Rating:  Summary: If you're open-minded Review: This is a highly controversial book.It is NOT an normal inspirational Christian book. It is part of the "Conversations with God" series by Neale Donald Walsch. It is controverial because it goes against our current belief systems. Neale Walsch talks about his conversation with God and how it applies to teen issues such as drugs, sex, parents, etc.If you are a devout fundamentalist Christian, then this book probably isn't for you. If, however, you are open-minded and willing to give something a chance that goes against what you've been taught, then I recommend this book. I also recommend that if you read it, you also read "Conversations with God" (the other version not just for teens) The bible is a 2000 year old document, with many authors and translated MANY times throughout history. It's full of contradictions and rules that don't really apply to today's society and I believe its original message may have been lost in the many translations. I feel that the things written in the "with God" books are true and are actually the word of God.
Rating:  Summary: This is not a coversation with my God. Review: You know, I suppose it depends on who your god is. This certainly is not the God of the Bible. ...P>For any person looking for a good devotional for teens, this book definitely is not it. My God is a Holy God, very much different from the one this author professes. BEWARE! The title is very deceptive.
Rating:  Summary: STOP! YOU DO NOT WANT THIS BOOK Review: Parents Beware - Very disturbing information. Please read. Parents, Grand parents, Aunts, Uncles, Please pay special attention not only to the what your kids watch on TV and in movie theaters and the music they listen to but we must also be alert regarding the books they read. Two particular books, Conversations with God and Conversations with God for Teens, written by Neale Donald Walsch sound harmless enough by their Titles alone. These books have been on the NewYork Times bestseller list for a number of weeks. These publications makes truth of the statement "Don't judge a book by its cover/title". The author purports to answer various questions from kids using the "voice of God". However, the "answers" that he gives are not Biblically based and go against the very infallible Word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "why am I a lesbian?" His answer is that she was born that way because of genetics (just as you were born right-handed, with blue eyes, etc). Then he tells her to go out and "celebrate" her differences. Another girl poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?" His reply is "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong. Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply - I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive.There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone. I do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong because the rule is "Judge not lest ye be judged" (which of course is taken out of context).
Rating:  Summary: Is that really what Life is about? Is anyone "wrong"? ... Review: I observed that the writer graphically communicated about "wrongs" and placed "judgements" when there are no "wrongs" (it simply is) and judging is justifying Self - and both do not exist except in the mind(s). Life is Love; Life is Movement. Anything else is created in Mind. Sure the things that the author graphically communicated about (subjectively) can be observed, but created by people who live in fear and doubt - some day they will make another choice. Rather than focusing on others I would encourage to work with Self - other people cannot be "wrong" unless we create that in our Mind(s) (and we're saying we are "right" (when there is no "right" either)); when we "judge" we condemn - and not others, but Self! We cannot hurt others, only ourselves; we cannot judge others, only ourselves; we cannot lie to others, only ourselves. We cannot only create our own experiences (by choosing to work with situations (that is: respond with love and trust) or choosing not to (respond with fear and doubt) - we cannot create another person's experience (except with schizofrenia)). Each of the entities in the earth has chosen to be there - each entity is allowed to change, but not forced to; each entity can create own life through own Will; ultimately, each entity will choose to align one's Will with that of God, but it is not forced to. I would have hoped the author stayed more objective - that is: talk in the language of Soul - not Mind. The Soul knows only Life, Love... because that is what is is. "[It] is always patient and kind; it is never jealous, [it] is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and is not resentful. [It] takes no pleasure in other people's sins but takes delight in the Truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes." Corithians 13: 4 - 8 The Soul does not act in any of the ways, mentioned in the above graphically communicated verse, because they are all actions of the Mind - not the Soul. Soul is Life, Love,... is a part of God; God is Life - God is Love, thus the Soul (part of God) is those things also.
Rating:  Summary: Yikes. Review: The author strikes me as a kind of Morpheus-want-to-be telling the reader why they came to this book, or why the book came to them. They also seem to be hung up on the yr. 2000 presidential election where our established system rightfully put our president in the presidential seat by the electoral vote--not the popular vote. I have just as equal of a voice as this author and I say I agree with the Bible that it is God who raises up national leaders to accomplish His purposes. Conversations with God for Teens is a good look into the delusional mind of an author that wishes God would give answers like these. There is some truth in the book, but it serves to make it easier to swallow the lies that are mixed with it--lies and truth go down like arsenic and sugar.
