Rating:  Summary: A realistic pessimistic vision of his future, our present Review: 1- THE TIME MACHINE : In this short novel, this novella in fact, H.G. Wells enters frightening lands that are still quite up to date more than a century later. If God is dead and we do not have His guidance in life, what happens ? If Science is true and we only have It to guide us, what happens ? If Darwin has seen truth, and if we only have His Theory to guide us, what happens ? No more Providence, only evolution. The working class will develop into a subterranean race that will have the absolute power of providing everyone with what they need to survive including their clean air, and, what's more, that will provide the upper race with all it needs to enjoy life and do nothing at all. The upper classes will evolve into a new type of cattle since they do nothing, they live in a decaying surface world that has lost all knowledge and scientific guidance. They will regress to a child's consciousness that wil ; only know one adult fact, sex, and they will enjoy the pleasures of inactivity all day long, and the fear of being caught by the subterranean race on moonless nights to become their daily meat. So when God's Providence disappears from our consciousness there is only a dramatic evolution that will lead to the absolute regression of humanity into animality and the ultimate destruction of humanity and its diasappearance with maybe the hope of a new emergence starting from scratch, that is to say, from the sea and sea-creatures that may evolve again into a new human race in some billion years. But the final morality of this scientific tale of science fiction is that the first victim will be the scientist himself, (1) because he won't be believed, and (2) because he will be swallowed up by his own invention and will disappear into the thin air of time traveling. A mind raking and mind boggling book that should give you some nightmares, if you read it with a mind to its predictive value.2- THE INVISIBLE MAN : This novel can be understood at several levels and each one is fundamental and excellent. First, the crazy scientist. A young physicist discovers the secret of invisibility. He implements it on himself and the situation in which he projects himself makes him absolutely crazy and his only objective becomes the desire to dominate the world in a reign of terror. New inventions change the relation between science and the world, between scientists and society, and produce a complete unbalance by projecting the inventors into some unknown land for which they are not prepared. They become crazy. Here Wells seems to advocate a socially-integrated science, a science that answers demands or orders or needs duly expressed by society. Second, the desire to discover new territories. There is no science if the desire to go beyond any known limits is not implemented, no matter what the consequences may be. The quest for this new knowledge has to come from one mind and has to be encouraged no matter what. But the danger we have already seen leads Wells to the conclusion that such quests must not be solitary and have to be shared among scientists. Hence the scientific community must encourage such research. Here Wells criticizes the scientific community : some try to plunder the research of young scientists for their own glory and interest ; some refuse any innovation that would disturb the social balance from which they draw their prestige and income ; some are even more negative and refuse any innovation because it disturbs some « established » truth. This condemns these young scientists to isolation or alienation. Third, modern society is severely criticized, and here Wells becomes very ironical. Some scenes are funny like the invasion of the department store by the invisible man. Wells takes an obvious pleasure in describing the puzzled reactions of individuals who are confronted to this invisible man. But Wells also becomes very critical at this moment and shows how society defends itself by becoming a military body of man-hunters. They do not try to negociate the integration or re-integration of the mad scientist. They just aim at mobilizing people into a vast hunt that has only one objective : to kill. Society is ready to kill any one who may disturb their social order just to eliminate the disturbing element and go back to the established normal order of things. In other words Wells shows us a deeply conservative society. In other words he is from his own age. Today science and technology are moving things at a tremendous speed without the possibility for any one to stop it. But Wells had seen something absolutely fundamental : change produces conservatism, or even extreme reactionary attitudes that can lead to fundamentalism and the total exclusion of groups that are seen then as scapegoats. Wells had foreseen the rise of fascism, nazism, and any other ideology that leads to the exclusion of one group of people, be they those who supposedly slow down change, or be they those who supposedly impose their version of this change. For Wells there seems to be no democratic way to manage change and scientific progress. (...)
