Rating:  Summary: this book is........ Review: This book is really good but sad because a lot of people get hurt - not just, physical but emotional too. Some parts you can tell it is fiction because you know it would never happen. Like when Laurie, the main character astral projects. Astral projecting is when she some how projects her sprit out of the body and travels to anywhere at any time without really leaving her bedroom. When she does this she is sort of like a ghost because no one can see her. Great for girls ages 11-18.This book is about a girl named Laurie.She lives on a small island off of New England's coast. She has a loving family, friends and a boyfriend. When she was sick and couldn't go to a party, her boyfriend saw her on the beach. But that was impossible. She was sick in bed all day. When she was at school, her dad said he saw her go to her room but that couldn't have happened, either. Her friends, brother and sister said they saw her on the dangerous rocks outside her house but she wasn't really there. How could all these people say they saw her when she wasn't there? On top of all that, she as been hearing voices when she goes to sleep. Where are all the vioces coming from? Who is really on the beach, at her house, and on the rocks? Oh go ahead and read "Stranger With My Face" to find out.
Rating:  Summary: my title Review: I liked the book The Stranger With My Face beacuse, it was very interesting and had a good plot to fit it. I liked how the girls towin sister could astral project herself and travel anywhere she wanted. The thing I did'nt really like was that it was that it was long and in some parts it would get boring and some parts it would get boring and some parts didnt really have a point to be in the book. But overall it was good. I also liked it beacuse it was like a mystery, tring to find her, I really like mysterys. I also like how at the end Laurie get to learn how to astral project and visit her twin sister Lia and find out she stayed in a mental institution. The best part is when Lia goes into Lauries body when Lauries astral projecting and then Laurie cant get in ger own body. I liked how Lauries sister turns out to be mean and killed other piople earlier in her life. Overall i really liked this book and i think others should read it. It was good and interesting. I liked it a lot.
Rating:  Summary: Stranger with my face Review: "Stranger with my face," is one of the best books I've ever read. It's about this teenage girl, Laurie, who's life gets turned upside down when she realises that she has a twin sister, that can leave her body and go any where she wants to. Lia, the unknown sister is seeking Laurie, making her life terrible. She's hurting her best friend, causing her and her boyfriend to break up, and pushing her and a friend into mermaids cave, which you will find out what that is when you read it. Laurie realises she can do what Lia does, and does it herself. But, a misfortune happens when she does it. Read it and find out what happens... Lois Duncan, is one of my favorite writers by far.
Rating:  Summary: Must Read! Review: I read the book Stranger With My Face for my independent reading project in my English class. It is a fiction book by Lois Duncan. Some of the themes were horror a lot of mystery. Stranger With My Face is about a girl named Laurie Stratton. Laurie is adopted and later finds out that she has a twin sister named Lia who was seperated from her at birth. Throughout the book, after meeting Lia, weird things start happening. Lia tries to take over Lauries' life by taking over her body through astral-projection, and her friends and family start claiming they're seeing her in places she hasn't been and doing things she isn't. Laurie has to figure out how to stop Lia and keep her from ruining her life. I was very interested in this book because it kept me wanting to read more and more. The first few chapters were a little slow but after that it just pulled me in and kept me enticed for the rest of the story. I would recommend this book to teenagers because they might be able to relate to Lauries character better than younger kids. I would also recommend it to anyone who likes to be scared from what they read because it deffinatly creeped me out a lot. Meghan R.
Rating:  Summary: Stranger with my face Review: This was a good mystery book that keeps you guessing. I liked it maybe you will too! its about a girl name Laurie, someone just like her is taking her spot taking over everything!
Rating:  Summary: A great Mystery book for teens Review: this book follows a 15 year old girl as she uncovers the secrets of her past and as a young adult things can get pretty hectic without having to worry about a spooky image of yourself haunting your dreas and trying to take over your life.
Rating:  Summary: Well, she almost got it... Review: The fact that Lois Duncan wrote about this subject caught me off guard because it is one of those topics you aern't supposed to talk about. I didn't think you could project, and finished the book with a thought of, "wow that would be great if only..." But the fact that you CAN is crazy. This is an inaccurate portrail on HOW and WHAT HAPPENS, but it still opens the discussion... the only fear is the age group of who is reading this... I don't reccomend it for under the age of 16 at least (that's how old I was, and I didn't understand it).
Rating:  Summary: ~The Best Book In The World~ Review: Stranger With My Face is about a normal teenage girl with a weird family. Laurie always wonderd why she didnt have the ability to write like her dad or draw like her mom. Laurie dint know why she didnt even look like her parents or her brother and sister. What Laurie dosen't know is that she is soon to find out, with the help of her best friends Jeff and Heather. This book is the best book I've read since I got into High School last year. It is really suspenseful,sad,and scary. I hated reading until I read this book. If you like scary mixed with happy and sad, you need to read this book. There were only a few reasons why I didnt like this book. One is because it took so long to get to the good parts. Two is because it changed subjects in the midle of a good part way too many times. Three because the ending just ends without giving you a clue on what happend. Four is because of silghtly foul language. Other wise this book will forever be my faviorte book.
Rating:  Summary: PRETTY CREEPY Review: This book make you think a lot. I found it to be a very creepy story, maybe that's because I have a twin and that's just werid for me. But, its one of those books where you use logic to figure it out by the end. Yet, I must say the logic in this book is most peciular.
Rating:  Summary: MUST READ FOR THRILLER SEAKERS!!! Review: My Mama got it on tape and at first when I read the back I was wondering the [heck] is this but then I started listening and got hooked.Aboyt a girl with an evil twin sister whom she never knew about because they were adopted and went to seperate homes and now her sister is coming to get her because she wants to have her siter all to herself. Her sister [evil] is named Lia and the other [good] is named Lori.My favorite characters are Hellen and Megan.