Here's a book that can keep the most avid baseball fanatic entertained from the last swing of the World Series to the first pitch of training camp. In Baseball on the Web, Rob Edelman has collected Internet sites to thrill the hearts of all baseball enthusiasts. He includes sites covering every aspect of baseball history, including famous players and leagues, overlooked aspects of the game such as "Negro" and women's leagues, research resources, and museums. As you would expect, Edelman lists the official team sites for minor as well as major leagues. He also uncovers the fan-run sites devoted to the great and even less-than-great players of the game. Edelman doesn't overlook international or amateur baseball, either. The book features chapters on baseball in literature and the arts and on baseball as a community sport for both children and adults. In addition to sites containing everything from up-to-the-minute baseball news to baseball humor, Edelman shows you where to find lively discussions of the sport in both e-mail and live chat, as well as where to tune in on the Net to hear live broadcasts. Each chapter opens with a brief overview of the type of sites discussed. A review of each site showcases its strengths and weaknesses and often features a peek behind the scenes at the site's creators. An excellent index rounds out this book, which bats .1000. --Elizabeth Lewis