Rating:  Summary: An excellent book Review: This was the second John Wyndham book I read. It is a serious, thought-provoking story about a God-fearing community many centuries in the future, and its struggle to bring back all the wonder and glory of a world long gone. Not only is this book well written, it also addresses themes of evolution, mankind's arrogance and opposition to change, and fear and hatred of anything that doesn't conform to the set pattern. The gradual revelation that the story is set after a nuclear war is very satisfying because the text doesn't say this outright, but rather lets the reader reach the conclusion on his own. I first tried to read this book when I was 11, when I didn't know about things like radioactive fallout. I really thought the community's plight was a punishment from God. On my second attempt as a teenager I read the book with relish (and other futuristic books besides). Ignore the negative comments by readers with chips on their shoulders or grudges against their teachers and READ THIS BOOK.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful novel Review: This is the kind of science fiction I like. Not the kind with big space battles, etc., but a _human_ story. The style it is written in is excellent (the style of writing is often almost more important than the story). I first read this book in grade ten - and hated it! I re-read it a few years later, and loved it. I would suggest that anyone forced to read it in high school should give it another try, if they hated it. Being forced to read this book and write about it and discuss it destroys any enjoyment (at least it did for me). Give it another shot.I am not a big science fiction fan, but this story was very good. I really felt for the characters. I was saddened when certain characters died. I didn't want the story to end.
Rating:  Summary: This book is awsome! Review: Ok now I'm in grade 6 and my brother kept on telling me to read this book and finally I did and I loved it!!!!!!Now some of the words in this book are a little advanced for me but I still am loving it!!!!So everyone read this book!!!!
Rating:  Summary: An excellent read for any age! Review: I read this book back in high school, grade 10 I think. This was the best book I have ever read and I have read many other good books! Obviously most of these high schoolers who bash the book are a bunch of high schoolers with NO imagination! It was a timely story which took advantage of our internal fear of the end of the world and thereafter. What I liked even more is that what the author predicted what could happend didn't seem too unrealistic. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: its pretty good Review: i had to read this book for english in gr9. the book is boring and hard to read at the start but then it gets very exciting.its a pretty cool book.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book! Review: I am in high school, grade 11 and in my advanced English class we were to pick a novel to read out of three choices. I picked The Chrysalids. I enjoyed the book from the first few chapters and can't understand why the book received bad reviews from most teenagers. This book could be what will happen in the future. Not word for word of course, but similar. If a nuclear war were to happen then mostly everything would be destroyed. The people that were left would be concerned with normality and how to make themselves the way the "old peoples" were. The book was an excellent read, and makes me want to read more of John Wyndham's books. The language may be at a grade six level, but the themes are the most important part of the novel. Five stars all the way!
Rating:  Summary: It Suxs Review: Ok the language is what a grade 6 level? This book is so stupid its not even funny! Anyone who gives it a five must be a toddler! It suxs big time!
Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK STINKS! Review: "So dumb I felt retarded after reading it" - me "So boring I fell asleep thinking about it" - me "So crappy I felt dirty from touching it" - me "So awful a gave it to my nemesis for christmas!" - me "If you are a masochist, read this book!" -some guy Oh did I mention that I hated this book. All of these people giving it more than 1 or maybe stretching it to 2 stars obviously live holes or something where there are no good books! John Wynkham should really consider rewriting the ending and spend more that 3minutes thinking about a resolution. I mean killing people with a polymer that doesn't explode come on!
Rating:  Summary: i kind of like i'm on of the mind kids Review: i read this book in grad 10 in my english class and i love Rosalind and i love the ending it ends like "this timedarling, we'll forgive you, Rosalind told her. it is. tanks
Rating:  Summary: excellent book Review: High-schoolers are getting a bad name with the reviews for this book. Some of us do like it, and can see past the one cousin issue. It really isn't about that. This is an excellent book and it has interesting themes.