Rating:  Summary: A disaster from page 1 Review: From page one this book was definately going to be nothing, that's what I though, that's what I found.Danielle Steel, go back to your fortes.
Rating:  Summary: Stale Tale Review: Where's the romance? All this book was about was a woman and her man and the klone. Uh huh...and? There was no plot at all, just a story that drifted, and ended as it should have, short.
Rating:  Summary: Truly disappointing Review: As a proud owner of every Danielle Steel novel ever written, I had read the poor reviews of "The Klone and I" but decided to give it a chance and ordered it nonetheless. I should have taken the advice of many readers and critics, and saved myself the expense and effort of having this book shipped across many thousand miles to me. How disappointing! I am only grateful that it was a fast read. The plot is so utterly ludicrous that it fails to be even the least bit entertaining, much less stimulating. Even the most dedicated, devoted, die-hard DS fans like myself would be much better off sitting this one out.
Rating:  Summary: Stay Away From this book! Back. Back. Back. Review: An intriguing science fiction that turned deadly, don't even try. It's too simple minded for the science fiction savy, too unusual for the typical romance reader. Unless you're a die-hard Steel fan, don't even bother.
Rating:  Summary: Spare Me this Hideous Story Review: Someone spare me! There isn't much to say about this book by my beloved Danielle Steel because I wouldn't even consider it a book. It's worse than those that she wrote for teenagers!
Rating:  Summary: The cover was the most interesting thing..... Review: I wish the book took on a more believable track. Ms. Steele has attempted to bring a sci-fi flavor to her book but instead resulted in a stale piece. I am glad the book was short or I would have quit half way thru...
Rating:  Summary: Oh Please, where's the plot? Review: As a dutiful Danielle Steel reader and avid fan, this book was dissapointing. I really wanted to enjoy this book as much as her others, I really did, but no matter how hard I tried to lie to myself, it didn't work. Please, no more experiments with these odd ball books, go back to the ones you are best at, romance, true romance.
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic, Pitiful, Slender Little Book Review: Tedious I managed to get through the first 150 pages and decided I could not bear to go on. I did not care what happened to the weak woman or anyone else. I have placed this book in a box labeled "In Case I Ever Go To Prison" or get stranded on a barren island. Then I will be able and more than willing to finish this and other tedious books I have tried to get through.
Rating:  Summary: You can't blame her for trying something new Review: But going with the flow and the media (Dolly the sheep) just doesn't go ahead and create a good story. This book was revulting, falling in love with a man and a robot, yuck! I think all Danielle Steel fans should buy and read this book, not because it was good, but to see what bad writing is like, this is a great example. And for some reason (the name brand) this book is selling quite well. Well, that's Danielle Steel for ya, one powerful woman.
Rating:  Summary: Average, nothing new or spicy Review: I love Danielle Steel's novels, I've read them all and usually before they come out in paperback. My experience is to read them cover to cover in just a few days because they grab me and suck me into the story. This story, was too unbelievable to be even fun. It was drawn out and boring. The beginning was good, it kept my interest, I wanted to see what would happen next... then the Klone entered the picture and it went down hill from there. The next few chapters basically just replay themselves. I don't recommend this one, but she hasn't lost a fan (yet).