Rating:  Summary: I can't believe it's over... Review: Like the reviewer above, I began this series many years ago when it came out. I was only in sixth grade and I fell in love with it instantly. I still love them and this book was great but... So many loose ends, I mean the last part with the ramming of the ship? I need answers! And I can't believe that she did that to Tobias. He is in many ways like me and My favorite character. You should have given him happiness Applegate! Anyway, it's a great, if not very sad book and I will miss all the characters deeply. They were very real to me and companions, I only hope that one day she will answer the cliff hanger.
Rating:  Summary: ......thats it?......can't be......I MEAN COME ON... Review: Okay well I have to say I was pretty disapointed by this book. I mean there was WAY too many unanswered questions. I mean we never got to hear about the auxilary Animorphs at ALL. I mean they were given NO credit yet they died defending earth, and hell they proved to be the perfect diversion they needed to get aboard the bladeship. Also the ending leaves us with the impression that Ax is most likely part of something else and cant be brought back. I dunno, i own all the books, and have read all of them at least 3 times. Heck some of htem i have read 5 or so times (mostly the ones with Tobias and Ax as the narrator). But this one I have only been able to read it once. I just feel that it doesnt do the series any justice. I can understand how leaving the series with a completely different ending. Heck I LOVED the ending up untill it got to when Ax disapeared. Thats when the whole thing just got dumb. I felt that it was put in there to try and keep readers reading because she felt that we would stop reading if we didnt have any real action in the book or something. If she had left that out of the book it would have probly been the best ending. She could just done the one chapter about Tobias being in his valley with teh campers and left it like that. There is NO point at all for the introduction of the new aliens that are now all of a sudden a newer form of Yerk. I honestly felt that this was a way of maybe making a new series. I got that feeling many times with a few references. Like the one about there being 6 people aboard the ship. Adn the comment about Marco and bringing the new female recruit aboard. The introduction of a new species I mean heck theres another series. But no you haev to leave it so horribly unanswered about the other auxilary animorphs just kinda disapearing no credit, and Ax being taken over by somethnig new that has some power like the Ellimist. I mean come on, if your going to start a new story stick with it lady. If you come out with at least 1 more book and give some ending then this can be corrected but if this is how it ends i feel ripped off. I feel like in the end you just laughed at all of us, saying "haha look at this you came all this way for a BAD ending." Stop trying to go your new series before you are even done with the Animorphs. Finish one before you start the other.
Rating:  Summary: O-kay! Review: This book was so sad. I feel so sorry for Rachel who died. She was my fave character. I cried for like 5 days!!!! At least she got a funeral. Hey, nothing never turns out the way you planned. Like leaving the book in a cliff hanger. It was a very good book.
Rating:  Summary: good but coulda been betta Review: When I found this book ..., I thought, "Oh my god its the last book" and was so excited to read it. Well after the first chapter I screamed (I was still in the book store), "Mommy Rachel's dead! Mommy she's dead!" You don't understand, people. My name is Rachel. I'm not kidding. She was my hero, she brought me something to think about. War will never end happily ever after. There HAS to be reality...Jake, Marco, Cassie and Ax somewhat move on. Tobias, griefing fiercely for his loved one, stays as hawk. Cassie moves on and does what she's loved and will probably always love, working with animals. She meets Ronnie Chambers (who the [heck] is he??) and falls in love. I didn't like the Jake/Cassie thing anyway. Marco becomes an actor. He, to his happiness, is shown on TV almost 24/7. He was on the David Letterman show--hee,hee. Jake realizes what he did. Although someone died that he truly loved--someone other than Rach--he realizes he killed his cousin and that 'somebody'. He feels bad because he didn't tell the rest of the animorphs about his descion. He didn't tell Cassie because: 1)she was Rach's bff(best friend 4eva) 2) she loved Jake He didn't tell Tobias because: 1) He loved Rach Ax...we're left with my least favorite charactor. Well, Ax is now a captin i think on a dome ship. *thats all im gonna tella ya!