Rating:  Summary: Classic tales from a pioneer of american Science-Fiction. Review: H. G. Wells is one of the earliest pioneers of Science-Fiction writings. In this book, two of his most classic stories are told. It makes one wonder how a man of the late 1800's could come up with ingenius ideas as time travel and invisibility. The Time Machine and The Invisible Man portray the imaginary strengths of H.G. Wells
The Time Machine is a story told by a time traveller to a group of local dignitaries. He tells about his trip to the year 802,701 A.D. and how the world has degressed slowly technologically and how humans evolve to two seperate species. One species is peaceful and kind earth-dwelling vegetarians, while the other species are nocturnal cave dwellers who happen to be cannibals. The time machine is stolen from the time traveller and he must find it to get back to his own world.
The Invisible Man accounts of a personal story of a man who comes upon the means to become invisible. After becoming invisible, he finds out that living in the world was going to be different. Read about how he finds shelter, clothing, and food. The Invisible Man goes into a mad-panic and starts murdering innocent people. Now the townspeople must fight back--if they can find him
Rating:  Summary: Mysterious, terror, and just amazingly written Review: H.G. Wells is a master of his job. The mystery of whats going to happen in the future has a kind of horror and spook over it. This is a must read book that can't be missed. Once you finish the Time Machine, The Invisible Man is equal in the mystery.
Rating:  Summary: The Time Machine Review Review: In the novel The Time Machine, the characters and setting is very interesting. The Time Traveller, who is the most important character throughout the novel, is my favorite character. The Time Traveller is telling a story, which has to do with the future and what he sees. Many things have changes and the Time Traveller explains the technology and way of life. He not only tells how things are slow he also says how things change while traveling in the future. Readers may find him unpredictable at times as many do. Though this man is lonely he manages his time wisely and very well by what he does and creates. The characters are very laid back and always listening to what he has to say. They find themselves listening to his astonishing and so it seems non-realistic stories. Which sometimes The Time Traveller's stories sound so bizarre the listeners do not know whether to believe all the technology and all the changes the Time Traveller talks about. Sometimes he may portray himself as crazy although he is not. This man just uses the potential he has of his own mind to a great extent. The Time Traveller was just looking for something to do that would excite his life a little bit more. He does not care whether anyone believes him or likes his doings. The Time Traveller does disappear sometimes without notice and takes trips with his own machine/creation. This is when the other characters that listen start to believe his words and believe what he says about the future and how it is. From the perspective of other readers who have not yet read this novel, it will either be boring or completely interesting. If suspense is something exciting to read the book will be a very good choice. At first it may be hard to follow and read a long, but it will eventually get easier and more understandable going along. An example would be when he starts to use his own machine. The when it gets stolen he has to find his way back to his own world. Everything portrays a big mystery. The mysteries portray both H.G. Wells and The Time Traveller's intelligence. The novel shows they can use their mind and imagination to get things going and it will all fall into place some way or another.
Rating:  Summary: The Time Machine Review Review: In the novel The Time Machine, the characters and setting is very interesting. The Time Traveller, who is the most important character throughout the novel, is my favorite character. The Time Traveller is telling a story, which has to do with the future and what he sees. Many things have changes and the Time Traveller explains the technology and way of life. He not only tells how things are slow he also says how things change while traveling in the future. Readers may find him unpredictable at times as many do. Though this man is lonely he manages his time wisely and very well by what he does and creates. The characters are very laid back and always listening to what he has to say. They find themselves listening to his astonishing and so it seems non-realistic stories. Which sometimes The Time Traveller's stories sound so bizarre the listeners do not know whether to believe all the technology and all the changes the Time Traveller talks about. Sometimes he may portray himself as crazy although he is not. This man just uses the potential he has of his own mind to a great extent. The Time Traveller was just looking for something to do that would excite his life a little bit more. He does not care whether anyone believes him or likes his doings. The Time Traveller does disappear sometimes without notice and takes trips with his own machine/creation. This is when the other characters that listen start to believe his words and believe what he says about the future and how it is. From the perspective of other readers who have not yet read this novel, it will either be boring or completely interesting. If suspense is something exciting to read the book will be a very good choice. At first it may be hard to follow and read a long, but it will eventually get easier and more understandable going along. An example would be when he starts to use his own machine. The when it gets stolen he has to find his way back to his own world. Everything portrays a big mystery. The mysteries portray both H.G. Wells and The Time Traveller's intelligence. The novel shows they can use their mind and imagination to get things going and it will all fall into place some way or another.
