Rating:  Summary: Ms Rice should have stopped after 3 books Review: This fourth volume of THE VAMPIRE CHRONICLES is a real disappointment. After the seductive perfection of her original trilogy, Rice has taken Lestat (whom she is obviously besotted with) and jettisoned all the rest of the characters we came to know and love in the first three books. Also, the story takes the vampire legends way out into left field, with Lestat actually inhabiting a mortal's body. Interesting stuff, but Lestat on his own gets tiresome; I found myself hoping that Louis or Armand or Marius would show up. After a certain point, without the others as a buffer, Lestat becomes quite tedious and the book ends up being boring. Somehow this volume doesn't fit with the first three; Ms Rice should have left it as a trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Enticing Story Review: This is the first book I read of the vampire chronicles. I could not put this book down until I had finished it, which meant staying up very late at night for a couple of nights. I fell in love with the character of the vampire Lestat. Despite his flaws, you cannot but find him adorable and will forgive him anything. His friend David is also wonderful. You will not forget these two guys for quite a while. I felt sad the day I finished this book for I wanted more and more of the intricate descriptions and scenes, emotional dialogues and the philosophical discussions on good and evil. I am now very encouraged to read the other chronicles. I sincerely hope that they live up to the expectations I have of them after reading this book. A wonderful, wonderful read!
Rating:  Summary: PLEASE! Review: What happened to the interesting storylines? This was a high disppointment after the wonderment of Interview and Lestat. I felt Queen of the damned was a bit jumbled but this is a ludicrous cartoon of Lestat.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best of the series, but certainly worth it Review: I have to say that in terms of the series as a whole, Tale of the Body Thief is not as good as the others. I can't really blame Anne Rice though 'cause Queen of the Damned was just too hard of an act to follow. :) However Tale of the Body Thief is still a damn good book, one of the best I've ever read, and is a must-read for fellow Lestat worshippers. TotBT is definitely a character-driven story, and while it still touches upon many of the larger philosophical issues that Rice deals with in all the books, this one was a lot more "down to earth" and mundane in a sense than the others, which is why I suspect a lot of folks didn't like it. I won't spoil the plot, but basically Lestat, in yet another one of his "do first, think later" endeavors (*grin*), gets the chance to become human again, and of course it's not all it's cracked up to be. I think this book, even more so than The Vampire Lestat (which was really just a history lesson IMHO), really takes us inside Lestat's head, and more importantly his heart. From the truly comical (the scene where he tries going to the bathroom for the first time in 200 years :P) to the truly poignant (the entire section with the nun was worth reading the book for, especially the heartbreaking scene towards the end), this book really touched me. Just as Lestat came away with a new appreciation for his vampiredom, I came away with a new appreciation for my beloved antihero, and a lot of my conceptions of him changed--for the better. I absolutely adored this book, and I think other Lestat fans will too. One last thing, I just have to say that as a bisexual Rice fan I think it's positively ridiculous some of the comments people have made regarding the more open treatment of alternative sexualities in this book. If you have a problem with homosexuality wtf are you doing reading Anne Rice books! There have *always* been homoerotic undertones in Vampire Chronicles, from the very first book. She has always dealt with sexuality and gender issues in these books. If it took Anne telling you outright that Lestat is bisexual in TofBT for you to know at all you must be some kind of moron, or didn't read the other books.
Rating:  Summary: Almost Hypnotic Review: I read this book years ago, but I do remember how much I love it. At the time I considered it my favourite of the chronicles(to which I am devoted)and I remember waiting eagerly to read Memnoch. But lets just say that was a disappointment. Yet I refused to give up hope because anyone who could write Tale of the body Thief could not be all bad. On the whole this was a great book and I still remain a firm worshipper of the magnificance that is Lestat thanks to Anne.
Rating:  Summary: Great Change in Pace of Rice's Books Review: I liked this Chronicle a lot because it changes the usual storyline around by having Lestat switching bodies with a human. It was a good story.
Rating:  Summary: Different, but too predictable Review: Nothing against Anne Rice's style, that has not changed at all, and continues to amaze me. However, I must say that this was my least favorite thus far of the Chronicles. Despite Rice's hypnotic dialogue and emotional detail, It was a very predictable story from the start.This time, Lestat makes a deal with a Body Theif, a human who can switch souls with another being, who also happens to be a very talented con-artist. Against the advice of his friends, Lestat agrees to temporarily switch bodies with the man, so that he can once again experience being a human. Lestat, as a human, must deal with the new challeng of being cut off from his vampire powers. His vampire companions will have nothing to do with him. His only friends through this ordeal are Mojo, a faithful dog; and David Talbot, the human from the Talamasca, introduced in Book 3. Further, he must re-learn everything he once knew as a human, centuries ago. Rice describes in detail how challenging it is for Lestat to learn all those simple dialy routines that we take for granted. Eating, using the bathroom, staying healthy, making love, and even walking all become a new challenge to master. The detail is great, but the plot lacks any mystery whatsoever. You see everything coming, so the story really lacks any suspense or excitement. If the thought of Lestat's humanity intrests you, then by all means read it. However, if you are looking for the same excitement and intrigue Rice presented in earlier volumes, then skip it
Rating:  Summary: A BOOK TO REALLY SINK YOUR TEETH INTO! Review: Where do I begin? I loved this book so much! The plot itself was so interesting. I was a bit worried that Lestat would succeed in his attempt to distroy himself, but of course Anne woundn't let that happen. I have also fallen deeply in love with Louis. Found myself hoping that he would reappear in the book again and again. I loved the parts with Lestat and Louis. The church seance was so wonderful. One little thing I didn't like about this book was the overall fact that I personally don't think that Lestat would make such a stupid mistake, switching bodies with James and all. I know that he longs to be human again but come on, you think that he would at least consider what David and Louis were telling him that something horrible was going to happen. I have been led to believe that Lestat was a pretty smart guy. The other thing I didn't much care for was when Lestat turned David into a vampire without his consent. In my heart I really wanted David to become a vampire but not in that way. I thought it was very mean of Lestat to do that to him after everything that David helped him with and after David had been "reborn" so to speak in James' body. But, when you try and overlook these two flaws, the book is to die for. I have read it about 5 times and still feel as though I could read it for an eternity :) Please if your and old fan or a new one, do not pass this book up :)
Rating:  Summary: Anne Rice delivers again Review: The Tale of the Body Thief the ongoing story of The Vampire Lestat. In this tale Lestat meets a body thief who has the power to steal bodies and posses them after he has taken them. It is after meeting this person that Lestat is tricked into giving up his powerful vampire body. In return Lestat is given the opportunity to walk the earth and feel what it is like to be human again. After the switch is when all the fun begins because the body thief refuses to give Lestat his body back and he is forced to search the world trying to recover his body. All though I enjoyed this book very much it is not as good as the previous three. First of all, the book begins very slowly which makes hard to continue reading it unless you are a fan of the series. Then, Lestat has always been fearless and cunning, but through out this book he is crying all the time. Finally, I would have liked to see more of the other vampire characters involved in the story. The book did have its positives also. Like the rest of the books in the series once the story was well on its way the book was hard to put down and it makes up for the slow beginning. I enjoyed very much the attention to detail that was given to the story. Reading this book and the previous three to this series make you wonder if vampires really exist. Over all this is a very good book. Anne Rice has delivered again. It is a must read for all the people who follow the vampire chronicles.