Rating:  Summary: It's a terrific book! Review: This is a really good book which covers a lot of the prevalent issues in today's society (importance of beauty, alcoholism, etc...). I really liked it and I really wish that Asprin would write a heck of a lot faster. I'm waiting on tenterhooks for the next edition and I think my bookstore's getting tired of me always calling and asking them for a copy.
Rating:  Summary: Very Dissappointed -- story line stunk, writing ok Review: This mostly seemed like a mouthpiece of the author's personal life and a way to escape it.
I didn't care for the story it didn't go anywhere. Ok the plot -- should I or should I not marry Queen Hemlock? That is it!!
Skeeve should have answered this within the first couple of chapters and then have to work some cunning plan to get of Queen Hemlock's war path. I personal think he should go for bunny. But not at this point maybe later.
Also what is the deal with the dragon. Great potential there. I mean three parts to the Gleep and then leave him there.
First, Skeeve finally notices there is something a-MYTH with Gleep. So he assigns Nunzio to watch him.
Second, Nunzio and Skeeve talk about what they have seen -- but it is quickly dropped to the "Drinking Problem"
Third, lets leave the dragon wounded with a dying last word of "Skeeve?!" -- no explanation of what was going on.
This is great potential for a great Myth adventure it would have been a good adventure to add to this book. Just more than 3 appearances.
There are a lot of good possible action in the book but they went no where!
It basically presents the Authors thoughts and feelings about marriage -- and he appears to be longing for "The Single Life" again. So as far as that it was a good book -- just not a MYTH adventure. -- But check out Cassandra the beautiful Vampire --striving on the night life!
The prologue to Something M.Y.T.H. Inc. sounds promising for an adventure, but it sounds like Robert is trying to kill of the M.Y.T.H. adventures by turning Skeeve into an Evil Wizard to be done away with by young apprentice who just lost his Mentor and left with a Pervect from another dimenson.
Sorry -- I Love the M.Y.T.H. adventures and long for more. but it appears that the adventures are coming to the end. I shall shed tears as we bid farewell to group of friends that have become family. See you in Deva.
If you've never read any of the Myth series, don't start with this one.
Rating:  Summary: Screaming at him isn't going to get us anywhere! Review: True, this is not up to Aspirin's previous works in the MYTH series, but I think that all of us fans should all remember that the only way we are going to get what we want (more _quality_ MYTH books) is to lay off and give the guy room to breathe. We should be more supportive instead of screaming that we're dissatisfied - whoever heard of psychological healing due to abuse? I want him to get better so I can find out what happens next, so LAY OFF!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: GLEEP'S DEAD! Review: What happened to Gleep? My favorite character is dead? How did this happen? This book brings a lot of questions to mind. Everyone says that if you've never read Myth books, don't start with this one, but I ask you, how often do you start with the last book in the series. Any child old enough to be reading series's knows that. Robert Asprin killed off Gleep! Gleep is a main character, and we've been finding more and more about Gleep's though process. In M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link,we learned that Gleep is very intelligent. In M.Y.T.H. Inc. In Action, we learn that something is amiss, but were not sure what.Everything about Gleep is coming to a head. I think Gleep's death was untimely and anticlimactic. Authors normally don't kill off main characters though,and one last question lingers in my mind: Is Gleep really dead? Please send any replies and opinions.
Rating:  Summary: Link-er? Review: What Happened? Robert Aspirin's Books were great! (Phule's Company, Bug wars, etc.) But the Skeeve books were the best. It was Interesting watching Skeeve grow up in the age and magic department. But unfortunaetly, After the buisness started, Myth inc, It took a turn from learning magic to something entirely different. Not that I minded that much tho' There heve been many rumors about the "dissapearance" of Robert Aspirin. I hope none of them are true. But it looks like they are. The way the book is written it looks like he decided to take a break. This book doesn't deserve to be called a book. It should be squeezed down and put in a COMPLETE book. (Sorry about the typing my keyboard is somewhat broken) It looks just like a link between two books, but oh well, I'm just saying pretty much what every one is saying. Don't let this turn off your appetite for the books. I guess this is just an appetizer.
Rating:  Summary: Where's part Two?? Review: When I found this book at the store a couple of years ago, I was elated. Finally, another MYTH book. I read it, and I wasn't disappointed, but when I got to the end, and gleep 'died', I was heartbroken. While Skeeve, Aahz and the rest make for merry story-telling, gleep was my favorite. I am certain Mr Asprin has a method, magic or otherwise, to bring gleep back to life (or I have a 'Misery'-type solution in mind), I am getting a little tired of waiting to see what that method is. Two years is a long time to wait for a 'part deux' to arrive. OK, granted I am not a writer and I don't know about writer's block, but let's get real.
I am also disappointed that the Theives World series of books stalled out. Does the author make a habit of starting something, developing it to the point where it has a large following, and then dropping the ball? Enough venting. I love Asprins books and characters, and it would be nice if he'd get some more out there on the market so I can help support him.
Rating:  Summary: Embarrassing... Review: While Asprins first three books in the Myth series earned their 10 rating easily (I actually fell out of bed laughing - several times) they slowly fell to about 5-6 (including the Phule series) - not as brilliant as the first books and with some contradictions here and there but still worth their money and a good laugh on and off. But this book is the worst excuse of a plot I've ever seen. If Asprin is not up to the task of developing Skeeve further - why not let him die ? This book is either the worst case of writers block under contract pressure I've ever seen or Asprin is in DEEP financial troubles and tries to make a fast buck by "Instant MYTH" (Take Skeeve, Aahz and Gleep and just add water - tastes almost like the real thing !) To bad there is no negative rating...
Rating:  Summary: average Review: while in its entirety...its good....i love the book as all the others in the myth series...but.........big but....robert aspirin where are you? this needs to be followed up on! are you going to finish where you left off? sheesh! i love the books and am big fan please continue!
Rating:  Summary: You don't have to like it, but ya gotta LOVE it :) Review: While reading the introduction to the compendium (this volume is available as a dual book format with 'Something MYTHing') I knew I was in trouble. The apologies for the long wait and the promise for the sequel were sincere and heartfelt; but the cliffhanger at the end seems to call for immediate continuation. This book, as opposed to some of the others, tends towards the advise-giving humor as opposed to the adventurous humor I have become familiar with and adore. That being said, this book is still full of plenty of action and reaction, laughs and truisms galore, and some startling fun! Another reviewer mentioned that 'Life the Universe and Everything' should not be a viable subject for comedy... to which I reply he should read Douglas Adams (with a book by that name... also a comedy) and perhaps modify his statement. This book was a lot of fun. Speculation as to whether Skeeve and the author are growing up simultaneously is rediculous. The book was a GREAT read... we see Skeeve 'coming of age' as a personality investigating his own shortcomings, dealing with fame (from both sides), and learning a little about women and their place in the world (or at least in his life). The ending was... abrupt... but I have faith that, as always, R. L. Asprin will come through with a wonderful tale to follow it up in the near future. If anyone has any questions about his delay in getting the sequel out, I strongly suggest reading his MYTH series publications AFTER this one (and the introductions therein) to get a short glimpse into the issues that had (past tense now) held up the process.