Rating:  Summary: Misleading Title and Heretical Book Review: ...I only purchased it as an example to physically show people what kinds of misleading and heretical books are out there for our children to read. This book is being sold by Scholastic books in their Inspirational book club, which is promoted to Christian schools. This so-called god is not the God of the Bible. Most of the answers in this book go against what the Bible teaches and, therefore, it is very dangerous. It's an "anything goes" kind of advice whereas the One true God has definite moral absolutes.
Rating:  Summary: Misleading title...bad advice...There are much better books! Review: This book basically advocates that it is okay to do things that you know are wrong because you will be forgiven anyway. There is no right or wrong, it claims. This book misses the mark by miles, big time! Messages contained here are not acceptable for my children, and I would not suggest it suitable for anyone's kids. There are apparently no consequences for questionable actions according to this author. This is a bunch of "fuzzy warm feeling mumbo jumbo" that could mislead kids at an age where they are quite susceptible to follow dead end paths. It gives a potentially dangerous message that it is okay to do anything without regard for others because you will go to heaven no matter what you do. This book is clearly a dead end, in my opinion. I believe that there are many other better books for teens. Among them I would suggest:The Case For Christ by Lee Stobel Stories For a Teens Heart, Book 3 by Alice Gray Zondervan Teen Devotional Bible Any of the Chronicles of Narnia books by C.S. Lewis
Rating:  Summary: VERY DANGEROUS BOOK....... Review: I agree with others, If ever there was a book that deserves a zero rating.. this is the book! I can't imagine putting this trash into the hands of any child or teen. The author, who answers the questions of teens as if he were God.. couldn't be further from a Christian. This is satin's work, folks!....
Rating:  Summary: Did man create God? Or did God Create man Review: This book is bad - I am not sure where this persons information comes from. The god discribed in this book is not the God of the Bible. This god was created by this author, not by truth. The advice given in this book will be harmfull to anyone who is seeking TRUTH. This is not Gods view. God is Holy and calls us to a standard that is His, not mans. Teens: If you want answers to what God has to say about stuff, read the Truth. The BIBLE!!!
Rating:  Summary: Utter relativistic nonsense Review: This is one of the most deceptive and insidious books I have seen on the market. It is absolutely shameful that the publishers and tha uthor have chosen to deceived so many young readers, especially those on a spiritual journey, with this title. The book has absurd conversations between teens and "god". Who is this God? Obviously , he is not the one followed by the three main monotheistic religions; he is certainly not the God of Christians. This God has only wrong answers, leading teens into a path not much different from the secular and relativistic nonsense they get from mainstream culture. At one point, this God states that there is not right or wrong; there is only what can be done and cannot be done. So, if you can rape someone that is Ok because you were able to do it? Everyone associated with this book should be hanging their heads in shame.....it would be nice if booksellers would take it off their shelves.
Rating:  Summary: Conversations with a secular humanist... Review: would be a better title for this book. I haven't read any of Neale Walsch's materials, but this one was enough for me. What irks me as a consumer AND a Christian is that Walsch has the gall to attempt and answer teen's important life questions AS God Himself! The problem I have with this book is that Walsch obviously hasn't done his research about what the Christian God would really say to kids. You can't use the word "God", capital-G, and think that anyone is going to assume you are talking about anyone other than the God we know from the Bible. If Walsch had wanted to use "god", lowercase-g, I would have much less of a problem with this book because then I would know that he is speaking of the "all-purpose, make him-whatever-you-want-him-to-be 'god' " that the world is so inclined to believe in today. I'm sorry, but if you want to claim knowledge of how God would answer these questions, please look at the source for what we know to be TRUE about Him and His character: the Bible. You can't just make stuff up and stick God's name on it!! Do parents really want their children advised that, "Hey, there is no right and wrong, good or bad...only what people THINK is good or bad" ??? If the take that Walsch has on life issues is how he thinks God would answer, then may the real God help us all. Hey kids, apparently "God" doesn't really mind if you throw away everything your parents have taught you and do your own thing! Coooool. What a ...
