Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Book !!! Review: I loved the book. Spike's character in the book was a lot different than on the show. The Buffy/Spike friendship was similar to their relationship on BUFFY. The going back in time thing was boring, but the rest of the book was really great!
Rating:  Summary: I was surpried Review: I really enjoyed this book. It plays well on Willow's magic addiction and the Spuffy relationship. It's very entertaining because it switches from Spike's past with Dru and the gang to the present. The only trouble I had with this book is it didn't go into much detaiil about the vile that Jack the Ripper needed. There was also a very funny line by Buffy about Spike "He's evil...I want him". I would really reccomend getting this book.
Rating:  Summary: Not for Spike fans.... Review: I think that with a little judicious editing, and a more careful eye to detail, this book could have been a lot better. There are canon inaccuracies in the book that make it very distracting (for example, on the show in season 6, Spike could hurt Buffy even in with his chip in; the author of the book maintains otherwise.) There is also some very sloppy printing, in that the wrong title is printed on some of the header pages. (Hopefully this will be corrected if the book goes into a second printing.)My impression is that the author is not a Spike fan, but did the very best she could within the constraints that Fox has put on writers that the Spike character must never be portrayed as having good intentions (even though that isn't what we saw onscreen.) At least Holder does maintain the wonderful relationship Spike once had with Dawn and which was lost in the atrocity that was canon season 6. Spike loved/loves Buffy, genuinely and sincerely; I've come away from this book not entirely convinced that the author recognizes that, which is why my opinions are so lukewarm. With such a vibrant, passionate, *alive* character to work with, the book should have been so much better.
Rating:  Summary: very disappointing Review: I was horribly disappointed by this book. The author obviously never watched the 6th season and it shows. She wrote Spike out of character for this season. I was really hoping that this book would show the developement Spike has gone through the past year but it was neglected. Also are we really suppose to believe that after 4 years Buffy is still not over Angel? I felt that the authtor made Buffy look pathtic in that aspect.
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointed. Review: I was SO disappointed with this novel. You would think the author would not put up a front of this actually being set during season 6, when they obviously did not take the time to WATCH season 6. The characterization of Spike is ridiculous and grossly out of character. I'm sick and tired of seeing Spike on the cover only to read such a terrible interpretation of his character. I do NOT recommend the novel. Here's to hoping someone gets the good sense to write a spike-centric novel that *gasp* is actually in character.
Rating:  Summary: Spike fighting with the good guys, that's new in books ! Review: I'm also a Spuffy fan, and of course I don't like seeing (or reading) spike bashing, but it has good parts in it and Spike and Buffy interact and not as ennemies. Some Dawn / Spike interaction too. Spuffies, go, buy it if you want to read more "good Spike" in books in the future...
Rating:  Summary: Much better than I expected Review: I've been a Buffy/Spike shipper since the end of season two and have suffered through the highs and lows of their relationship. I'm also a redemptionista and have been driven to despair at times with the trials Spike was put through before he gained his soul. So, I was prepared to hate Blood And Fog because advance word was very negative about the way Nancy Holder portrayed Spike. I was very pleasantly surprised. Yes, there are a oouple of things that maddened me and Holder makes one big whopper of a mistake (completely ignoring something very important that happened in Smashed)but overall, Spike is written with depth and perception. He's by far the most complex character in the book. I love how it's made clear Spike truly cares about Dawn, that he has real feelings for her. The best thing is it's the most "erotic" and adult book the series has ever produced. It's very apparent Buffy is deeply attracted to Spike and longs for his physical presence. Holder makes the book very sexy, all things considered. So, I recommend it to all Spike and Spuffy fans. It's a much friendlier book to Spike than any ...Christopher Golden has produced (which I advise all Spikelovers to avoid like SARS).
Rating:  Summary: More Spike bashing nonsense! Review: If I had to pick one word to describe this book, it would be: TERRIBLE! I borrowed it from a friend, and I'm really glad I did, because I wouldn't pay one red cent for this tripe. Does Nancy Holder even *watch* the show? Her characterization of Spike is as poor as some of the worst Spike-bashing fan fiction I've read on the Internet. Even Buffy's characterization was off. Honestly, if I the word "evil" had been used just one more time in regards to Spike, I think I would've ripped my friend's book to shreds or burned it in effigy. One of the reasons the show has so many fans is because the characters are not portrayed as one-dimensional pod people. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for this book. The characterization is flatter than a pancake that got run over by an eighteen-wheeler. With a choice between reading this book again and spending the same amount of time staring at a blank wall, I'd take the blank wall. Don't waste your money, or your time, on this book. Instead, try "These Our Actors" by Ashley McConnell & Dori Koogler, an excellently written book by authors who actually understand the characters.
Rating:  Summary: More Spike bashing nonsense! Review: If you're a Spike fan, don't bother wasting your money on this book. Just like many of the other BTVS books on the market, this one portrays Spike as a stupid, one-dimensional villain. In other words, the characterization is terrible! Anyone who actually watches the show knows that Spike is anything *but* a flat character. He has a multitude of layers, something the author of this book doesn't even begin to recognize. Between the poor characterization and the constant "Spike bashing" by the Scooby Gang, the book left me more irritated than entertained. So unless you despise Spike, steer clear of this book (as well as any book by Chris Golden). It's not worth your money or your time. Instead, try "These Our Actors" or possibly "Little Things". Those two novels have much better characterization and are more Spike-friendly.
Rating:  Summary: Some people are reviewing the book with out reading it. Review: If your a fan of Buffy and Spike there are some real good thing for you in this book. The interaction takes place in the middle of season and their is B/S on more then one occasion. I have noticed some Spike fans are reviewing the book before reading it and that is a mistake. It is important that anyone that wants future Spike or B/S books buy this novel. However, I do agree that there was some pretty big mistakes in terms of how Spike's evilness was portayed in season 6 of the series. Yet, this book has some quite good B/S interaction and Spike and Dawn interaction. There are many reasons why a Spike fan or a B/S fan would want to buy this book. I urge all fans of Spike and B/S to buy this book, not doing so is just shooting your self in the foot.