Rating: Summary: Farewell To Manzanar Review: In My opinion the book was inspirational. I feel the book was well put together. It makes you think about freedom and how important life is. In the book you learn about Jeanne's life, you also learn about Manzanar. If you get the book you will notice right before you go to part one, there are two pieces of writing. They tell how the Japanese had to go through misery. Other than these pieces of writing the whole book is inspirational. This book would be good if you like sad books.
Rating: Summary: Farewell to Manzanar Review: I thought this book was all right in some points. Like when their father was arrested and accused for being a Japanese spy. Then when Jeanne Wakatsuki was mad at her dad because she didn't like the dress that she had for the prom queen. My evidence from the book was when they were in the house while the bombing was happening and they were saying, "...Japan and war..." When they were living in the camps and the army came into their rooms and they told them to get up and start working again.
Rating: Summary: Farewell to Manzanar Reveiw Review: I thought that this book was sad. The reason why I thoght that this book was sad was when the author and her family were put out of their own house. Another reason why I thought that this book was sad was when the American lady spit on Mrs.Houston and told her to go back to Japan. The other sad reason was when Mrs.Houston's brother had to go to the army. The finally reason why I thought that this book was sad was when Mrs.Houston had to leave her friends. This book was also interseting.What made it interresting was learning about Manzanar. The other interesting part was learning the new words and phrases. The new words and phrases that I learned are "ta" which means trash and "inu" which means dog. I really enjoyed reading this book. 7.1KF
Rating: Summary: Farwell to Manzanar Review Review: My opinion on the book is it was kind of boring. I know that it is a big part of our history and that it is important to our nation, but it just does not have alot of detail about the rest of the characters. For instance it did not express the feelings and emotions of the parents and other siblings. When dad was in the hospital he went crazy, it would have made the story better if the author would have told the mother and brothers' feelings as well. Over all it was not a terrible book, but I would not recomend it.
Rating: Summary: review for Farewell to Manzanar Review: Farewell to Manzanar is basically a story about a girl (Jeanne) and her life. When she is young she has to move and her father goes away and doesn't come back for a long time. When her family gets to where they're going, they have to live in a camp. They all have to share one room. Then she has to go to a new school where everybody thinks she's different because of the way she looks. They spit on her and her brother, and call them mean names. As she gets older she has a best friend named, Radine. They would do eveything together. When she went to High School, people began to think of her differently. She ran for Carnival Queen and won. Although her father was not at all pleased with this, he had been acting strange ever since he came back from Fort Lincoln. He was always drinking. By this time, Jeanne and her family had moved out of the camp, into an apartment complex. Jeanne's older brother(Woody), went back to Japan, where they came from.The rest of her family has been living in America ever since. Jeanne's father died after a few years. Later in life Jeanne got married and had kids of her own, and went back to visit the camp where she once lived, and said goodbye. I liked this book because I like to read about peoples life story's. To me it was sad how her family was torn apart. For example: her father left, they had to move, her brother left. I like these kinda books because there interesting and they keep my attention, thinking what's gonna happen next. I also liked it how the auther would go back and forth between the time periods.
Rating: Summary: Farewell to Manzanar Review: I think that this book is great. It was an experience what happened to the Japanese who suffered in the Manzanar camp. Who some families don't have family time anymore. Who some people try to get out and died. I think it was hard to write the book about what happened and how everybody suffered in the Manzanar camps. She saw her family ripping apart. Her father taking away. She does not have her house, her friends, her school, her family's car, or her dolls. 7.1yf
Rating: Summary: Farewell to Manzanar Review: Farewell to Manzanar is an ok book. It was very sad. The gov't was not fair to the Japanese Americans. I don't think the father should have been arrested and interrogated about certain things that he didn't do. For example it was sad when they saw Wakatsuki Ko looking old and crazy and he started drinking. He started swearing that he would kill mama. The Japanese should never have been sent to the camps. Thats my review for Farewell to Manzanar. 2tt
Rating: Summary: wonderful book! Review: In my opinion ,this was an OK book ,because there were interesting points but also some dull moments.I think if you read a chapter,then tell yourself what just happened you will understand it better.This book is great for people who like to read books about Japanese history. Some of the moments that could be confusing are when there were flash backs,time change,and setting change.I like this book because there were alot of different emotions and felings in this book.The book was also good because there were alot of important dates such as Pearl Harbor,and World WarII.I think this is a good book for anyone who is looking anyone who is looking for a family's life during war times. #2 7.1AK
Rating: Summary: fare to manz Review: The part in the book i did not like was for us to put the Japanese in to the camps.I think that it was not rightat all. It is not right to treat people not the some because we are all human.If we do not look the some that is o.k. Ihope not a thing will happen like this again.I think it was sad. In the book it had about the camps and the family baking apart.When thay whet to the camps the family did not get to say to getter.At the camps everything was not the same they only had a room.They only had army clotes.It was very bad at that time.
Rating: Summary: farewell to manzanar Review: I though the book was intresting and ended w/ a bang. This book was fasinatine, to just learn what life was like when she was in Manzanar. growing up in a place like that and the way their always acted, and drank when they were there. Then the way they would always get situated and have to move again. Someone would have to have so much courage to do that and, then to have to go throuhg it again? This book made me realize how badly Japaneese were treated when Parol Harbor was going on and how they were discriminated aginst juts because they were different. They were loked up in a camp just because the people that attacked , were like them they were thought to be bad people to . They couldn't do anything about it. They couldn'ttell them they didn't like to be treated like that. it just simply took courage!! 7.2J.T