Rating:  Summary: Arctic Incident Review: "The Arctic Incident" gives fans of Eoin Colfer's smash mega-hit "Artemis Fowl" more to savor. More witty writing, more sarcastic characters, more over-the-top action, and more of everyone's favorite 13-year old criminal mastermind.
Set essentially a year after the first novel, Artemis is chafing from getting one of his heart's desires -- the return of his beloved mother's sanity. Who wouldn't rather have their mom lucid rather than delusional? Not Artemis, even though her return to normalcy has wiped out Artemis' beloved autonomy. So young Artemis opens the novel in boarding school with a hilarious encounter with an overmatched guidance counselor. (Really -- how much guidance does a criminal mastermind need?)
A counseling session is cut short when a ransom email arrives, hinting that Artemis' departed (and presumed, by many, to be dead) father is alive in the Russian Arctic. Young Artemis instantly commences a rescue mission . . . a rescue mission with a vengeance, to be sure.
But this would not be an "Artemis Fowl" novel without the faerie world. Our heroes, Captain Holly Short and Commander Root are back, as is the centaur computer genius Foaly, uncover what appears to be a goblin plot to smuggle contraband weapons. And this plot has a more sinister intent, one hidden even from the goblins . . .
And what else would an escaped dwarf thief, Mulch, do besides hang out in Los Angeles, stealing Academy Awards?
In many ways, none of the characters have changed. Short is still a derring-do pilot and field agent. Root is still in a perpetual fury. Butler, the bodyguard, is back, with a penchant for cracking skulls. Foaly is still as caustic as he is brilliant. And so on and so forth.
Outlandish plot twists, fueled by Colfer's astounding imagination, keep the pages turning fast and furious. Will the goblins be thwarted? Will Artemis save his father? Will the ultimate villain be caught?
Count on losing several hours of sleep as you read "just one more chapter." Count on laughing out loud at brilliant dialogue and terrible puns. And count on reading "The Arctic Incident" again.
Rating:  Summary: Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident book review Review: Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident was a very good and intresting book.What made it good and interesting was that it was filled with lots of action that kept you from putting down the book.But you'll have to read the first book to understand the stuff about "The Poeple".
THe story is about a young boy (13 years old to be exact.)who reiceives a message concerning his father who went missing for two years.And the message was about hie ransome.While during the same tome down below Lower elements police discovered that goblins are paying a human for tons of baterrys which is bad.So they suspect artemis fowl is behind this since he is the only human in the world who has had previous dealings with fairys.So Artemis teams up with the fairys to help them with the battery case in exchange for their help to help him rescue his father.
The protagonist in this book is Artemis Fowl and his goal is to rescue his father from a russian mafiya.the risks he takes to dot his is endanger himself many times and his father too.
So Artemes Fowl is a great book for those who love action and adventure books.I strongly recemmened you read this boook.
Rating:  Summary: Bundle Up, Artemis! Review: Artemis Fowl, thirteen year old master criminal, runs away from his oppressive boarding school when he receives a cryptic message suggesting his father is still alive and being held for ransom by the Russian Mafiya. The fact that Artemis is so anxious to rescue his missing dad shows us that underneath his emotionally detached exterior, there's a lost boy wishing for a semblance of a normal family life. At the same time, Artemis's old enemies the elves have their own problems. There's evidence of human interference in their world and of course, Artemis is their prime suspect. For once Artemis is actually innocent, but he and elves join forces to defeat their mutual enemies. Again, elf Captain Holly Short is Artemis's spunky and self-reliant equal. Artemis is pinning a lot of hopes in his reuniting with his father, but this book suggests that Artemis may have already found his true family in his elf counterparts. They share with Artemis a quick wit and a savvy sense of technology. And they're marginalized in the same way Artemis's brilliance is unseen or misunderstood by the adult world. This is an absorbing second novel that shows us more of Artemis's complicated and intriguing character.
Rating:  Summary: Artemis Fowl The Arctic Incident Review: good as new, shiped in four days, no bent pages or spine, and no folded over corners
Rating:  Summary: Double, Double Fowl and Trouble Review: I read the first book in the Artemis Fowl series last summer and sometimes wonder why it took me so long to read the second installment. Through the very first pages of "The Arctic Incident" I was instantly transported into Colfer's imaginative world, and underworld, peopled with fairies, goblins, and an evil boy genius, who seems to have matured. I was pleased to discover that the second book lived up to the impression that the first one made."The Arctic Incident" begins with a look at the young Artemis Fowl stuck in a dreadful boarding school, "killing off" counselor after counselor that tries to asses what is wrong with him. Meanwhile, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon police force has to deal with a smuggling problem that involves humans and the intelligence-challenged goblins. Believing Artemis to be the culprit, she kidnaps him and his mountain of a bodyguard Butler, to little avail. They are not the suppliers but they make a deal with Holly. They will help her discover who the smugglers are if she will help Artemis find his father, who is being held hostage in the Arctic Circle. Holly is not looking forward to helping Artemis after their encounter in Book One, but she has no other choice. Their journey to fulfill both of their missions is filled with tension and humor and further explores the inner-workings of these two fascinating characters. Colfer has created an imaginative world that is peopled with rich and vivid characters, and witty asides to the reader. Artemis is a boy genius trying to surpress his evil ways in order to find his father and turn over a new leaf; his struggle is that of any teenager's angst. But the best characters are those who inhabit the lower elements; Foaly the centaur, Captain Short, Commander Root, and best of all, the returning Mulch Diggums, the thief dwarf. And while the Artemis Fowl books may be labeled as children's books, you don't have to be a child to enjoy the wry humor that Colfer dishes out.
