Rating:  Summary: A Intresting Story With a few edge and twist and turns Review: Godd Book. Mostly reviews the past knida of hard for kids 10 and under to understand.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: Great book, ... Reviewer: A 12-year old reader from Indiana. I thought this was a very good book. I like this book because it's never boring, and it's always interesting. I also think this book is educational about surviving in the wilderness. The only part I disliked about this book was the ending. I thought the ending could have been better. But over all this is a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Peace from Yokota Review: I agree with A reader from Danville because from the reading that I have personally done with this book I can say that it is completely true. In the Beginning of the book he mentions that the things around him doesn't mean anything to him, or he doesn't care for it. He has a hard time because he fells that he doesn't belong there, as if that he what was once home is foreign to him. Also in the beginning of the book he gets into a fight and then is sent to go see counseling. Brian then becomes attach with the counselor and then is convinced that sense he feels that where he lives is so foreign to him then he is to return to "home"Ein witch in his case was the northern woods here his plane had crashed. He then gets prepared to go back for his summer between school. He also prepares some extra stuff to take with him to the trip (stuff that he didn't have when he was in the crash that could make struggles a little easier). He finalize his dates to go , discuss it with his mother , and then goes to come back when the summer ended to tell more stories to his counselor that help him so much.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Return Review: I definatly think that this is also one of Gary Palsen greatest books and that he definately knows and, understands the out doors. He can also connect with the reader since he has actually experenced what he has written about. I definately think you should read this book along with the other three books. this is the fourth book of the seiries.
Rating:  Summary: another exciting book from my favorite author!! Review: I don't understsand how he does it time and time again - comes up with original ideas and story lines. The conclusion of the series - and there was no other way to finish it. I often wondered what happened to Brian when he returned to school and the "real" world. I couldn't help but like his world better. The adventure - to be that self assured and confident of your own abilities. To be able to survive and even see yourself years down the road as he did. This was one of Mr. Paulsen's best books - I wish the series didn't have to end - but since it does - he did an awesome job at it!
Rating:  Summary: a repeat of the books hatchet and brians winter Review: I like reading Gary Paulsons books but they keep repeating things like getting attacked by bears and having to hunt and fish for food. If you have either read hatchet and/or brians winter it gets very repitive.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Return Review: I liked it when Brian was on his first day back in the woods. He saw a Whitetailed doe come to the lake and drink from it. I can just imagine that scene in my head. I didn't like parts of the book when he was in the woods because it was sort of like the other books about Brian. I would reccomend this book to kids who have read the other Brian books and want to read more about Brian and to kids who are fans of Gary Paulsen's other books.
Rating:  Summary: Brians Return Review: I liked this book because it was adventurous, exciting, and showed yyou the way man and nature have been for the earliest years of the humans. I also liked this book because it has a lot of desire to it. He was sick of the modern 'stuff', like ovens, guns, and money to get whatever you wanted. Insted of just making it and just wanted to go back and be a part of the woods.The best part of the book to me is when Brian is quitly and swiftly paddling along the edge of the lake. He is just trying to get reacuanted with the outdoors, when a deer jumps out of the bushes. The deer had been trying to get into the water because of the misquitoes. They were all over his eyes, and the deer had run to the water so they would leave. Instead of landind in hte water, the deer had jumped onto the canoe with Brian in it. The deer did not see the canoe or Brian becsause the misquitoes in his eyes made the deer temporarily blinded. That was the best and funniest part of the whole book. The author did a good job in descirbing the setting and the conflict. The setting was descibed to as if you hadn't ever been outside your bedroom. He used words and phrases such as lush green forest, or the quietness of the lake broken by the sharp howl of the song sang by the wolf. The conflict was a boy who had been lost in hte woods for a year, but then luckily saved. He missed the woods so much that he had started to think he was in the woods again, fighting bears and mosses in self defense. That is why I think that the author did such a good job of describing the setting and the conflict.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Return Review: I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars because it had description, you learn alot about the woods but it had a slow ending and that is why i didn't rate it a 5. The boiok could let you see exactly what the auther meant. It tells you exactly what Brian (main charactor) would need to survive the wilderness. I think that 13-15 year old boys that like adventure would like this book. I think that because the story is about a teenage boy and that has alot of adventure in the woods. That is how I rated this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Really Great Book! Medford, Massachussetts Review: I think Brian's Return is a great book. If you have read Hatchet, The River, and Brian's Winter (like I have) then you will understand the story better 'cause you probably wouldn't really understand it if you haven't read at least one of those three books that came before this one. This time, Brian is back at home and he can't seem to adjust to his formal life at home. After he gets into a huge fight with this kid who is jelous of him and gets arrested for it, he decides that the best place for him is back in the woods and so he goes back there. This time, Brian is prepared and he is used to the way the woods is so he can survive. I think this book is awesome and if you have read Hatchet, The River, and Brian's Winter and liked those books, then I can gaurentee that you will like Brian's Return! Even if you haven't read those books but have read other books by Gary Paulsen then you should get this book!