Rating:  Summary: Lacks hard evidence and Footnotes Review: A feeble attempt by their own admission into the History of the Art Of Wing Chun,let alone any credible first hand documents or proof.Most professors in China would discount this charitable attempt of humor. To manipulate the masses as the author is clearly demonstrating himself as an authority.Is at the very least criminal. In the foreward they claim no reference or footnotes. They also are taking that to the next step as if to say,on one hand this is the truth, and yet on the other claiming they are not sure. The author attempts yet again to manipulate the facts...Not that any were found. Yes we can all tell stories. I would have likened to see this in the FICTION section of the library. One must remember to be more questioning and observant. At best they allowed themselves to be caught up in story telling and have done little to present the hard facts. They have also left out many other stylists within the same art. I find that to be misleading and a Definative Lack of knowledge of the art they proclaim to know so well. Very contradicting.
Rating:  Summary: A must-read for people with a Wing Chun background. Review: A great book containing a comparison of various styles of Wing Chun. There are many Wing Chun branches around the world but this book gives an overview of nearly all the *main* branches.It's a history of the art and explanation of the differences within the family of Wing Chun. It's not a technical how-to book. If you have reached an intermediate or advanced level in Wing Chun, the book will give you an unbiased insight on what your brothers and sisters are doing. Think of it as a family album.
Rating:  Summary: A Praise Worthy Attempt Review: An excellent reference work on a large number of Wing Chun branches. However, I do not agree that it is 'complete'. Although the authurs named the book 'Complete Wing Chun', I think it is fair to imagine that future editions, if any are forthcoming, will have additions to the existing content. They had clearly researched the subject and I am disappointed, though not wholely unexpected, with the nature of the negative reviews, rather than the fact that there are some. I disagree quite fundamentally with a number of points and assertions in the book, but it does not make it a poor reference work. I disagree with a lot of what the 'Economist' says each week, but it does not make it a poor journal. I did get the feel that the points of reference came overwhelmingly from the authurs own studies and training and, at times, it may have given the impressions that their lines are more 'authentic'. A number of the 'negative' reviews concur on this point. Whether it is the case or not, it should not be the basis of some the review comments. We all have to start our points of reference from what we know best. The authurs have taken on a clearly thankless task in providing a comprehensive history and some analysis on this often hotly argued subject. It would be more interesting if greater analysis were given to the merits of the various traditions, but considering the passions that this is likely to generate, the authurs had wisely steered clear of it. Pity. Perhaps they do not think that they have sufficient expertise in the many branches to comment with insight. Then that would be fair. Many of the 'negative' reviews seemed to have the same angles, that the authurs had messed up or 'lowered' in some way the reviewers lineages, or it is clearly fiction because the reviewers had never heard of some of the assertions. The book had made a bit of a muddle of our lineage and I heard that the authurs did make a considerable effort in finding out more. So much of the subject are myths, legends and hear-say, it really is petty of some people to get so upset. I do find the book confusing at times and it did take more than one quick read to get there. The 5 stars rating is given for effort rather than content. I would have given the content a 4 stars rating and only a 2 stars to layout and structure. If you feel that your lineage did not get the merit it deserves, then write to the authurs constructively and if they are good researchers, the next editions may contain 'more accurate' materials. I intend to do so.
Rating:  Summary: This may be the best book on wing chun presently available. Review: As someone who owns most of the books that have been published on wing chun, I offer this advice: if you only own one book on wing chun gung fu -and it doesn't matter whether you are a seasoned wing chun practitioner or someone just interested in learning something of the system - this should be it. No other book comes close to providing the depth of material pertaining to both the historical traditions and conceptual underpinnings of more than eight different major lineages, or branches, of the wing chun family tree - some very popular, others exceptionally rare. And, no other book compares and analyzes the historical roots and technical repertiores of these various wing chun systems in an attempt to pierce the myths that have surrounded wing chun's history and present a comprehensive historical picture. As a long-time practitioner of wing chun kuen from the Yip Man lineage, I found this book enlightening. The chapter on Yip Man's lineage is perhaps the best overall representation of that system that I've yet seen in print. And, by presenting it next to many of the other branches of wing chun, the authors have considerably expanded my personal view of the art. In my opinion, this book should be required reading for any student of wing chun.
Rating:  Summary: For the 1st Time- Wing Chun Kung-Fu's History & Traditions! Review: Complete Wing Chun, for the first time, presents never before seen material on the histories & development, basics, forms & training drills, and concepts & principles of many branches of the Wing Chun family of styles. Included herein are chapters on the world famous Yip Man Wing Chun, Sum Nung's Yuen Kay-San Wing Chun, Leung Jan's Gu Lao Wing Chun, Cao De-An's Nanyang Wing Chun, the Wing Chun of Pan Nam, the Pao Fa Lien style of Chu Chong, the Hung Suen Wing Chun of Garrett Gee and the Jee Shim Wing Chun of Wei Yan. Information is also presented on Malaysian, Pien San, Vietnamese, Yiu Kai, and other variations. In addition, Complete Wing Chun includes a linked family tree, rare photographs, and a terminology listing in Cantonese, PinYin, Chinese Characters, and English translations. It is hoped that this volume will serve as a helpful resource for the interested newcomer and as a valuable reference for the long-time enthusiast.
Rating:  Summary: Best history and sub-style comparison I've seen by far. Review: Excellent overall coverage of various histories and most sub-styles of the martial art of Wing Chun, written as objectively as possible. Many people will learn much from this book.
Rating:  Summary: Every Wing Chun practitioner should read this book. Review: Finally here comes a great reference book. Although I expect more detail information, this is a great milestone. I suggest every Wing Chun practitioner should read this book and have some insight about this martial art system. I hope to see more books from the authors in the future to show us more style pictures and training methods and maybe more true history. We should all thank the authors' effort to bring us this book.
Rating:  Summary: these guys do not have a clue, buy this book for a laugh! Review: From the school of silly training and funny shoes, the author appears to be so far up his own behind he can't see the light of day!
Rating:  Summary: More than just a picture book Review: I enjoyed reading this book both as a Wing Chun practitioner and as a martial artist. It presents an excellent overview and comparison of the historical developments of many different Wing Chun lineages and attempts to trace their roots back to the same source. The authors are to be commended for undertaking such a Herculean task, especially considering the numerous myths and legends that exist within each lineage. 'Complete Wing Chun' can be a starting point for the open minded martial artist who wishes to begin his or her own research and learn new things through hard work and dedication. I look forward to reading more quality work from these authors and recommend 'Complete Wing Chun' to everyone who wishes to learn more about this beautiful, yet simple art.
Rating:  Summary: History - not training or how to... Review: I give this book a 4, only because I think that most people who will be looking for Wing Chun books will be looking for something more along the 'how to' line. However, this book is written quite well, and from a very objective point of view (IMO). As with any martial arts, Wing Chun has been around for awhile (not as long as most)and has obviously branched off in different directions. This doesn't make any of those branches incorrect, just different. I think this book explains this nicely, and shows that there is a common thread to them all. So if you're looking for more info on Wing Chun background, this book is 5 STARS!!!