Rating:  Summary: Joss Whedon couldn't have done better! Review: Finally a book that rivals the show. The way the authors handle the characters is very impressive. But what is even more impressive is that the Gatehouse literally suck you in. Your perception of time and space is altered, just as if you were inside the house with Buffy and her friends, and the only thing you want is to finish the book to know what happens to the characters. And then you realize you have to wait until March to know what happens next and that's worse than torture!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing. This was the best of the Buffy books. Review: Amazing, that's all I have to say. This book was by far the best of the Buffy books, and I can't wait until the second book in the group comes out. You don't need to be a huge BTVS fan, like me, to love this book. Read this book, you will love it!
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic action and surreal danger! Review: I have all the Buffy books except the movie tie-in and The Harvest. But I have everything else; the Angel Chronicles, Vol.1&2, the young adult books, Blooded, Child of the Hunt and Return to Chaos. I must say this is the most extensive and magickal book of them all. Buffy and her friends must go up against the evil Il Maestro to stop the Gatehouse from crumbling and the Otherworld leaking all the demons and monsters. Springheel Jack was a cool demon. It actually had feelings. But I was glad when....oh don't let me tell that part. But in conclusion, in the second book (which comes out in March, oh man!) the gang must travel through the Ghost Road to get to Europe to find the sole heir of the Gatekeeper, who is dying. These series are cool!
Rating:  Summary: Without a doubt this is the best Buffy book to date. Review: 'Out of the Madhouse'captivates the reader from the beginning and keeps them in suspense until the end. I couldn't put the book down! The storyline is creative and highly detailed. The imagery and emotions of the characters were described in great detail also. The only bad part is that I have to wait until March to find out what happens next. I reccommend this book to anyone who is a fan of the series.
Rating:  Summary: Possibly Best Buffy Book Yet! Review: Out of the Madhouse was just incredible! It opens thousands of possibilities with the Otherworld, and the Ghost Roads. There are a few unexpected visits from old friends (the dead kind) and an unexpected plot twist in the last few pages! I can hardly wait for the second novel in this trilogy...Buffy, Angel and Oz traveling in Europe, now you know that's gotta be interesting. It's a little gorier than the previous books, but very worth it. I recomend it to all Buffy fans.
Rating:  Summary: Best Buffy Novel Ever Written! Review: Out Of The Madhouse was definitely the best Buffy novel that I have read, and I have read each and every one of them, both the awful, like Night Of The Living Rerun, to the great, like Blooded. It has the feel and the dialogue of an actual show, something that is sorely lacking in many of the Buffy novels. Only Nancy Hodder and Christopher Golden have been able to pull this off so far. (The Watcher's Guide is also amazing, by the way.) It's going to be really hard waiting until March to find out what happens next. If you're a Buffy freak like me, you will BUY THIS BOOK!!!
Rating:  Summary: I can't wait to read this book!!!!!!! Review: I LUV Buffy novelizations, and the last one, RETURN TO CHAOS, was excellent, although in my opinion, Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder are far better writers of Buffy novelizations that Craig Shaw Gardner. I KNOW this book will be just as good, if not better, than CHILD OF THE HUNT and RETURN TO CHAOS, my two faves. QL
Rating:  Summary: punch! kick! punch! Review: One of the things I love most about Buffy as a whole, is character development. This book was so busy with endless action sequences, that the character's personalities were largely ignored.When the book stops for emotional moments it's hard to care, because the character's have all become cardboard cut-out's of themselves. I'll go ahead & read the next one- I'm hoping that Golden & Holder will let up a bit on the constant barrage of battle- it gets tedious after awhile. Proceed with caution.
Rating:  Summary: 1st Book is a tad confusing and slow Review: Like I said above, the first book is slow and confusing. However near the end of the book things really REALLY picked up, and I finished it and the other 2 in less than a week and a half!! The series rocks!! Guess what happens to Xander?? ;)
Rating:  Summary: The Best... Review: Really. The Gatekeeper Trilogy books are the best Buffy novels to date. The characterization is dead-on accurate, the writing perfect and descriptive. Well worth reading.