Rating:  Summary: Very helpful for losing weight! Review: Open any fitness magazine or turn on any health talk show and you'll probably hear information about the latest DO in fitness: weight training. In the past, weight training was taboo for women for fear that they would "bulk up" and become a mass of muscle. Now research shows that a realistic dose of weight training tones and tightens muscles, which is what most women crave anyway. Stuart McRobert has developed the Muscle & Might Master Method (MMMM), which he espouses in his new book, Beyond Brawn. With this training procedure, the average person can successfully complete a training program with just two 60-90 minute workouts per week. This is dramatically less time than a conventional training program, which is why the MMMM is even achievable for the busy business woman. Weight training has also proven effective for anti-aging. Research shows that weight training strengthen bones and reduces much of the bone and muscle wasting that comes with age. McRobert teaches the young and old how to increase health through weight training. Whether it be to lose body fat, build muscle definition and functional strength, create a terrific body or increase overall health, weight training is the way to forge into the new millennium! McRobert provides a step-by-step guide to successful weight training and teaches people to become their own expert personal trainers.
Rating:  Summary: Superb book for going back to the basics! Review: This is by far the best book on bodybuilding that I have found so far. I highly recommend it to any DRUG-FREE trainee who is currently into the Weight Game. We can all benefit from the knowledge written in this book. It stresses going back to the BASICS in training, and avoiding the dreaded overtraining syndrome that so many of we lifters get.
Rating:  Summary: Simply put, the best training book written to date. Review: This book is so good. I have never gained better than I do now and it is all thanks to Mr. McRobert's book. I am quite gifted genetically and although this book focuses on the hardgainer, it allows even genetically blessed trainees gain faster that with coventional programs. Thank you Mr. McRobert. I will forever treasure this publication!
Rating:  Summary: The most comprehensive book on weight-training ever written. Review: BEYOND BRAWN is more than just a book; it is a weight-training education. It is written by a man who truly understands what it is like to be a hard gainer. Through years of experience, and the experiences of others, Stuart McRobert has produced what is surely the most comprehensive book on weight-training ever written. The biggest problem with the training world is that the instruction which is usually promoted to the masses is wholly unsuitable because it is designed for, and written by, the genetic supreme and/or steroid users. Anyone who has read anything by Stuart McRobert will already have been introduced to this unfortunate fact. So if your training has not been delivering the goods, it is time to find out why, and what you can do about it. Within this book you will find no hollow promises, so it will be worlds apart from the majority of the literature that you have probably previously read on weight-training and bodybuilding. The book is very well set out and has a highly detailed index, so it is exceptionally simple to return to a certain point when required. It is written in such a way that it is accessible to everyone, and does not include unnecessary detail of such things as advanced muscle physiology. After reading BEYOND BRAWN you should have a much greater understanding of all aspects of weight-training, as well as be able to design your own effective and responsible training programs. If you are not training effectively, or not producing adequate results, then this book could well save you years of your training life.
Rating:  Summary: A most important book! Review: Stuart McRobert's latest book "Beyond Brawn" is the most comprehensive treatment of rational training I have ever read. The beginner and advanced trainee alike is sure to learn something that can be immediately applied to their training with great effect. Each chapter provides the nuts and bolts of meeting your genetic potential. No hype, no pictures of genetically-elite drugged up bodybuilders performing exercises; just hardcore information that you cannot find anywhere else. Perhaps the greatest characteristic of this book is that it is written in a style that conveys a genuine concern for the reader. The author shares his training up's and down's with great honestly and humility. The chapter length treatment of the author describing how he overcame his various training-related injuries is both touching and inspiring. If you have a passion for bodybuilding and strength training, this book is essential reading. It has my highest recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: The best how-to in bodybuilding literature. Review: Stuart McRobert is possibly the most meticulous writer in the bodybuilding game, yet he writes in an easily accessible manner. Of his several books, Beyond Brawn is his best achievement so far, although I would caution the reader to consider it a companion volume to Brawn, his seminal work. Beyond Brawn is well organized, broken down in a sensible way, inviting the reader to draw training wisdom from it again and again. McRobert packs the book with training routines, all the while teaching the reader how to personalize the training process. It's REAL-WORLD training, showing you how to use what works and avoid what doesn't -- and how to tell the difference for you, the individual. He also deals with nutrition in a way that embraces both common sense and current findings in the field. Stuart always has been one to get to the point in creating a honest, encouraging, expert voice in the field! He pulls no punches and offers no unrealistic promises. And yet, he acknowledges the awesome results possible with intelligent, hard work -- and he tells you how to get them. I am priveleged to own Beyond Brawn. I'm confident you won't be sorry you bought it. Just make sure you digest everything
Rating:  Summary: A CLASSIC, ONE OF THE BEST EVER!!! Review: 500 pages filled with no bull info. As a Personal Trainer I've read about 30-40 books on the subjects, but this one is the best, bar none. If you're not gaining on your current routine, give this no-nonsense program a chance, and one year from now you might be 20-25 lbs more muscular, you might bench 50-100 lbs and squat 100-150 lbs more than you do now. The nutrition chapter is outstanding!
