex and have it be okay with you?"" That the author would suggest that God would want a young girl to engage in sexually immoral behavior is offensive. It violates what is written repeatedly all through scripture. This type of thinking casts aside that God has set standards for His people. Those who believe that a God who has written law, who even created a top ten list, is okay with people just doing whatever they feel so long as they can live with it are wrong. Yes, the word was wrong. Right and wrong are terms that the Left have seemed to forget exist, unless it interferes with their desire to engage in licentious behavior. You can't cheat on exams, as the book says is okay to "do what you have to do". You can't engage in sin and call it sanctity. If we are to believe the author, then the God he's conversing with is Jehovah, only the author doesn't seem to have ever read the Bible, or if so, has rejected it's authenticity, and rejected its teachings. The bible repeatedly states the will of God, but the author seems to have placed these extreme left wing lies upon unsuspecting youth, and parents who will purchase this thinking it is a meaningful reading experience. You want conversations with God, try reading the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: Praise for Neal Donald Walsch Review: Excellent! It is so refreshing to see that our plan is working! Commmunism will one day reign over the world! I praise Neal Donald Walsch and his courage for standing up against the capitalist dogs and their antiquated beliefs. Keep up the good work. I love it that there is no such thing as truth and I can do whatever I want to do. There is at least one thing that we can know for sure, and that is that we cannot know anything for sure. It will be a great day when the entire population of the world is at last under the control of tyranny and everyone is running around following their own beliefs and chaos is running rampant. And I will anihilate anyone who disagrees with me and no one can tell that I am wrong, because I think it's right. I want to thank the author of this book for helping me come to this conclusion. Peace. Ha ha ha!
Rating:  Summary: The Truth shall set you free-but first it ll p*ss you off... Review: Wow...pretty radical. u can ascertain the truths a book gives (universal ones) by the degree of condemnations it gets. YES there ARE NO Absolutes, What is TRUE is not Truth: what is "true &"false" are merely labels that we attach to that which we agree or disagree. You cannot have up without down, as the truth of any one thing lies in it's opposite! How do u know hot? Through knowing cold! Hot and cold are just varying degrees of the same thing! In the absence of that which is NOT, that which IS, is NOT. God/The Absolute/The One/Insert your cultural Archetype here does not, however HAVE an absolute, as He or rather 'it' - for 'it' isn't a 'thing', but more of an 'Is', or an "I", "I Am" - is ALL THAT IS. That's right folks, there is no Devil as such, it's just a boogeyman designed to keep churches full and ministers rich (Have you ever seen a poor Pastor?) - Well thy're you go...it's a universal Archetype for the Ego, also called the Lower Self or Shadow (See Carl Jung & Joseph Campbell). Blaming bad things on satan helps people avoid responsibility for thier own actions whilst asking intermediaries for 'help' (The Church) when the answer lies within THEMSELVES! "The Devil made me do it/I'm possessed!". "Ermm...No; You made YOU do it, if you're saying you don't control you're own thoughts, then who does?" "The Devil". "I see. Righhht...Headshrinker party, table for one!!" 1. How do you know Neale isn't talking to the devil? 2. How do you you know Neale isn't communing with God? 3. Can You prove that Neale is talking to the devil? 4. How? Describe your experiment, equipment and method. 5. Quoting words from a book doesn't count, as there are as many translations of a book as there are people on earth (each person interprets the self same book differently) It has to be a scientific experiment. 6. Just stating that you "just know" that Neale is "wrong"/"right" doesnot count either. If that is the case then I "know" that we are descended from Aliens from the Sirius starsystem. I cannot 'prove' that anymore than someone can 'Prove' that the planet is circa 6000 years old, as they are both trying to prove a negative. ie, how can you prove that something doesn't exist? Like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy (or the devil? Oh he exists..? have you met him? Oh a book told you that he exists?...but you've not met him though?... REPEAT AD NAUSEAM)