Rating:  Summary: Polar Bear surprise Review: The adventure that the author embarks on is, of itself, quite extraordinary. It is an adventure with a huge amount of risk, and a challenge consisting of a more philisophical and mental nature. Aside from the adventure aspect, the details of such an expedition, and the magnification of the thin line between life and death was enthralling. Although the writing is good, I wish that there were more pictures in the book. There are just some scenes in nature that words cannot describe, and I know that the beauty of the Arctic is one of these. Pictures are truly the only way to capture the harsh, fantastic, and unique landscapes of the upper latitudes of our planet.I was so very appreciative of the authors attempts to give the reader insight into the native peoples who endure in such a difficult and bleak setting. It is so refreshing to see into the lives of people so adapted to their environment, and living so harmoniously with nature. I hope that the infringemnet of modern living, doesn't leave it's indelable footprint on the culture of these wonderful people. A good book, and really remarkable adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Great Adventure, so-so on the Spiritual Journey Review: Perhaps the subtitle "A spiritual odyssey..." made me expect more than I should or perhaps I'm a little too critical but I was disappointed with the introspection we get to witness Alvah Simon's book. Let me start by saying the adventure story is worth twice the price of the book. ... This part alone will leave you shaking your head, wondering what kind of madman he must be! I think it is precisely that "madman" that is intriguing and I bought the book hoping to learn what someone who spent months alone thought about and learned. In our typical hectic lives, getting an hour alone to ourselves, much less months, is difficult. My expectations were high that I would learn something of particular spiritual value. Unfortunately, while I think Mr. Simon must have had a very spiritual adventure, I was left feeling that he just scratched the surface in describing the thoughts and insights he had during the long, dark months. Buy this book for the adventure and the harrowing experiences but keep your expectations moderately low for truly seeing the "spiritual odyessy".
Rating:  Summary: Excellent reading Review: I found this account of Alvah and Diana Simon's year in the artic both exciting and frightening. I was unable to put this novel down as I wondered what would happen to Alvah next. The glimpse into his grueling 5 months alone in the darkness of the artic will keep you reading on and on. He is very honest and open about the mental status of being left alone in this type of situation for that long of a period. I personally found the information on how the Intuit live and survive was very interesting and informative. I recommend this book strongly.
Rating:  Summary: A vivid and modern adventure Review: I loved this book. It is just weird enough to keep me wondering and yet it is real enough for me to identify with the author's need to test himself. He conveys the weight of his struggles when he gets in over his head well enough to make my chest tighten. His writing is moving and vivid if not beautiful. I have shared my copy with several friends and urge everyone to take a night or two off to set sail with Mr. Simon and his sweetheart. Almost every time I pass my globe I still look at the island neat where he spent the winter and shake my head. I have spent a few nights outside in a tent and sleeping bag in weather ten below farenheit, but I can't imagine attempting something this weird and yet something so wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: Survival Iced into the Arctic Review: A carefully written book with a feel for the reality of survival in the arctic, while the adventurer winters over in a small frozen-in boat under the worst of conditions. Alvah Simon, a driven man, seeks truth through the darkness for months, some of it found in the Inuit culture: how to live in the frozen North and to learn about purity from their respect for the climate changes, the animals, the perfectness of their customs; never wasting, and fully understanding human nature. The only story, near the end, that is almost an hallucination, is when he faces off against an ice bear. Hard to believe, having seen these bears face to face at Hudson Bay last November from a safe perch. I didn't want this book to end. It is beautiful, and even though I don't usually care about engines and equipment , I sopped up every detail. Is there another great book I could find to follow up on the North?
Rating:  Summary: Best adventure book I've read in many years Review: Any true adventure story lover will find this book a treat. Mind you, it was totally irresponsible to take the cat!
Rating:  Summary: Well-Written & Colorful Review: All too often people with no experience of the Arctic think it'd be a really nifty idea to have an Arctic adventure. If they're climbers or sailors down south, and equipped with enough high-tech gadgets, they can't foresee any problems. After all, or so the reasoning seems to be, the unsophisticated Inuit have been getting by for centuries, and they didn't even have Gore-Tex. The Arctic hates arrogance and if you insist on bringing arrogance with you, it will kill you. Many adventurers don't live to write about their adventures, although their oft-times lugubrious demise does provide a kind of morbid entertainment for the locals. When Northerners tell you you're a fool it's because you are a fool, and not because they're trying to keep all the fun for themselves. Thus, I had to suspend my judgments of Mr. Simon as not only a fool, but a damned fool. Naiveté not being enough, he topped it off with an unhealthy taste for senseless risk-taking. But perhaps because at heart he wasn't an arrogant fool, the Arctic let him get away with it, so I decided that I could do no less and let his charm beguile me. His story-telling ability is entertaining and his sense of humor rises above the flaws in his common sense. If people did only sensible things then both books and the human spirit would be awfully dull and that has to be admitted when reading any true life adventure book. It's not the readers' job to psychoanalyze the writer, but simply to come along for the ride, and this is a fascinating ride. His spiritual insights develop naturally from his experiences and that makes them more meaningful to me than if he'd set out to look for them, and he succeeded well in making an ultimately uplifting story, despite the bleak situation. Oh, by the way, if this is an appealing book, a lot of credit must go to Halifax the cat, for her part.
Rating:  Summary: Detail and Honesty Make for a Great Account Review: This tale of a husband and wife who decide to sail far north and spend the winter in the Arctic is a better than average travelogue. From concept to completion, it's quite a page-turner at times as the duo take on all the hurdles in their way, some of which are mere annoyances, and some of which are life-threatening. The details of finding the right boat and provisioning are all quite interesting, as are many of the little tricks of the trade and jerry-rigging that are brought up throughout the course of the book. There's also quite a bit about Inuit (aka Eskimo) life, and the majesty of the Arctic, which at times gets a little much, but isn't as cheezy as some writers get. Things get really interesting when Simon's wife has to be airlifted out in an emergency, leaving him alone with a kitten for almost half a year. Simon's vivid and frank description of his mental state during this time is perhaps the best part of the book. Well worth reading.
Rating:  Summary: a very well written book Review: This book is very well written and, was actually very entertaining. He told the story so well at some points of the book i felt what he felt. I felt cold when he discribed the extreme cold of the arctic. The way the book was written made me want to journey to the arctic, (but i know that if i did i would probibly end up polar bear food). Norht to the night has some comedy, for example when he attempted to read one of his wifes books he end up throwing it across the boat in discust, and breaking his backup lantern. Then the next morning, as if to get even with the book he uses the paiges as toilet paper, (hey i thought it was halarious). The book has action, near the end of the book when he snuck up on the bear and screamed NANOOK! , The way im saying it may not sound interesting, but it's just something about the way he tells a story that just won't let you put this book down.
Rating:  Summary: Well-written, but a bit too long? Review: This is a very readable book for inlanders like me, from north Texas, and fascinated by the sea. The descriptions of the waxing and waning of the ice in the far north is especially well-done. My only complaint is that it became a bit much after about page 250. There was a fair amount of repetition which a good editor could have pared off. And once or twice, the author becomes a little too self-righteous in his judgments of others. One who so willingly disregards the preference (and even safety) of his wife should judge others cautiously! Still, very readable, very interesting, and I would recommend it to anyone for a good summer read.