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Rating:  Summary: dear god, never read this Review: "Dilly" is an absolute joke. He was not published on merit, but rather by his daddy. I've met Dilly and he is in no way deep or sincere, preferring to brag about the girls he supposedly slept with or the modeling competitions he's in. (model?! please) His poems are lacking in any type of talent or insight, more resembling the monosyllabic ryhme schemes and simple meter of a 5 year-old. His empty poetry is a reflection of his empty life and personality. A BOY who has never faced hardship of any kind should not have the audacity to publish a book and pretend he's Maya Angelou. Dilly, you are shallow and vapid, and I pity you and anyone who's come within 5 feet of you. Grow up.
Rating:  Summary: It is the Mark of a Gifted Linguist and Talented Writer Review: .... by Truc Doan, age 15, Teen EditorHaven't we all wondered at some point what it would be like to see the world through somebody else's eyes? Between Two Junes is a Forest: A Journal of Everything, by Geoffrey Dilenschneider, allows us to do just that - with a twist. The book is written as a year in the life of a poet - not just somebody who writes poetry, but a person who lives, breathes, and sees poetry in whatever he does and wherever he goes. As I was reading the first chapters of the book, I thought, "This guy can't be for real. Nobody feels this much or thinks this eloquently." The book itself stands apart from the author. Between Two Junes is a Forest does not stray from its purpose: It is the emotional release of a teenage boy who faces his emotions with an acceptance unheard of for teenagers. The essays and poems may be confusing at times because they are not crafted with the eye and precision of a professional set on perfection. They are simply outpourings of one individual in his self-search. It is not Dilenschneider's mission to reveal to the reader some grand societal message behind the subtle metaphors and ironic storylines. This is his truth and these words are the lasting proof of what he has learned. As always, what readers takes from this heady piece is up to them. They must never forget that the book is written through the perspective of a single lens. I did not agree with some of his opinions, but I can not deny that I admire him for having these opinions and for being able to express them with such precision and grace. It is the mark of gifted linguist and talented writer. Copyright 2003 BlueJeanOnline.com
Rating:  Summary: Nice try, try again later....much much later Review: Although Geoff certainly has to ability to express himself through writing, I do not believe that we should have to read what he writes. I find his writing to be shallow. I acknowladge that at the age of 16 a person may still have a lot of room to grow, however I feel that Geoff has not permitted himself to do anything besides feel and express these narrow feelings. There is much more to life than love, loss, angst, and depression. Geoff has certainly put forth his greatest effort in producing this book and I certainly respect him for that. However, one may argue that the same effort may be put into a diary and kept away from the public. Regardless, Geoff needs to mature and look beyond his narrow scope of life before he writes another book. I applaud his efforts, but I pray that this will not in the future become an example of American literature.
Rating:  Summary: dear god, never read this Review: I happen to attend the same school as dille, and do not let his mindless [stuff] of poetry take control of you. he is the most shallow person you could ever meet. this whole book is dedicated to a girl who he has never talked to for more than 10 minutes. i feel bad for geoff because he hasnt got a clue. he just happens to be the richest kid i can think of. Keep in mind, this is Darien, Connecticut. Geoff thinks he is hard done by and opressed, when really this is just a really complex way for him to try and get girls.
Rating:  Summary: If B/w 2 Junes is a Forest, where would one find July? Review: The philosopher Mortimer J. Adler said that, " In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but how many can get through to you." Jeff's book allows the reader to infiltrate his heart and wander through his mind. He leaves himself open to vulnerability in an excellent effort to seek the truths involved in teenage life. By opening himself up, Jeff opened my eyes to a new light. I don't have to wander through the world alone, for there are others that feel the same way I feel.He acknowledges his past as a part of him, accepts it, and even uses it to continue his ongoing quest for happiness. Upon completeing the book, I so wanted to become a part of his life, for he is the kind of person I could love, although I feel he throws that word around too much in his writing. A soul like Jeff's is a rare find, a diamond in the rough, and this book is just a glimmer of that shine. I cannot wait to see what he has been writing about since.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: This book is an outpouring of passion and wisdom that should be read by young and old alike. The author's ability to express innermost feelings is extraordinary. READ THIS BOOK!
Rating:  Summary: May be the worst single volume of poetry in history. Really. Review: Though I have never met Mr. Dilenschneider, I was informed about this book through a friend who does.
We sat down and read passages of this book, and I honestly couldn't believe that something this inane could have been published.
Shallow. Insipid. Pointless. I couldn't begin to come up with enough adjectives to describe this hollow book, much less the ridiculously high self-esteem of the person who wrote it. The introduction continuously makes references to the fact that he "understands women", and that he is "honored to share insight with you". These two themes, that he has slept with more women and is smarter than the reader, are not just completely untrue--they are like some sort of juvenile pissing contest! "I'm BETTER than you!" page after page screams, but one cursory glance at any of the hundreds of horrible poems in this book would immediately say otherwise. Take his September 11th poem, for example (everyone has to have one, right? Just as "no one writes only one introduction", as he states in "introduction #2")... "and Osama Bin / declares his win / over tonic and gin."
A moment of silence, please. This is profound. Right? Right? Or how about... "Where are you? / I am in the ocean. / Where are you? / I am in the sea. / Where am I? / You are in the ocean. / Where am I? / You are here with me."
Since practically every poem in the entire book rhymes, (the mark of a truly experienced poet, ay?) you'd think they'd be good rhymes. They're not. Rife with cliche, trite expressions, and mediocre metaphors that lead absolutely nowhere ("life... voracious meanderings"), this book is a testement to the worst the English language has to offer. It also has a ton of atrocious punctuation and grammar mistakes, because HE EDITED IT HIMSELF. The kid is rich and got his rich daddy to publish this hideous book, presumably because no real publisher would take the job!
I take an Advanced Creative Writing course at my high school; I am a published poet (admittedly not with my very own book, however!) and am currently in the process of writing a novel. I have been told by MANY people that I have some exceptional talent. I think it's rather obvious that this snob does not. We spent an hour and a half in Creative Writing a few hours ago, doing practically nothing but laughing at this atrocity.
Don't buy this. Please.
Rating:  Summary: not quite a quality novelty Review: when i first met jeff in NY on a modelling trip last summer i was more than envious and very impressed by the idea that someone my own age had written and published two books. i returned to my home across the country from NY, and two weeks later received this novel in the mail from him.
lets just say that the reason i was engaged to him had absolutely nothing to do with his writing.
the book itself was... trite and extremely emotional. after dating (and surviving) a long distance relationship with jeff for a year, it's become apparent to me that jeff the person is nearly identical to jeff, the mislead, over-emotional, think-with-my-heart-and-not-with-my-brain main character.
im happy to report that in the five months since breaking up with him, he seems to have matured a bit and will perhaps restrain himself from publishing anymore wandering musings about zits and the like. don't get me wrong.. jeff is a great person, an over-indulgent lover, and a fantastic person to talk to, but none of that matters when you lack common sense. luckily for him, he has a family that will, i think, take care of him.
i look forward to reading the next thing he publishes and seeing if he ever breaks out of his 'typically depressed non-comformist emo boy, oppressed by the ways of Society' mold and begins writing actual novels with characters, plot, and maybe even some development.
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