Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK GENERATES FANATICISM Review: Many of those who love this book believe in their hearts that it is one of the greatest science fiction books ever written. Many of those who love this book seem to make the book their cause. And they'll spend a good deal of time spreading the word. Promoting the book becomes something less than an obsession but something more than a hobby.I like the book. It's a good book. Maybe very good. I did give it five stars. But it's not a cause. It's just a good book. Read it, enjoy it, tell your friends if you like. Like you would do for any book or film you enjoyed. But let's not get too carried away here.
Rating:  Summary: I FELT LIKE I WAS THE HERO Review: I've seldom discovered a hero in a book that I could identify with more. This is just an average guy, mucking along through life when all of a sudden he's picked up and thrown into an extraordinary situation to end all extraordinary situations. To see how he not only adapts but rises to the situation and strives to conquer overwhelming odds gave me a feeling a triumph, almost personal triumph, which was unique in my reading experience. An unusual, phenomenal book, a really great story.
Rating:  Summary: YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHY THIS BOOK HAS A CULT FOLLOWING Review: People who love Legend, really love it. It's surprising that a book which has received so little notice, a book released from a minor publisher like this, has managed to even survive for all these years much less generate a dedicated following. But what you read it you can understand. It's hardly my favorite book of all time, but it is a great read, and when you finish it, I'm willing to bet that you'll find yourself smiling.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! Review: LEGEND is bar none, my all time favorite book, I have to admit it. I'm one of those nut cases who's doing whatever he (or in my case, she) can possibly do to spread the word on the value of this book. Sure maybe it's not the greatest book ever written. Maybe it's not even the greatest fantasy book ever written, but it is the single book that I've most enjoyed reading out of the thousands of books I've read in my life. And it's one of the few that had me in tears at the end (and has had me in tears again, every time I've re-read it). Like my fellow crack pots, spreading the work on LEGEND is now my hobby, maybe my mild obsession. There aren't that many of us but our numbers are actually growing. And if you read this book, you'll understand, and maybe in a small way you'll become one of us.
Rating:  Summary: The Genuine Article! Review: In these days of prepackaged, pretested pap passing for sf, Legend is a refreshing treasure. It's an honest, imaginative and insightful, a great reading experience. If I had to list my top five favorite books of all time, Legend would be one of the first that came to mind.
Rating:  Summary: Stayed up most of the night Review: Legend is a book you remember. I read it several years ago but it's almost as fresh in my mind as if I just finished it. And the conclusion stays with you almost as if you lived it yourself. I love the book, and most of all I loved what it had to say. It's a book that makes you feel better about being human.
Rating:  Summary: A VERY FINE FANTASY THRILLER Review: I really enjoyed this book. The world was unique, a great combination of destroyed civilization and the best magical/psychic hell since Dante. Martin, the hero, seemed like an old friend by the end of the story, even if he was an old friend that you wanted to shake silly part of the time. And Gena, the heroine, was the most interesting female SF character in a long time. I'd strongly recommend this book to any SF reader, in fact to about any reader at all. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: AN EPIC STRUGGLE! Review: I enjoyed every minute of this battle between an average man, thrust into a situation beyond his control and evil incarnate. The story takes place in an amazingly and fascinatingly detailed world of the future, it all hangs together and makes you long for a sequel. I definitely want to read more about Gena, the heroine. A wonderful book.
Rating:  Summary: A COMPLETELY UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE Review: "Legend" offers a unique perspective on the world. It's one of the most unusual novels I've ever read, combining science fiction, fantasy, history and religion with adventure, philosophy, sex, mythology, psychology, humor, and just a truly excellent story line. A one of a kind experience.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE THIS NOVEL. Review: I've always liked "after the disaster" stories, and this is the best one I've ever read. Plus you throw in magic and a touch of the supernatural, and some great characters forced into an amazing quest, and you've got a can't miss adventure.