Rating:  Summary: I'M ONE OF THE LEGEND FAN CLUB. Review: There are a number of us who are dedicated to spreading the word on this book. That's how much we like it. Obviously Legend was published by a small press and not many people have ever heard of it. It's too good a book to be ignored, and it's far too good a book to go out of print, which it obviously will at some point, if it doesn't catch on.If you like it, and I'm willing to bet you will, you'll want to tell a friend. Maybe you should tell two.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT SF! Review: Legend is a very fine read. It was a bit of a "DUNE" goes to the city, but in many ways it went farther than DUNE. And in many ways it was an answer to DUNE. The characters are great, extremely believeable, none of this too-good to be true heroism, rather the heroism was that of real people forced to extend themselves.
Rating:  Summary: EVERY BIT AS MUCH FUN AS I HAD HEARD. Review: The review I'd read was such a rave that I expected to hate this book. But it's a really fun story, with a really great ending. Well worth your time.
Rating:  Summary: IF I COULD ONLY READ ONE BOOK, THIS WOULD BE IT. Review: This is a book about belief and about possibilities. The hero has been scrambling to stay alive when he finds himself thrust into a world of sinister magic and into the path of the satanic regent who rules that world. Like LORD OF THE RINGS, LEGEND was released into obscurity but it's beginning to develop a devoted cult following. There may not be many of us, yet but we are devoted.
Rating:  Summary: A FIND, A REAL SURPRISE . . . Review: I never expected this book to be nearly as good as it was. Great protagonist. And a vile (yet strangely human) superhuman antagonist. Wonderful conflict. Probably the best small press book I've ever read, and that covers quite a bit of ground. Nothing pretentious, nothing minor league about this one.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Darn Good SF. Review: I got the book as a gift. It didn't look like much, but it turned out to be a really exciting story. I particularly liked the black heroine, even better than the hero. He was kind of fumbling around but she was streetwise and took control. Great ending too.
Rating:  Summary: JUST BECAUSE IT'S A GOOD BOOK . . . Review: OK, so this is a good book. But it's not The Good Book. There are people claiming this thing is divinely inspired. Hey, it's just a book. All this nonsense about a "Third Testament" is just that, nonsense. If thing is divinely inspired why doesn't the author make that claim? Why does it have his name on the cover? And why for God's sake, (pun intended) wasn't it published by a major publisher so maybe a few people might actually read it? It's a good book. An exciting story. Enjoy it. Why do we have to sensationalize everything? Anybody who thinks they have proof or even evidence that this book is anything more than it appears to be on the surface, a science fiction story, feel free to e-mail me. I'm thinking about doing an article on this bizarre urban myth.
Rating:  Summary: IF YOU LIKE FANTASY AND SF, YOU'LL LOVE LEGEND. Review: Anyone who follows fantasty and SF and even anyone who doesn't will love this novel. The hero literally rises out of the rubble of his own civilization and achieve far more than he would have dreamed possible when he started, though he had to dream it was possible before he could do it. Exciting story, fantastic finish. Like Bradbury or the best of Rod Serling, it makes you think without boring you or lecturing.
Rating:  Summary: READ THIS BOOK!!! Review: This is one of those rare books which you can't wait to get to. While you're working or while you're busy during the day, you'll find yourself looking forward to getting back into the story and finding out what the hero and heroine will do next. It's also a book that has a great deal to say. Once I finished it, I put it back on my shelf. I'll probably read it again next year.
Rating:  Summary: TERRIFIC. BOTH TERRIFYING AND INSPIRING. Review: I can't recommend this book strongly enough. I loved every page of it. A hero, two heros really, that we can all identify with. And a villian that will keep you up nights.