Abdominals are the stubborn problem area for exercisers of all fitness levels and both genders. Athletic/fitness trainers Scott Cole and Tom Seabourne belly up to the challenge of presenting the most current knowledge of how to firm and chisel the abs you've always wanted and strengthen your core for your sport and daily life. Crunches are just one dimension of abdominal training, the authors explain. You also need whole-body training for core conditioning, strength, flexibility, and functionality. Athletic Abs presents exercises that train the abs along with their surrounding muscles, done standing, sitting, moving, and sometimes with a partner, not just the familiar on-the-back position. The authors call their system "the next generation of abdominal training," focusing on "controlled instability": exercises that make your abdominals work harder to stabilize your body. Their exercises come from yoga, martial arts, gymnastics, and core conditioning, and run the gamut from basic to seriously advanced. All are well illustrated with photos showing different positions of each move. Whatever your fitness level or the current condition of your abs, you'll find this book informative and the exercises and drills challenging. It is highly recommended for men and women who want to firm, sculpt, strengthen--and understand--their midsections. --Joan Price