Rating:  Summary: this is the best one ever Review: Every fantasy/sci-fi series at least. Ahh, my old friend the split-personality-into-extremes plot. Can we all spell: scraping the barrel? However, it is better than the "return of a character everyone thought was dead/far away" storyline that seems to be recurring...
Rating:  Summary: VERY Cool Book Review: I have to admit, I never really cared for Rachel books, but this one was just great! She morphs a starfish, but gets cut in half, and 'cause they can regenerate, there were two Rachels! I loved the way the book was told from both the Nice Rachel and Mean Rachel's viewpoints. Mean Rachel was hilarious, and Nice Rachel was pretty cool. I think this is the best Animorph book so far. I'd recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Recommended Review: I recommend this book to everyone. It's about when Rachel morphs a starfish to find an earring when all of the sudden she gets snapped in half. When she demorphs there's 2 of her and the "twins" start to cause trouble and the animorphs don't know what to do about it.
Rating:  Summary: Finally! K.A. is back! Review: I thought that her previous book, #31, was very bad, as were a couple others that she had written with it. She was starting to reach a slump in her creativity, and now suddenly it's over!This book is absolutely perfect. All of the loyal readers of Animorphs have come to know Rachel's personality, and when she gets split into two different people, you can't help but laugh at BOTH of them! I mean, one is so nice she has that airhead, scardy-cat look going. Her use of the word "Like" makes her sound so stupid it's funny. And then there's the evil Rachel, the other half who thinks she's unstoppable and nearly kills the other Animorphs. There are so many wisecracks from Rachel and the others and so much action that you can't stop reading it until it ends. Not only that, but it gives reference to the Anti-Morphing Ray that the Yeerks have developed, which will be the subject of book #33, The Illusion. That little setup for a future book is ingenious, on Applegate's part. Trust me, if you've been upset with K.A.'s sudden "boredom books"(#28-#31), you are in for a treat with this one. Let's just hope that she can keep this streak going...
Rating:  Summary: Rachel Splits up Review: In this book Rachel morphs a starfish. Buy something goes wrong. while she is in morph she is split in half. And since starfish can regenerate limbs, when she demorphed, there were 2 Rachels. And to add to the problem the Animorphs have to stop the AMR( I think it stands for Animal Morphing Ray) which makes anyone or anything in a morph start to demorph imediatley. And how do you think Marco is going to feel with 2 Rachel's around. If you want to ask me any questions, E-mail me at Leeran99@aol.com or at AnimorphFreak@gotmail.com
Rating:  Summary: A rose in a field of weeds... Review: Now, I am of the opinion that K. A. Applegate should end her illustrious series in one grande finale, a set of six books (one for each), because her books are slowly slipping away in their plotlines. For her to take on a brand new series EVER WORLD (tm), it's going to double the challenge to end the Animorphs series. As an author, myself, I know from experience how hard it is to juggle several book ideas at the same time. But, getting onto the book topic, this book is one of the best Animorphs books written for character. Its mission plans aren't that great, but it gives you a vision of how Rachel feels--in two personalities. When she is split up, K. A. describes the separation--in emotion, that is--in a great way. Although I'm still foggy on HOW they figured out the mission. It doesn't describe the other characters that well, either. The point of view wrenches you about on their personalities, changing them every second of the book. Of course, I'm sure K. A. meant to have it this way. But the book, although a great idea, had a very confusing plot.
Rating:  Summary: Two Rachels? Review: Rachel is falling apart. Literally. Her newest morph has the ability to regenerate its limbs, but when Rachel demorphs, there's a lot more Rachel than before. Two Rachel's, to be exact.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Rachel Book! Review: The Separation, Animorphs # 32, could be called the best Rachel book. Well, at least that's what I call it. Rachel, after morphing a starfish, is split into two Rachels . . . . and the only problem with that is that one Rachel is an all out, cowardly wimp, and the other Rachel is a ... reckless, er, beast, I'll call her. This gives the Animorphs even more problems to deal with, on top of finding the Yeerks so-called new technology, the Anti-Morphing Ray . . . . a must-read!
Rating:  Summary: Why people like this book is a mystery.... Review: This book is pretty bad, even for a ghostwritten one. (For those who don't know, books 25-48 of Animorphs were ghostwritten by someone other than KAA- that's why the plot never goes anywhere for almost two years,) The initial idea was bad to begin with- doomed the book from the start. But even then, the author did have the oppurtunity to play with character development for a hundred pages. However, there was no character progression at all, and the 2 Rachels were just plain annoying. To put it simply- I've seen fanfiction that blows this out of the water. If you're an Animorphs fan (which I have been since 4th grade and still am, 4 years later) then you can bypass this book. It, like most of the books from 28-44, has no point and although there's some mess with an anti-morphing ray, it's all resolved (poorly) within the next book. (You might want to check out 43, however, that one's decently done at least). In other words, don't bother, and just reread the oldies but goodies you've had since you were a kid. Don't spoil the series for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Two Rachels? Review: Two Rachels? Like I said, Rachel's newest morph gets her cut in half,one mean Rachel andone nice Rachel. Mean Rachel wants to be leader or kill all the Animorphs and wimpy/nice Rachel doesn't want to morph or go on a mission. (One more thing, Mean Rachel does not want to morph back to regular old Rachel). Will The Animorphs be able to get the two Rachels back together or not ? Find out in The Separation.