Rating:  Summary: Two-in-One Review: That these two novels were written over a hundred years ago makes them all the more amazing. HG Wells was the first person to pen the concept of time travel and imagine the complications the power of invisibility would bring. The writing in both of these novels is captivating (those who were first exposed to Wells in The War of the Worlds will most likely find these two more readable) and the story taut. Additionally, John Calvin Batchelor's introduction gives a necessary insight into the larger social implications of the book as well as some musings on what made these as popular as they were, and are. Wells' thoughts have been used as the basis for plays and movies for years; read these two books so you understand why.
Rating:  Summary: The Invisible Man and the Time Machine Review: The Invisible Man and the Time Machine were born to be with each other. They are like peanut butter and jelly. It is science fiction but there is more to it, like action, suspense, and a little bit of drama. Griffin, the Invisible Man, turned himself invisible because he thought it would be cool. Little did he know, there would be many problems resulting from that. When Griffin is stuck to invisibility, he has no one to turn to. He finds Mr. Marvel, a hobo that needs a home, food, and a place to stay. Griffin freaks him out, has a little fun, then realizes he's weak. He promises to give him money in return for getting the invisible man some things he needs. His journals of how to turn invisible were stolen by some guys, so the invisible man has to go get them. He snuck in and had a long talk with the guys, knocked them out, then took his journals. He hands the journals to Mr. Marvel because holding journals would defeat the whole purpose of being invisible. Then, when all looks well, Mr. Marvel tried to steal from the invisible Man because Griffin had looted a lot of people's houses. After that, Griffin tried to kill Mr. Marvel, but he took refuge in a city. Griffin went to Kemp's house, an old college professor, and stayed there. He informed him on how he became invisible. Kemp then tried to kill him, but failed. He was chased by the invisible man. Who will die first, Kemp, or Griffin? Another book in this two part book is the Time Machine. It's a very nice piece of science fiction teenagers call explosive, off-the-cover, tremendous, and downright superb. It's one book to be awesome by itself, but combined like Siamese twins to the Invisible Man, it's like peanut butter and jelly. The Time Traveler brought many people to his house to show them some thing. They had been called to witness time travel. The Time Traveler came out of his room to the living room with a model time machine and sent it into time. He then got into a big time machine and was thrown into the future. He lost his time machine. Will he ever get it back?
Rating:  Summary: The Invisible Man and the Time Machine Review: The Invisible Man and the Time Machine were born to be with each other. They are like peanut butter and jelly. It is science fiction but there is more to it, like action, suspense, and a little bit of drama. Griffin, the Invisible Man, turned himself invisible because he thought it would be cool. Little did he know, there would be many problems resulting from that. When Griffin is stuck to invisibility, he has no one to turn to. He finds Mr. Marvel, a hobo that needs a home, food, and a place to stay. Griffin freaks him out, has a little fun, then realizes he's weak. He promises to give him money in return for getting the invisible man some things he needs. His journals of how to turn invisible were stolen by some guys, so the invisible man has to go get them. He snuck in and had a long talk with the guys, knocked them out, then took his journals. He hands the journals to Mr. Marvel because holding journals would defeat the whole purpose of being invisible. Then, when all looks well, Mr. Marvel tried to steal from the invisible Man because Griffin had looted a lot of people's houses. After that, Griffin tried to kill Mr. Marvel, but he took refuge in a city. Griffin went to Kemp's house, an old college professor, and stayed there. He informed him on how he became invisible. Kemp then tried to kill him, but failed. He was chased by the invisible man. Who will die first, Kemp, or Griffin? Another book in this two part book is the Time Machine. It's a very nice piece of science fiction teenagers call explosive, off-the-cover, tremendous, and downright superb. It's one book to be awesome by itself, but combined like Siamese twins to the Invisible Man, it's like peanut butter and jelly. The Time Traveler brought many people to his house to show them some thing. They had been called to witness time travel. The Time Traveler came out of his room to the living room with a model time machine and sent it into time. He then got into a big time machine and was thrown into the future. He lost his time machine. Will he ever get it back?
