Rating:  Summary: Unoriginal Review: This is a zerox of the "left behind" books. And for that matter of every other doom and gloom end of the world book. Except the difference between those and this is that this one is badly written. It has a ton of editing mistakes. I can't believe the publisher let them slip. But when I say it's badly written I'm not talking about poor grammar. I'm talking about a horribly mismatched story that is that disappoints. The dialogue is horrible. Kind of like the dialogue in "Attack of The Clones". Ugh. I struggled through this baby hoping it would get better and getting ever more disappointed. I don't think this author should quit his day job. I don't recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Good, thought provoking book! Review: Good book. Very thought provoking, offering explanations and theories you've probably never thought about. Brought together in a very orderly fashion, great ending! Looking forward to part two!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Read Review: After reading several of the Left Behind series book, which I enjoyed from a spritual standpoint, I heard about these books through the Amazon reviews. This series, though less spiritually nurishing, (I don't think the authored intended it to be.) provides a realistic and exciting interpretation of the end times. You don't have to develop a huge mental "suspension of disbelief." The characters are real. The anti-Christ character is well developed from beginning to end. You route for him NOT to turn {bad}. As soon as I finished part one, I jumped into part two and the couldn't wait to finish part three. I do not personally believe in rapture theory, but I thoroughly enjoyed this read.
Rating:  Summary: A Stephen King-esque Look at the End of the Age Review: THE STAND was the first Stephen King novel I read. The similarities to biblical prophecy in that marvelous story are hard to miss for even the novice student of the book of Revelation. That fact played a large role in my interest in The Stand. The book is so enthralling that even when I became aware that King had veered a long way from the scriptural story, I didn't really care. And after all, no other writer had managed to figure out what all those seals, and trumpets, and vials of the Apocalypse were either. Continuing my interest in the subject, I have read a number of other books in the same general vein. Or perhaps I should say that I started to read several. The problem is that every writer that tries to stick with the original concept of end-times prophecy is also out to force a load of preaching down your throat. Their stories are less coherent that comic books and they seem to think their relationship with God makes up for the fact that they can't write. I have very recently found an exception to this rule and I wanted to recommend it. It's THE CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY by James BeauSeigneur. BeauSeigneur does an incredible job of story telling while sticking very exactly to biblical prophecy. He even blends in prophecies from several other religions! An interesting difference is that in THE CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY the antichrist/Flagg character plays his role and tell his lies so well that you can't help but sorta be pulling for him even though you know he's the bad guy. Or is he?
Rating:  Summary: One word: Awesome Review: This trilogy is a must read for all! I have been an avid reader of the "Left Behind" books and when I saw that these books were recommended in addition to or in lieu of the "Left Behind" series, I had to order them to see what all the hype was about. Well, I have read the entire Trilogy in just 4 days. I could not put it down. Word to the wise...you have to buy the whole trilogy at the same time AND you CANNOT stop at book 2. Book 3 is where it all comes together. I just finished book 3 two hours ago, and I cried, laughed and felt this incredible peace all at the same time. As a Christian, this trilogy has soldified my beliefs beyond measure. For the non-beleiver, this trilogy will definitely show them the Christ's love in a whole new way. I must admit that stopping at book two both for the believer and non-believer is detrimental to the growth of faith, so make sure you read all the books! These books have been three of the best books I have EVER read!
Rating:  Summary: It Reveals the Choice yet Not the Spirit of Christianity Review: This writer is good with politics and technology, and he reveals the choice we must all make: to either put our trust in God or ourselves. But that's not enough! He does not fathom what spiritual progress is. When one makes his choice, he is only beginning the spiritual journey -- he has not arrived. Also, his vision of heaven is much like that promised by the antichrist -- people are lords of the universe, still given to marriage and sex, and still having children even! Jesus offers you a personal resurrection and says He'll always be nearby, but then off you go to be a star-child -- having more children and only visiting heaven if you feel so inclined. After endless pages of politics and plagues this worldly and unbiblical next life cannot convince or satisfy a spiritual Christian! And this Bible lawyer knows he's contradicting the Bible with this worldly view of the next life and even tries unsuccessfully to squirm out of it in one of his footnotes. But what can you expect from someone who insists on a version of the rapture that contradicts even that single Bible quote that theoretically refers to the rapture?!? If you want to read a Christian novel that truly looks at the spiritual battle in a futuristic setting, check out Thy Kingdom Come by Vincent Malzahn.
Rating:  Summary: An Inventive Plot! Review: The strength of this novel is a very inventive plot that keeps you intrigued. To me, it's different with a little more depth than the Left Behind series. If you want a novel to share with your unchurched friends that presents Christ in a subtle but powerful way, check out The Gravel Drive by Kirk Martin. thegraveldrive.com has excerpts. If you want a fascinating read with which to escape, so to speak, check out In His Image. It won't disappoint.
Rating:  Summary: I read all three books in two days!! Review: DO NOT EVEN START THIS BOOK WITHOUT HAVING ALL THREE BOOKS IN THE TRILOGY! I don't have much discipline when it comes to dropping everything to read a book, but this story absolutely had my attention from the moment I read the back cover. Analyzing the Shroud of Turin? Cloning cells from the Shroud? Christopher, the cloned Jesus? Alien race? 4 billions years ago? Bravo for Mr. BeauSeigneur! It's hard to believe this is his maiden voyage beyond writing technical manuals and speeches. This book has it all. Suspense, graphic imagery, complex and interesting characters, twists and turns in the plot, political rivalries, and warring religious factions; all easily read and a scholarly approach to boot. His impressive research and exhaustive study on a wide variety of topics illustrates his extraordinary grasp on complex subjects, from astrophysics to the Bible. Although I am not a Christian, and certainly no Biblicist, I am familiar with the premise of the Book of Revelation and with "end times" stories. It was refreshing to read a book of this kind without the whining, groveling, and incessant praying endemic in many such works. I highly recommend investing the time for a great read.
Rating:  Summary: MUCH MORE THAN EXPECTED Review: Absolutely a MUST read series. I've read all three books and literally could not put them down. MUCH, MUCH better than the Left Behind series which frankly is getting a bit too long now. However, BeauSeigneur crafts a story based on information of today. He hits all the major issues and does it without preaching or becoming parochial. I have been telling everyone to get the books and so now I will tell EVERYONE to get the books. They are well worth reading. I want more of this author and the sooner the better.
Rating:  Summary: Story and Science Review: I went into this, on a dare. You see, it is not possible for me to care less if the story conforms to scripture. I wanted story, I wanted plot, I wanted character and I wanted science. This book delivers - not as well as a similarly themed Blood of the Lamb by Tomas Monteleone. The characters while far too goody goody for my taste, we solid. The science of the Shroud and the Ark was fascinating and more importantly accurate. For the first time, someone took the time to puzzle out the age and the carbon 14 dating. That alone is worth the cost of admission. It was also nice to see other traditions woven in, it made the book more palatable to those of us not deeply Christian. I could have done without some of the explanations, for instance the detailed discussion of Messianic Jews. Sometimes the author doubts the intelligence of his audience and forgets dictionaries exist. Basic story: A child is cloned from cell samples of the Shroud of Turn, setting the stage for the End of the World. I enjoyed it enough that I will purchase and read the second and possible third books. I do however, recommend the Monteleone series over this one, for those looking for good apocoplyptic literature.