Rating:  Summary: Artemis is in the Arctic! Review: If you want to be thrilled and have an adrenalin rush, but unfortunately you've been grounded for "something you didn't do" and can't use the TV to watch a Bond movie, maybe you should pick up a book. I suggest you pick up Artemis Fowl, then for an extra adrenalin rush read Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Child criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl is back with a whole new adventure! His fortune is slightly bigger because in the past year he outsmarted the LEPrecon - the Lower Elements Police recon, an elite team of fairies, pixies, sprites and other magical lower element folk. They are responsible for keeping Heaven City, the last place that man hasn't taken over, safe. Even with their futuristic high-tech equipment Artemis still outsmarted them and got his hands on some fairy gold. Anyways, this story starts off when Artemis gets sent to a boarding school, where he gets an urgent video e-mail from the Russian mafia. The screen shows a man Artemis never thought he'd ever see again... his father, Artemis Fowl senior. Artemis figured that the Russian mafia kidnapped his father. Artemis is determined to rescue his father, but it is not going to be an easy task. Meanwhile, the LEP were having troubles of their own. Someone was providing goblins with softnose lasers, which could be dangerous. So Artemis makes a deal with the LEP that if he helps them with their crisis against the goblins, they would help him rescue his father. Can Artemis help the LEP and rescue his father? You'll just have to find out yourself. I thought this book was awesome!!! It had all the ingredients of a great book: there was comedy, loads of action, it was interesting, a good plot, fairies and other folk, romance (just kidding) and plenty of high-tech gadgets. Reading this book was like if you put a Bond movie, a fairy tale and a sock puppet in a blender and turned it on and drank it. It would take a million-bazillion years to explain how amazing it was. I hope Eoin Colfer decides to write a third book for this series. I would give this book five and a half awesomes (which is just like five and a half stars).
Rating:  Summary: Exciting Review: Qui aurait pu croire que l'ennemi juré du Peuple des Fées deviendrait un jour leur allié pour une mission d'intérêt général ?.. Pour Artemis Fowl, il faut retrouver son père kidnappé par la mafia russe contre une forte rançon, pour Holly Short et son commandant Root la révolte des Gobelins doit être endiguée sur le champ car la situation sous terre menace d'être désespérante. Bref, les anciens ennemis jurés deviennent des compagnons d'aventure, entre Artemis, Butler, Holly et Root les aventures vont aller de mal en pis, mais leur courage les sauvera in extremis. Le tout arrosé d'une bonne dose d'humour face à ses prouesses à faire pâlir le plus vaillant des James Bond !
Ce volume 2 se décentre du personnage d'Artemis Fowl pour l'intégrer dans une action d'ensemble. Artemis apparaît moins génie du mal et plus sympathique et charismatique. Les relations qu'il noue avec les autres protagonistes révèlent une autre facette de son caractère, lui qu'on qualifait presque d'être malifique dans le tome 1. Sensible, concerné, flegmatique et raisonnable : décidément le jeune Fowl nous étonne ! Il a désormais 13 ans et cette "Mission polaire" fait de lui un type bien, en fin de compte.
L'intérêt de ce second volume est de récupérer le père d'Artemis Fowl, qu'on annonçait disparu depuis deux ans dans le tome 1. Mais l'action première de "Mission polaire" s'avère finalement différente, car l'action se passe sous terre, des complots et des trahisons font faire surface et seuls Holly et Root peuvent les endiguer. J'avoue une affection particulière pour la schématisation du récit : les chapitres se fragmentent en sous-parties pour accélérer la cadence, transposer une scène après l'autre et disposer ainsi d'une vue d'ensemble. Un vrai film ! Le résultat est haletant et captivant. Un tome 2 qui donne très envie d'ouvrir le troisième épisode de ce fort sympathique gredin.
Rating:  Summary: Fun, but not special Review: The Arctic Incident is a fun reunion of Artemis, Butler, Holly, Root and the rest, but falls short of the standard set by the first Artemis Fowl book. What's missing is the carefully constructed plot - this time around, it's a fairly straightforward rescue mission in two parts, and the finish won't have you turning back the pages to look for all the pieces of the puzzle that have just fallen together. It's still fun, though - the main characters are all there and all themselves and there's wonder and excitement aplenty.
Rating:  Summary: The Artic Incident won't leave readers cold Review: The Artic Incident picks up right where the first Fowl book left off and does a great job of expanding on some of the lesser characters in the first Fowl adventure. The story seems a little more mature while keeping the charm of a book you can read with your kids. It is a great sequel and I found myself reading it as fast as I read the first one and enjoying it even more. Colfer has a great skill at writing fantasy and combing it with modern crime. I highly recommend this series to any parent who is looking for something that the whole family could enjoy reading.
Rating:  Summary: Great again Review: This book is just as good as the last. Although it does start a little slower, I enjoyed it just the same.