Rating:  Summary: inspiring Review: I received this book for Christmas from my parents. I read it cover to cover and simply loved it. It gives a very real, understandable and believable outlook on God and religion. It displayed God as a very loving and forgiving being (which I believe). It covered many real-life teenage problems such as parents and sex. It helped me understand a lot of things about the world. This book gives a very optimistic attitude. This book is definitely not for the very religious Christen teenager simply because it doesn't go along with some bible teachings such as it's OK to be gay. Just because the book doesn't completely follow the Christian religion doesn't mean its not worthy of being read. It helps bring teens to God in one way or another, who cares if its not through one religion.
Rating:  Summary: get beyond your fear Review: This series of books has changed my life so profoundly and matured me at such a young critical stage that reading these reviews strikes me as shocking to remember how many people still live with the ideas of sin, judgment, and fear perpetuated by religious institutions. Let your teenagers decide for themselves with this book. If they are ready to consciously evolve, you won't be giving them free reign to terrorize their lives. You'll be giving them the greatest blessing you possibly could - a path to true happiness. I disavowed myself from the Bible years ago because the judgment, idea of sin, the materialism and greed in my Christian church, and the fear masked in the language of love no longer served my personal growth. Yet my own Mother (a devout Catholic) to this day claims that I live the Gospel more than anyone else she knows - so don't go passing your judgments on me with your Satanic names like you have Mr. Walsch. We are going through the greatest evolutionary transition our society has ever known. Many old economic, government, and religious paradigms and institutions will be replaced by new ones with a much larger vision of inclusion of all peoples, plants, and animals. Many people living in the old paradigm will feel threatened (as evidenced by this list of reviews). But the book's message isn't even anti-Christian. Yes, many of the rules created by the Church are dismissed as no longer serving where we want to go. But Jesus becomes a model to strive toward. He lived as we all could, and I love him much more now than when I was in the church. While many reviewers have said this book will lead to selfishness and immorality because there is no idea of an external "God" looking down with judgment, they misunderstand it. The whole point of this book is to provide a popular medium that gives people the okay to express their own free will and realize who they really are - the very founding principles of this American experiment in freedom. As a result, I have never felt closer to all of life, with a truly deep sense of love for all creation and have found a career that allows me to serve that larger civilization while serving myself. It's because I chose this path internally, and it wasn't forced upon me through an external dogma. Trust your teenagers with this book. IF if speaks to them (it may not), they'll find their own path to higher consciousness. (please don't just say this review wasn't helpful just because you disagree with it - it only proves my point). :)
Rating:  Summary: GREAT ANSWERS!! Review: Thank you Neil for your courage to share the love of God to each and everyone of us. I agree with you that we are all one!! What we do for others is what we really do for ourselves. The message is more realistic. In the bible, most of my question never answered. Cain is worried after killing his brother Abel and says, "Every one who finds me shall slay me" (Genesis 4:14. This is a strange concern since there were only two other humans alive at the time his parents!! "And Cain knew his wife." That's nice, but where the hell did she come from? (Genesis 4:17)
Rating:  Summary: Parents Beware Review: Parents must beware that this author's "god" is a subjective new age god of his own imagination that is partically amoral, not the GOD revealed in Scripture. Mr. Walsch, speaking for his god, will answer a young lesbian that she was simply made that way (like being left-handed or blue-eyed) and go celebrate your difference (...). Mr Walsch promotes promiscuity, that living together before marriag is okay with this little god. He also advises impressionable, young minds that there is no need for forgiveness because there is no sin, no wrong anyone can do that needs forgiving. This author is dangerous for young, impressionable minds!
Rating:  Summary: Conversations with God for Teens Review: An excellent book that I would recomend to anyone who wants to expand their mind and beliefs beyond what they've been programmed to believe is true by society, especially organized religion. I definately would not recomend this book to anyone who believes their religion is the only way to God or that the Bible is the only word of God that ever was or will be. So this is an excellent book if you are ready to go beyond all the lies we've been told and the limiting beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.