Rating:  Summary: A nap would have been better Review: I found "The Remnant" to be rather boring. I was looking for more from this novel, but it sort of just dragged itself along helplessly from one page to the next without ever saying anything new. I really feel like this book was just "filler" material...nothing really poignant was stated. Bottom line: LaHaye and Jenkins could have condensed the story from this book into one chapter...but instead we have a whole entire novel written about nothing.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting in it's own way, but not outstanding Review: The Remnant is nearing the end of the Great Tribulation. I am a Christian myself, just to eliminate any potential bias anyone may have against this review. This book was captivating, but primarily because I want to finish the series so I can finally know how the fool thing ends. The most irritating quality of this book is the fact that the Christians are portrayed as super- heroes, while the enemies are a bunch of incompetent bumblers. The annoyingly brief, slapped- together of nature of this book really kills as well. A sad departure from number nine.
Rating:  Summary: I'm starting to lose it!! Review: I feel like I'm leaving the Remnant writing this. Maybe it's because I wait so long for the paperback version to come out, but I can't keep track of the characters anymore!! The authors have kindly supplied two pages of characters to refer to, but the plot has become very fluid. I get the impression that even the authors are now panicing to get the last book out,as near the end of The Remnant plagues come thick and fast..what would've normally taken at least two best selling novels to explain. I have brought all ten Left Behind books and unless the Lord comes early I will buy the eleventh..but I'm only doing that because I would look stupid not having the whole series from start to finish. If you have never read any left behind books before my advise is not to start with this one.
Rating:  Summary: Not many more left....... Review: There are around 1 million people at a place called Petra. God has led these people there and promised them safety, food, and water. In addition, He has also promised them that their clothes will never have to be cleaned, repaired, or replaced. Which is a good thing since I'm sure more than one of them soiled themselves as they looked at two huge bombs dropping down on top of them! "The Remnant" picks up where Desecration left off, and proceeds to steamroll ahead. Unlike the last few books, where the books only covered a very short time span, this book starts at month 43 and continues until month 72 (6 years) of the Tribulation. This should please the many people who had begun to feel like the series was dragging on way too long (however, I have been a fan of all the books, whether they covered two years or two days). Nicolae Carpathia has a blood-thirst that just cannot be quenched. No matter how many people he kills or has killed, it's not enough for him. He wants more. Unfortunately those pesky little Bowl judgments keep throwing kinks into his plan. To make matters worse, even those who have taken the mark of loyalty (otherwise known as the mark of the beast) are regretting having done so. Many of them realize who they have pledged themselves to, as well as the fact that they cannot undo what they have done. Even those who don't see Carpathia as the anti-Christ tire of his rule and have begun to openly disobey. If you were put off be the previous three books, this book should be enough to bring you back into the fold. The writing is better than it has been, all of the characters, both new and old, are flushed out a little more, and the suspense from one chapter to the next is still there.
Rating:  Summary: The Final Great Battle Is About to Take Place Review: 'The Remnant,' book #10 of the 'Left Behind series' takes us to the brink of Armageddon. The Great Tribulation rages on and the forces of Evil and the armies of God prepare for battle. This is the prophecy of Revelation 13: 7. The remnant foretold are raised up [Daniel 7: 21, 25], judgements from God come down from Heaven [Revelation 16] and the AntiChrist pursues believers with a vengeance.
Rating:  Summary: The continuing story of those Left Behind... Review: After reading "Conquest of Paradise" by Britt Gillette, I was instantly turned on to biblical end times literature, and I quickly began reading the Left Behind series. From book one, I was totally hooked, and I've read up through book ten in less than a couple of weeks. In "The Remnant", LaHaye and Jenkins return with the popular adventures of the Tribulation Force and the evil rule of Nicolae Carpathia. The setting is one month into the Great Tribulation, and Carpathia's rule becomes ever more brutal with each passing day. A remnant of Christian believers gathers together in the city of Petra to await the Glorious Appearing of the Lord, and the Global Community quickly bombs the city in an attempt to finish them off. You'll have to read the book to find out what happens next, but true fans will not be disappointed as the authors continue to weave a thrilling tale. Only two more left! I can't wait to find out what happens next, and how the authors deal with the battle of Armageddon. I look forward to reading books eleven and twelve, and I encourage other Left Behind fans to pick up "Conquest of Paradise: An End-Times Nano-Thriller" as additional reading. That book got me interested in this series, and what a great book! What "Left Behind" lacks in realism, "Conquest of Paradise" adds in abundance. The prose is much more advanced and the international politics are identical to the current world scene and the war on terror. Peppered with biblical verses, "Conquest of Paradise" will turn even the most hardened skeptics into believers, or at least it will make them think twice. It's one lovers of end-times fiction shouldn't miss. Book eleven, "Armageddon" continues the adventures of the Tribulation Force, and the armies of the world will gather together at that fabled location long ago inscribed into our minds by Biblical prophecy. Can't wait to read the rest!
Rating:  Summary: Getting Tedious Review: After finishing book 10 I realize how glad I'll be when this series is over. I'm the kind of person that sits through a really bad movie just because I have to see the end, and that is the only reason I'm still reading these.
Rating:  Summary: Waiting for it to finally finish! Review: "The Remnant" picks up where "Desecration" left off, leaving us waiting and waiting for the action of Armageddon and the series to finally wrap up. I was a big fan of the series during the first several books. Although quite unrealistic in their approach, the Left Behind books present the tribulation in a serial form that is quite entertaining. But I'll have to agree with a number of other reviewers that the series has stretched on far too long, most likely to generate money. The past several editions have rehashed plot segments from previous books, helping to add text and pages to the newest installment. Certainly, they could have finished this series by now. If you're a fan of end times fiction, I suggest picking up the "Christ Clone Trilogy". The plot's a bit more believable, and you only have three books to buy instead of twelve! Even better is "Conquest of Paradise" which is only one book and presents the most realistic portrayal yet of the tribulation. "Conquest of Paradise" combines the page turning excitement of Left Behind with the technology and realism of "In His Image", "Birth of an Age", and "Acts of God". Readers would do far better to pick up these books instead. By now, I'm not sure whether I'll buy "Armageddon" (book eleven, twelve, seventy-five...?) or not! But I'll go ahead and give "The Remnant" four stars because I like the genre.
Rating:  Summary: The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon (Left Behind No. 10) Review: These books are the best I can't wait to find out what happens next!
Rating:  Summary: The quality begins to fall off here Review: Maybe it's just me, but up until this book, the authors seemed as if they were moving things foward at a fairly brisk pace. Here, it begins to feel like they are just drawing it out. I wouldn;t say you shouldn't keep reading, but be aware that there's not much payoff by this instalment. I'd suggest We All Fall Down by Brian Caldwell if you want your Apocalypse all in one pop. That book was dense with ideas and plot, much like these books would be if they had kept it to three or four.