Longtime RVers know the power of a good directory, and those who are just starting out will soon learn: these fatties are the key to the good life. The 1999 Trailer Life Directory, brought to you by the folks at Good Sam, is no exception. It's completely up to date with e-mail addresses, prices, proposed changes to area codes, tent sites, pet information, and seasonal details (some parks are only open during peak seasons). You won't be disappointed by misinformation or lack of advice in this volume. You'll get around properly using the detailed state and province maps (covering the United States and Canada); they include all major highways and RV services. Nor will you be derailed by road construction (there's a list of phone numbers for each state's highways and roads), turnpikes and tollways (they list requirements for all of them), or rules of the road and towing laws (there's a chart covering the particulars for each state and province). Best of all, of course, are the detailed descriptions for practically every campsite in America. They include directions, site and access road descriptions, number of rental units, kinds of facilities (laundry? groceries? on-site food services?), and of course, the kids' all-time favorite--recreational facilities (pool, playground, fishing, boating, planned activities, etc.). These exhaustive details guarantee that you'll find the best choice for all your needs at every stop. The spattering of ads at the beginning of the book may be slightly disorienting at first, but once you've marked your reference pages you'll be ready to roll. --Courtenay Kehn