Rating:  Summary: The Invisible Time Machine Review: The Time Machine and the Invisible Man by Herbert Gershwood wells is a very exciting and entertaining book. It combines two of H.G wells best books into one exciting novel. Everyone¡¦s first impressions would be thinking that it¡¦s a really boring book. But its not boring it¡¦s the complete opposite it¡¦s really exciting and fun to read. The first book, The Time machine, is about a man they call the time traveler. He invents a time machine and uses it to travel through time. His main point of doing it is to explore the future and discover what new and fascinating discoveries he can find. So he travels eight hundred million years into the future. But traveling that far into the future doesn¡¦t come easy. He encounters mythical creatures that hate the light name morlocks. Who try and steal his time machine. He also discovers a friendly, kind helpful race of human / octopus like creatures he names the elois. The Second book, The Invisible Man, portrays the life of a man named Griffin. He is a scientist who discovers a way to turn himself invisible. He then checks into a hotel in a local town named Iping where residents find him a little suspicious. When residents start suspecting something of him or betraying him he goes insane and starts attacking people. Residents then ban together and find ways to stop him. Like not leaving food out or locking doors. The whole town starts panicking. But most of them are determined to stop his terror throughout out the town. Main characters of the book include, The Time Traveler, and the Invisible Man. They are both brave and exciting characters of the book. They both demonstrated the habit of risk-taking through the book. Some other characters in the book were Weena, which was the time travelers sort of girlfriend. Other characters include the morlocks. Which are kind of doglike creatures. And the elois which I already explained earlier. The Time Machine and The Invisible Man had a ton of action. It was exciting and very interesting to read. I would recommended it for all ages of readers.
Rating:  Summary: The Invisible Time Machine Review: The Time Machine and the Invisible Man by Herbert Gershwood wells is a very exciting and entertaining book. It combines two of H.G wells best books into one exciting novel. Everyone¡¦s first impressions would be thinking that it¡¦s a really boring book. But its not boring it¡¦s the complete opposite it¡¦s really exciting and fun to read. The first book, The Time machine, is about a man they call the time traveler. He invents a time machine and uses it to travel through time. His main point of doing it is to explore the future and discover what new and fascinating discoveries he can find. So he travels eight hundred million years into the future. But traveling that far into the future doesn¡¦t come easy. He encounters mythical creatures that hate the light name morlocks. Who try and steal his time machine. He also discovers a friendly, kind helpful race of human / octopus like creatures he names the elois. The Second book, The Invisible Man, portrays the life of a man named Griffin. He is a scientist who discovers a way to turn himself invisible. He then checks into a hotel in a local town named Iping where residents find him a little suspicious. When residents start suspecting something of him or betraying him he goes insane and starts attacking people. Residents then ban together and find ways to stop him. Like not leaving food out or locking doors. The whole town starts panicking. But most of them are determined to stop his terror throughout out the town. Main characters of the book include, The Time Traveler, and the Invisible Man. They are both brave and exciting characters of the book. They both demonstrated the habit of risk-taking through the book. Some other characters in the book were Weena, which was the time travelers sort of girlfriend. Other characters include the morlocks. Which are kind of doglike creatures. And the elois which I already explained earlier. The Time Machine and The Invisible Man had a ton of action. It was exciting and very interesting to read. I would recommended it for all ages of readers.