Rating:  Summary: THE most comprehensive book on the topic. Review: At just under 500 pages, BEYOND BRAWN is, bar none, THE most comprehensive book I've ever read on the topic of bodybuilding, and I¹ve read several hundred books. BEYOND BRAWN is written in very non-technical language. With 22 total chapters, no aspect of productive weight-training has been overlooked. Section 1 is entitled "Establishing a secure foundation" and discusses general information of value for those who are embarking upon the goal of adding muscle mass. Section 2 is the real meat of the book and is entitled "How to train." At almost 200 pages, Stuart has left no topic uncovered with regards to safe and productive training. Topics include setting up a training cycle, exercise intensity, exercise selection and technique, intensity cycling, personalizing your program, overtraining, and others. Only topics of true importance to the average trainee are discussed in this book. Unlike most bodybuilding books, which are no more than simple fluff, BEYOND BRAWN actually accomplishes the goal of providing tons of useful, no-nonsense information for genetically average trainees who want to increase their strength and size. BEYOND BRAWN is not an overly dogmatical tome which espouses a single way of training for everyone. It presents numerous interpretations in terms of set and rep goals, length of a cycle, training intensity, and exercise selection, to accommodate needs of all types of trainees. Ultimately, I guess the best thing I can say about it, repeating from above is this: "BEYOND BRAWN is, without a doubt, THE most comprehensive book ever written on the topic of strength training and bodybuilding for the genetically average individual." And, again, keep in mind that that statement comes from a guy who¹s read several hundred books on the topic of strength training in the past ten years. So my endorsement does not come lightly.
Rating:  Summary: What the bodybuilding book BEYOND BRAWN can do for you. Review: Hello! I'm Stuart McRobert, author of BEYOND BRAWN: The Insider's Encyclopedia On How To Build Muscle & Might. Thanks for your interest in my book. I wrote this book in order to share with people the lessons I've leaned through a 25-year obsession with bodybuilding and improving one's body. Actually, at 496 pages, the book is really an encyclopedia--such is its detail and comprehensiveness. As well as distilling the lessons learned from that 25 years, the book includes what I've learned from my ten years of publishing and editing a bodybuilding magazine and dealing with the grassroots of the training world. My "qualifications" also include having had over 300 articles published in newsstand bodybuilding magazines, and having authored three other books. BEYOND BRAWN is the book I wish I could have studied when I started out in bodybuilding, at age 14. I was so naive, gullible and misinformed, just like most bodybuilders are today--even those who have been training for years. This book would have spared me all the frustration, heartache, years of ignorance, thousands of wasted dollars, thousands of wasted workouts, injuries, sham advice and downright misery I had to suffer from before finally learning the real scoop on what productive bodybuilding and strength training are all about. But this book is neither just one man's story, nor a text for beginners only. It is a distillation of training wisdom that works for all who apply it--and, very importantly, neither great genetics nor drug assistance are necessary. This book is devoted to helping you to further your progress to achieving your potential. It is not concerned with the achievements of others. What matters most to you (training wise, that is) is your physique, strength, health and fitness, not the exploits of others. The physique that concerns you the most is the one you see, use and think about the most--our own. This book is dedicated to you and your physique. The appalling irony of bodybuilding and strength training is that the training methods most popular today are utterly unfit for drug-free and genetically typical people. These popular training methods are also excessively time consuming and impractical for busy people. BEYOND BRAWN provides the instruction needed to put an end to the waste. If BEYOND BRAWN isn't the most practical, useful, detailed, relevant and helpful book of its kind, you can return it to the PUBLISHER for a full refund.
Rating:  Summary: A must have! Review: I seriously believe that as of this date 12/11/98 there has NEVER EVER been a book written as well as this on the subject of Bodybuilding. And I am a nitpicker. If you are SERIOUS about bodybuilding whether beginner or advanced, this book should be mandatory reading for you! If you have tried all other methods and still have not gotten bigger and stronger, than this book is definitely for you.