Rating:  Summary: timeless Review: This is not an "instructional" book on Zen (is there such a thing?), but nevertheless a great, timeless read. As a dabbler in Zen years ago, I re-read the book recently upon taking up archery, and it was just as wonderful as the first time.
Rating:  Summary: an elaborate production Review: This slender book tells the story of Herrigel's efforts to learn about Zen, through the practice of archery, when he lived in Japan. In essence, he learns that he must clear his mind of all external clutter until all that exists is the bow, the arrow and the target. But the process of learning this seemingly simple lesson is continually stymied by his stubborn adherence to Western ideas. This is a pleasant enough little book, but one problem with this and with the exaltation of Zen in general is that Westerners routinely do exactly what practitioners of Zen do, without making such an elaborate production out of it. There is a great scene in John McPhee's A Sense of Where You Are : A Profile of William Warren Bradley, when Bradley is just lighting it up in the NCAA tournament and he feels like he's hogging the ball, but he's so hot that his teammates just keep giving him the ball. He keeps making shots and they won't take any until he misses, so he starts taking increasingly ridiculous shots and they keep going in. In the cliche of the moment, he has found the Zone. Anyone who has ever flashbowled, knows the sensation that occurs when you become one with the lights and start throwing 800's, and, hell, that's typically after 15 beers and you don't see me writing Zen in the Art of Flashbowling.. hmmmmmm? GRADE: C+
Rating:  Summary: Very wordy Review: This was a wordy and repetative account of one persons experiance in the ''hunt'' for an understanding of Zen. After reading the book I do not belive that the author was truly able to experiance zen because he describes it in far to many words and with far to many details of his account. I would not recomend this book unless you have to read it.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic at its time Review: Though the personal path in kyudo of Mr. Herrigel is very interesting, this book does not teach as well as newer books do. The book is a testimony of a person finally submitting his mind to teacher he experiences as rigid, written in order to master the art of kyudo. The idea of Zen remains cloudy which i think is essential to comprehend what it is all about. If you want to know, how it used to be with a Kyudo master in the twenties of the last century, read it. To me it was more a historic document.
Rating:  Summary: Beyond Unconscious Competence into Spirituality Review: To those who already practice Zen Buddhism, this book will seem awkward. To those nonpractitioners who would like to understand how to practice Zen Buddhism, this book will be a delightful enlightenment -- especially valuable to those who live outside of Asia. Eugen Herrigel takes on the almost impossible task of describing in writing something that has to be experienced to be understood, and is remarkably effective. The author spent six years in Japan just after World War II, and decided that he wanted to understand Zen Buddhism. He was correctly advised that Zen needed to be experienced as the path to achieving that understanding. Several possible areas were suggested, from sword fighting to flower arrangement to archery. Because he had experience with rifle target shooting, the author chose archery. He was fortunate to be taken on by a Zen master who normally refused to teach Westerners, because they are so difficult to teach. As a typical high-achieving Westerner, Mr. Herrigel wanted to make rapid progress and to achieve conscious competence in archery. His instructor wanted him to achieve unconscious competence based on experience and build from there into spiritual awareness. This conflict in perceptions created quite a tension for both of them. This tension was ironic, because the purpose of Zen practice is to achieve the ability to be strong like the flexible water. Tension is the enemy of that state of being. Mr. Herrigel also learned from attending flower arranging classes from his wife, who was studying Zen in this way. He also benefited from finding some wonderful commentaries on sword fighting as a path to Zen that are included in this book. These are more eloquent than Mr. Herrigel, and he chose wisely in saving them for the end. I suspect that this wonderful book will mean the most to people who have regularly practiced either meditation or Eastern-style breathing. Having followed both kinds of practices for the past six years, I found it was easier to relate to the Zen concepts in that way than through trying to imagine myself performing the archery described here. By the way, this archery is not at all like what you did in camp as a youngster. It is both much more stylized and difficult. Think of it as being more like a Japanese tea ceremony than like Western-style archery. You will love the many descriptions of how Zen masters helped their students learn through experience rather than lecturing or demonstrating to them endlessly. Mr. Herrigel makes a good point concerning how Japanese teaching in these ancient arts has remained the same, while newer subjects are taught much differently. Some of the most beautiful parts of the book are the explanations that employ natural metaphors. The concept of the Samurai is explained through the fragile cherry blossom, for example, in a way you will not soon forget. The metaphors used in the archery are also very compelling and vivid. They spoke very eloquently to me, especially about how the shot is "released." I got a lot personally from this book in reconsidering how I could and should step back more often to "go with the flow" of the moment rather than trying to orchestrate everything very rationally. The book made me much more aware that I operate in both styles, probably too often in the totally preplanned rational one. I am also reminded of books about golf that I have read that cite similar principles for becoming more competent. I also remembered how all of my best golf shots have come when I was totally egoless. That lesson was very profound for me. I wonder what will happen in other areas if I follow that lesson, as well. If you have never tried meditation, I encourage you to experience this if you find this book interesting. That will probably be your best way to begin to explore what is described here. Naturally, if you can find someone to teach you one of the Japanese arts, that will further expand your soul. A good Western-style book to help you rethink your approach to life that parallels this one in many ways is The Art of Imperfection. The title is a misnomer. What we often think of as perfection is really the height of imperfection, as the author discovered when he began substituting his own methods for those of his Zen master. Aim straight for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: Good and concise Review: Unlike many other books, this one is truly great. Not that I know anything about archery. The concepts are greatly expressed and the narrative is good.
Rating:  Summary: What I took from this book... Review: was that when we use short cuts we cheat our inner development. There is a point in his training when Mr.Herrigel, begins to hit the target. As he does so the Master becomes suspicious and begins to watch his technique. When the Master discovers that Mr.Herrigel has found a western solution to his learning difficulties, the Zen Master expels him immediately. Explaining to him that what Mr.Herrigel has done was create a hollow illusion of success. True connection with the target first happens in the mind's ey and heart. Great lesson to be learned for anyone. Loved this book I attempted to use some of the principles to change the way I did archery. I don't think I succeeded with all of the philosophies, but it did change my perspective. Good luck reading it.