Rating:  Summary: Another Book to Add to a L. J. Smith Collection Review: She's done vampires, witches and shadow-creatures, and in this trilogy L. J. Smith tackles psychics, namely five psychics in particular - Kaitlyn Fairchild, Rob Kessler, Gabriel Wolfe, Anna Whiteraven and Lewis Chao (where does she get these names?) In the first book 'The Strange Power' the five teenagers were united by Emmanuel Zetes and his lackey Joyce Piper under the pretence of helping them control and understand their individual psychic abilities whilst also educating them and supplying them with scholarships for university. However, the teens found out eventually that this was not the case - what Mr Zetes was really up to was to change them into a 'psychic swat-team' and sell their psychic services off to the highest bidder. Horrified, the teens flee the house, which is where 'The Possession' picks up, but with a few differences: all five of them are telepathically linked with each other, and one of their members - Gabriel - is now forced to feed off other people's energy in order to survive.So where 'The Strange Power' was an introduction to the teens and their powers (which include healing abilities, animal communication, telepathy, future divination and telekinesis) and 'The Passion' is Kaitlyn's infilteration back into the Zetes Institute, 'The Possession' is the journey of the five runaways to find the mysterious house that they have all dreamt of - a white house over a strech of water where voices call out to them. On their road-trip however, they have to deal with the continuous presence of each other in their minds, the police, their parents, the mysterious location of their white house, Gabriel's need for human substanence, a new arrival, and an onslaught of attacks from Mr Zetes and his 'dark psychics' - those students who had come before them under Mr Zetes's tutorledge. However they are not without their own resources - their own powers guide and substain them, and they find allies in Anna's parents, Tony - the brother of Marisol (who had been a helper at the Zetes Institute and purposely put in a coma by Mr Zetes), an intriguing newcomer by the name of Lydia, and of course the mysterious beings of the white house - a climax that does not disappoint. L. J. Smith again creates good, solid, interesting characters - especially those of the psychics and their individual talents - and she is a master of creating the 'bad boy', in this case Gabriel Wolfe. You only need to have a look at some of the other reviews to see how he effects pre-teens. Likewise Kaitlyn is a strong heroine, though L. J. spends a bit too much time describing her appearance and how beautiful she is (just once I'd like to see an unattractive L. J. Smith heroine!) and backup characters are likewise interesting and realistic. I especially appreciated the 'shades of grey' L. J. places within the books - there are not simply black and white/good and evil characters but rather those that hover on the boundries such as Lydia, Gabriel, and even to some extent Kaitlyn herself. Gabriel's revelation at the climax of the books when he is faced with pure (though ridgid) goodness and realises he can never become part of it is especially thought-provoking. There are a few faults however - all her descriptions of psychic phenomena (such the feelings the psychics experience, the power of the crystal, the psychic attacks, the 'third eye' business and the transfering of people's energy into Gabriel) are rather difficult to grasp. Gabriel's description as a 'psychic vampire' I felt was a bit much, especially since L. J. Smith conveniantly makes the neck the best transfer place for energy and it was only young women that Gabriel 'feasted' on - it got a little too vampiric for me, and I thought these books were to be about *psychics*, not drawing out ideas from her previous books. Likewise, the teenagers never seem to actually *use* their psychic abilities - Kaitlyn draws pictures, but essentially her premonitions are useless as she can never stop what they show her is to pass. On the other hand Lewis and Anna seem to have extrodinarily useful powers, but they use them only once each on the entire journey. But anyway, if you are an L. J. Smith fan, then these books shouldn't disappoint. As usual, you have to get all three of them and read them in order to get the full benefit of them, but once again L. J. delievers what she promises with her token mystery, suspence, love triangle, teenage protaginists, 'bad boy' and touches of the supernatural.
Rating:  Summary: Gabriel=Hott Review: The Kaitlyn and company are on the run from Mr. Zetes. They go in search of the house in Kait's dreams. But they aren't alone. Zetes sends these ghostly figures after them. In the end we find out who the figures are and trust me, it's a surprise. While this is going on Gabriel was turned into a psychic vampire by the crystal. But Kait finds out and she decides to help him out by giving him her energy. But one time during the process Kait goes deep into Gabriel's mind and finds out that he loves her. What will happen to all of them? GABRIEL IS HOTT! KAIT IS LUCKY! L.J. writes another hit!
Rating:  Summary: GREAT BOOK! Review: This book was great book to read. Gabriel is the best character in the story...other than Kaitlyn. I just wish that we could read more from his point of view. And I wish there was a little bit more between Gabriel&Kaitlyn. But all in all it deserved five stars. It had the perfect amount of suspense. The book was mainly focusing on the five psychic friends (Kaitlyn,Gabriel,Rob,Annna, and Lewis)who are on the run from Mr. Zetes. They are searching for a house that will help them fight the evil that is after them. Only problem is that they dont know where the house is. Meanwhile Mr.Zetes has been sending ghostly figures after them to haunt them in their dreams and trap them. You will be surprised who the ghostly figures are at the end... While this is going on Gabriel has a hunger inside him that forces him to prey on innocent people to keep himself alive! When Kaitlyn finds this out she decides that she wont let Gabriel go through this alone and refuses to let him turn away from her. And in the process of helping him Gabriel's feelings for her are revealed! And her reaction surprised me a little.... This book was undoubtedly proof that Ms. Smith is the greatest author of all time! And her characters are SO easy to fall in love with! I can almost guarantee that anyone who buys this book wont be dissapointed. I LOVED this book and Im impatiently counting down the days until my order for THE PASSION arrives.
Rating:  Summary: Dark Visions Trilogy gets better and better! Review: Volume II: The Possessed. Very nicely written. Smith has stayed on top of the action from the 1st book and never lets go. We learn more about Kait and Gabriel's releationship and the strain the link with the group is taking on the four friends. Adding a stranger named Lydia to the group, emotions run high with curiousity, fear, and jealously among them. They help each other out even if they're mad, and they always keep going even though time and time again they want to give up. Loved the story and couldn't wait for Volume 3. (Good thing I bought them all together!) Wonderful piece of work!