Rating: Summary: A good book but needs a little help Review: The book Farwell to Manzanar is an ok book for preteens but a little to much for kids under 12.I found the book to be really confusing because the author skiped around to much.Like one minute it's 1941 next it's 1928 then 1945. Also the dialog was messed up like her father would be talking then her brother would start talking and you wouldn't know.The book is good if you were to read it for the history it has.But if you were reading it just for fun it's not that great.
Rating: Summary: My Thoughts. Review: My thoughts of farewell to manzanar where wonderful. I thought this book was great,it was alittle confusing with all the skipping around but I was ok. I also thought it had alot of details,such as describing where they lived,the thoughts that were going through Jeanne's mind at the time. Jeanne was crying at night and talking about how she felt , and trying to keep her feelings to her self so she dosent bother her faimly. I think the book had lots of intresting facts. Especially about Pearl Harbor. The book helped me realize how fortunate I am. I feel what they went through was horable. They went from normal life style to internment camps. The brite side is I really enjoyed thes book. 7.1 AS
Rating: Summary: Overall Good Review: I think this book was good because it teaches a moral about not judging people by their race or ethnic group.At times the book was confusing,such as Flashback,and when there were setting changes,but overall it was good.It had alot of courage, perserverence and thoughtfullness.This is a good book if your looking for a sad but interesting story about Japanese history. There were alot of good points and feelings.Many different emotions.It's good to read this book with someone so that you can understand more.It's also good to get alot of opinons on it.This is a book that takes time to understand.It sets points while having problems.
Rating: Summary: Farewell... Review: I really didn't like the book "Farewell to Manzanar" it is not one of my intrest. This book was very boring to me ,it may not have been with someone else but in my opinion this book needs a little more excitement.The only chapters that interested me was chapter 10-11 these chapters interesting to me because in these chapters the father is drunk, and he tries to kill the mother but the brother of Jeanne punches him in the face , probably to knock some sense into his brain,and then the father moves away to another country for a while.That's what I think a story's setting should be.But those are my likes and dislikes about this book. (7.1HW)
Rating: Summary: Manzanar Review: I love this book so much!I did not think that it waaaas right for us to put the Japense in the camps. I do not think it is right to to judge people.We are all the same, we only look not the same. If you look diffent that is o.k. because we are all human. I class we were talking about what the theme was we said" it was about insecurity.The story was so good!I hope we will not do thatno more. It was a very back thing. 7.1TP
Rating: Summary: A great book that you can learn alot from Review: This was a really good book. I like true stories or things that can really happen.It was exciting and interesting. I like the part when her brother wants to go back to Japan, and when her father gets taken away and gets back. The book is funny too. One part was when her father got drunk and he drove the car and was about to wreck it. The book was sad too. I think it was sad because they should not have their family taken away, or even having to livein certain places. They are people too and they have rights just like the rest of us. People were too mean to them like the signs that said "Japs get out of here you are not wanted". There was another time when a woman said,"why dont you smelly Japs go back to were you came from". I think people just need to be fair . Just because you are a different color doesnt mean people should treat you like that. 7.3bs
Rating: Summary: my opinion of farewell to manzanar Review: Farewell to Manzanar i think is a sad yet determinative story. I belive the main character "Jeanne" is mostly sad.I think this because in the book she gets treated like a dog,and she does'nt have her own free will.she trys to stay out of trouble and for the most part she does I also belive she is determined.I think this because in the book she trys to keep her family together,and she never gives up.she also tries to keep the family from terring each other apart.i would recomend anyone to read this book.It teaches you to uses your pationts and teachs you to stay determined 7.1 DA
Rating: Summary: An OK Book But I Learned A Lot Review: This book is about a story in the World War II when Jeanne and her family is living at Manzanar Camp. It did contain a lot of information, which was the good point. But as I kept reading, it started to get boring.
Rating: Summary: in the name of patriotic self-defense.... Review: ....an entire ethnic group in California was sent into confinement in concentration camps throughout WWII. This is the story of one survivor, who went as a little girl. Most people who read any history at all know about Manzanar. But apparently we don't know enough to keep the same patterns from replaying. This book is particularly pertinent now, in a time when Muslims and people of Arab descent are being confined at Guantanamo Bay without the benefit of legal counsel, their Constitutional rights suspended--and why? The age-old cry of the oppressor: "For reasons of national security." The Founding Fathers would have been appalled, so far have we gone astray from their visions of guaranteed personal liberty. Books such as this remind us that if we expect democracy to work, we need to learn from its failures.
Rating: Summary: Review of Farewell to Manzanar Review: After reading the book I couldn't help but think that they were already isolated. They lived in their own communities and worked and lived amongst each other. I guess there is a big difference in voluntary social integration and involuntary social location. Even though they were all of foreign decent most were born in America and should not have been treated as though they were communist instead the Government should have used applied sociology to pin point the problem(s). Maybe that was what the camps were for, I'm not sure. Although they were pretty much in the same boat, discrimination was still a factor within the camps. For example, those who were born in the U.S. verses immigrants, in other words this fits our sociology term aggregate. All in all I think this was a good read and have referred it to my 11-year-old daughter to read. Thanks K.H. - St. Louis, MO.