Rating:  Summary: The true story behind the first episode! Review: Remember in the first episode where Kaiba rips up the Blue Eyes owned by Yugi's grandpa, and Yugi then duels him and wins with Exodia? Well, this is the original story behind it: Death-T! Kaiba's been wanting revenge ever since Yugi actually defeated him at Magic and Wizards(the original name for Duel Monsters), so he blackmails him, more or less, into facing his amusement park from heck. Kaiba wants Yugi dead, but if somehow he actually manages to get by the first 4 stages, he'll face Kaiba in a rematch. And yes, it's going to be exactly the same as in the first episode... or is it? Let's just say that there will be quite a few surprises for people familiar with, "The Heart of the Cards." I happen to notice; that there's an extreme lack of Yami Yugi in this volume(he only shows up briefly to poison Mokuba and save Jonouchi). But don't worry, he'll get to show up next volume. Also, not only do we get introduced to a completely new perverted character(who, get this--- is just a baby!), but lots of stuff in this will more than likely give them nightmares--- especially one character named the Chopman, a serial killer(yes, a serial killer) Kaiba hires to off the group. It's stuff like this that reminds me why I love the Yu-Gi-Oh manga:1, All the characters are a bit more extreme than in the anime, 2, Some characters actually die in the manga, 3, The card game, while still important, is not as much of a focus as it is in the anime(which even creates HUGE filler storylines to have more of the card battles), 4, The duels themselves are much more violent than in the anime, and 5, the art just looks so cool! Too bad the anime sugar-coated everything in it, and then 4Kids came and sugar-coated it again, just so the kids could watch! But with this volume, we can at least see how it is originally intended, and it's no exception to the reasons of why I love it so much. So in the end, if you want to see the "mature" version of the Yu-Gi-Oh your kid brother or sister watches, I recommened this volume!
Rating:  Summary: "Heart of the Cards" - Extreame! Review: Remember the anime episode "Heart of the Cards?" Learn the full story! With Tristan presumed dead, Yugi, Joey, and Tea claw their way to the top of Death-T with one thought in mind - revenge! But the road won't be easy... First up, Yugi faces Kaiba's nasty little brother Mokuba in a rigged game of Capsule Monster Chess... but no sooner has Yugi defeated Kaiba the Younger than the real challenge begins, and the wicked Seto Kaiba faces him in a game of Duel Monsters with three ravenous Blue-Eyes White Dragons in wait! Armed with only his grandfather's deck and his powerful Heart, Yugi needs more than Millennium Magic to prevail... Suspense and thrils like never before! The origin of Seto Kaiba! The first appearance of the Dark Magician! The first appearance of... Yugi's mom? Bet you didn't know he had one! Don't miss it, but be warned... this ain't no cartoon...
Rating:  Summary: Let the Games Continue!?!?!?...hmm... Review: There are several reasons why you should buy this manga. First, Yami. Two, Kaiba. Three,...I'm just kidding! Seriously, though,... If you've flipped through the Shonen Jump mags out there, but were waiting for the graphic novels to come out, these are the stories included in this volume (NO spoilers here, so you don't have to worry about something being ruined ;-). These synopses should lightly touch upon the content, nothing more...): 8: The Poison Man - the one in which Joey buys a pair of rare sneakers from a shady businessman ~ 9: The Cards with Teeth part 1 - the introduction of Kaiba, kinda like episode 1 of the cartoon... ~ 10: The Cards with Teeth part 2 - except it doesn't have Exodia, that's a later one, and there's a different purpose behind this duel... ~ 11: The Wild Gang part 1 - Joey doesn't come to school one day... ~ 12: The Wild Gang part 2 - and as Honda, Yuugi, and Anzu find out why, they race to find him... ~ 13: The Man from Egypt part 1 - introduction of Shadi, vaguely resembling the "Aftermath" of Duelist Kingdom in the cartoon series... ~ 14: The Man from Egypt part 2 - except they're in a museum... ~ 15: The Other Criminal - the follow-up to The Man from Egypt--this leads into Shadi testing the other Yuugi (which is in the third installation...!) ~~~~~~~ The artwork is great, but still evolving--e.g., you can see Jonouchi's hair style begin to change to its current form. And as always, the messages in these eight stories are strong and defined. However, I can't help but have this feeling that the translations will reflect those of the cartoon. Honestly, I was looking forward to this volume (the Wild Gang is my favorite in this compilation), but seeing these translations make me worry for the future issues. I had bought the graphic novel in hopes of seeing Yu-Gi-Oh! in its true form, but if this continues, there still may be some drastic name changes. But I am glad that they at least honor the real names of the cards in the back of the book. Hopefully, they'll stop basing the translations on what the cartoon has done to it and start translating the manga the way it was meant to be read. Still for the older crowd, Yu-Gi-Oh! 2 is definitely worth the purchase. GO YUGI!!
Rating:  Summary: Yu-Gi-Oh Volume 2 Review: This is the second volume in the Yu-Gi-Oh series.
In this volume, Kaiba and the game of Duel Monsters (Magic and Wizards) are introduced. We also see many monsters like the Blue- Eyes White Dragon and Summoned Skull for the first time. Shadi, the owner of the Millennium Key and Scale is also introduced.
This book contains stories not seen in the anime, but, like Volume 1, it is not reccomended for children under 13.
Rating:  Summary: The story goes to a new level! Review: This second issue of the manga collection pays homage to the anime, when Duel Monsters is introduced and Yami Yugi duels Seto Kaiba to win back a priceless card (sort of like the first episode of the series, but no Exodia), and the loser of this duel won't get off so easily. However, the high point of this collection is when another avenging spirit appears, the mysterious Shadi, who has the power to judge a person's spirit and cast the guilty into Hell! Read it, enjoy it, but have plenty of lights around you when you do! Because like before, this ain't no cartoon...
Rating:  Summary: a couple good stories but Volume 1 is better IMHO Review: This volume continues with the First Series anime so it's still different than the Second Series that's currently airing. This book covers episodes 3, 5, and 9 of the First Series anime. The other stories weren't in the First Series. There are a total of 5 stories in this book, because 3 of the stories are two-parters (the last story could be called a two-parter too which continues in the next volume). As with Volume 1, the stories differ somewhat from the First Series anime even if they're in both. Even though I liked Volume 1 better, this volume does have a couple stories that I really liked - the wild gang story and the poison man to a lesser extent. This volume still isn't really for children but it is less violent than Volume 1.
Rating:  Summary: I love it!!!! Review: Whoo hoo! At long last i got the book. i just keep reading it untill it's done. To say Yugioh manga is my most favorite book. It's extremely cool and perfect. The book will not bored you but you will be crazy about it. Trust me I'm already there. Anyway buy the book now because well you would be very sad that you miss such an astounding book.....
Rating:  Summary: Yugi as you've never imagined! Review: You thought Seto Kaiba was evil? See him before he mellowed... When Yugi and Joey are invited to Kaiba's mansion, they have no idea they are walking right into a trap set by the revenge minded Kaiba. When he claims takes them to his new Duel Monsters-themed amusement park, he threatens to kill Yugi's grandfather, unless Yugi submits to a special attraction: Death-T! Yugi has no choice to agree, and Joey goes withn him... soon they are joined by Tristan, and by Tea, and together they must fight their way through the murderous circus, full of attractions that threaten to send them to an early grave! Gaze upon the trilogy of terror: A sci-fi set involving a laser-tag match to the death... a haunted mansion where a serial killer lies in wait... and a hideous trap that can only be described as "Terror Cubed!" It's Yugi as you couldn't possibly imaganie. Say a prayer for our our heroes, for this is certainly no cartoon...