Rating:  Summary: PLEASE, DON'T BE FOOLED BY THIS "god"! Review: Don't waste you hard earned money! This book is utter nonsense written to swindle and mislead the weak-minded. The "god" of this book is simply THE RHETORIC OF EASTERN MYSTICISM, which is ironic since that particular "god" is an impersonal force that could not communicate with anyone. The whole concept of this book is as idiotic as saying you could have a conversation with electricity. The oxymoron of "ABSOLUTE RELATIVISM" is strongly preached throughout the book. There is no separation of right and wrong or good and evil. THE AUTHOR EXPECTS US TO PARK OUR BRAINS IN NEUTRAL and accept that the most wicked mass murders, serial rapists, and hate breathing racists are only "bad" because we "think" they are bad, not because they really are evil. This "god" would have us believe that there is no difference between a Mother Teresa and an Adolph Hitler. In an ever increasing age of moral relativism, which is a large reason for much of the current financial market woes, HELLO, it never ceases to amaze me the depths to which publishing companies will stoop to print any trash that can make a buck for them. STAY AWAY FROM THIS BOOK, AS IT WON'T TELL YOU A THING ABOUT THE TRUE, PERSONAL CREATOR WHO LOVES YOU!
Rating:  Summary: Conversations with god (emphasis on small g) Review: If you are a teen or a parent of a teen looking for a book that will help explain who the God of all creation/the God of the Bible is, then this book is NOT for you. If you would like to know who the god of this world is and how he has twisted and distorted the truth of the Word of God, then this book seems to flow right in line.
Rating:  Summary: PG-13 marketed to K-6 ? Review: WARNING! Let me put it bluntly and honestly, serious questions from teens are answered flippantly and irresponsibly by a "God" (the author) who seems to think there is no such thing as right and wrong, or consequences, or choice (because if there is no right or wrong can there really be choice or free-agency?) "God" tells a young teen that her lesbianism is "perfect", another that having sex without marriage is simply "loving" and that is "good". There is a consistant lack of truth and adhearance to the teachings of the Bible. This book has a suspicious agenda.
Rating:  Summary: Not the Christian God Review: This book has questions that were asked by teens about theology, God, and right and wrong, and then the author puts himself in God's place and answers those questions. This is an attempt to appeal to everyone's warm and fuzzy side, not saying anything unpopular, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, and then implying, "now kids, that is what God is like." First, the book is AT BEST fundamentally deceptive. It doesn't even state something simple and obvious at the outset like: "Do not think that this is the God of the Bible, Christianity, or Judaism. This is another idea of God -- a common, pantheistic idea of God, that everything in the universe is God, and that God doesn't even have any sense of right and wrong." Truly, if the book just stated something honest like that, instead of (intentionally or unintentionally) deceiving people as a piece of 'Christian' literature, then most of the controversy would end. See, the main problem with the book is NOT that it disagrees with the God of the Bible (for many other books also do that but are not so controversial) -- but, that the author of this book actually masquerades AS the God of the Bible. And the God of the Bible completely disagrees with this God on many basic points. Second, the book is anti-Christian AND anti-American in its content. The author of this book portrays Almighty God as an apathetic, wimpy character who doesn't think that anything anyone ever does is wrong. According to this author, God doesn't really care about the Holocaust, sexual harassment, or the 9-11 attacks -- things that are wrong and that hurt people. Apparently, God is just sitting up in the sky sipping his frosty beverage, unconcerned when we humans feel violated or attacked. (of course the author doesn't put it like that, but what else could the reader possibly conclude?) Yes friends, this nonsensical God actually has less of a sense of justice than I do. I would like to see the 9-11 hijackers punished for their horrendous crimes. But unfortunately, God doesn't really think it was wrong at all -- on the contrary, killing my fellow Americans "worked for them." This is the absolute worst type of book you could give your child to read. The author's silly portrayal of God is more like the character Barney than any serious concept of God. I don't want my kid reading that kind of junk. I could make up a better God than that.