Rating:  Summary: Case Closed Review: Can you carry on a cocktail party conversation regarding Whitewater? Do you have any idea what the underlying charges were in Filegate? Travelgate?Do you believe that the impeachment investigation was justified? If you answered no to any of the above, YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK. If you want an account of the Clinton Administration scandals without the conventional hyperbole and political spin, READ THIS BOOK. Ann Coulter, often accused of being a "Clinton Hater" by Democrats, cogently supports her conclusions with an abundance of facts and law (ironically UNLIKE the arguments of her political opponents). Amidst a tone that is notably humorous and bitingly sarcastic, High Crimes is concise, readable and highly entertaining. This book is an absolute must-read for anyone that desires a broader perspective regarding the Clinton Administration.
Rating:  Summary: A Detailed Summary of the Clinton Administration Review: Ann Coulter does a good job describing every scandal that has plagued President Clinton. Her book also devotes a large portion to describing exactly why his crimes should be considered impeachable under the 'Crimes & 'Misdomeaners' section of the Constitution. If anyone wants to have a clear and concise summary of the Clinton Administration, this book is a good start.
Rating:  Summary: When the law & the facts are against you, pound on the table Review: Which is exactly what every liberal Clinton supporter is doing about this book. The author clearly lays out her case in factual terms and cites the law to back her arguments.
Rating:  Summary: Ann for Prez Review: I know the thought makes clinton butt kissers crazy, but her book shows that if ever a person's thinking merits high office, it's hers. It's shameful that more people can't see that Clinton tried, with the help of many others, to take the civil rights of Paula Jones. Even Gloria Allred says that he conspired to prevent a woman from exercising her rights. A federal judge found him guilty of perjury. I know, you don't believe a word, but the beauty of Ann's book, is that you have to build a dam to hold back the evidence against bill. As for the divorcing Gerry Rivers, he's lucky to be that close to a beautiful, leggy woman with a brain.
Rating:  Summary: Very well written and researched; clever and dead-on point Review: Coulter lays out the more visible aspects of Clinton's corruption, lies and loathsome character in this well-written and well-researched book that is both snappy and substantive. Her discussion of the history of impeachment is highly informative, and something that was never conveyed in the media. Guess what? Historically, almost any sort of bad behavior was considered justification for impeachment. Coulter also does an excellent job of clearly laying some of the major scandals for which Clinton was not impeached. Her discussion of Whitewater, for example, was the first place I'd seen a succinct and coherent discussion of what that was really about. Hint: it was not just a land deal gone bad. Same for Chinagate, at least as it stood at the time she wrote the book. In case you forgot who John Huang is, this book will remind you and give you key facts to help you appreciate that we have a traitor in the White House. The book also does an excellent treatment of serious abuses of power which everyone should know about and for which Clinton should be ejected from the White House, but which are largely unknown except by political afficianados. For example, a huge number of conservatives, conservative organizations and other enemies or perceived threats to Clinton have been audited by the IRS. As Coulter points out, one of the most serious charges against Nixon was that he thought about using the IRS to audit his political enemies (though he never actually asked anyone to do it). Clinton has clearly done it in spades. The book is filled with enlightening comparisons of Nixon and Clinton that show Nixon was a cherubic angel compared to Clinton. Part of what made this book so enjoyable to read, besides it being highly informative, is that Coulter is very funny. Her witticisms spice the book rather nicely, in my opinion. I've heard from good sources that the House Judiciary Committee staffers and Henry Hyde were reading the book when impeachment was getting underway. If it's good enough for them, it should be good enough for you.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't meet my burden Review: One comment element among those who hate the President is that whenever you got into a conversation concerning whether the President's actions in the Lewinsky matter warranted impeachment, they would give you a list of all the malfeasance Clinton has engaged in since 1992. Some of this, if true, is admittedly pretty nasty stuff. If it is ever conclusively proven that Slick Willie was negligent and allowed China to steal our secrets, I'll lead the lynch mob toward impeachment. But perjury, obstruction of justice? Please. Ann Coulter is a very smart and articulate woman, but she has let her bias dictate her position on this issue. She lost me the moment she wrote that "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" does not necessarily refer to crimes! She feels that crimes that are malum in se (such as covering up a break in to the Democratic Headquarters)are not impeachable but malum prohibitum crimes (adultery, perjury, I suppose) are. She called Watergate a two-bit break-in, and said that Nixon was only "trying to do something wrong" without actually succeeding. Well that's just wrong. The Watergate Plumbers were breaking in to fix an already installed wiretap. She used quotes from the founders, most notably Alexander Hamilton, to try and show that an extra-marital affair and cover up would have been impeachable in 1789. She neglected to mention that Alexander Hamilton had an extra-marital affair and kept it under wraps. But it's not about sex, they scream! Just about perjury to cover up sex. Clinton-haters are upset because the President claimed to construe the meaning of sex differently than most people do, only involving penetration. If Starr wanted the president to reveal details that did not fit into his definition of sex, he should have asked more specific and pointed questions, possibly without a camera in the room so our kids would not have to watch it. Because Clinton gave vague answers relating to his conduct, he was accused of perjury. What a crock! This whole thing is based on the testimony of an admitted liar who changed her story in exchange for an immunity deal for herself and her mother, which leads me to believe that Mr. Starr threatened Marsha Lewis if Monica did not cooperate and say what he wanted. Julia Hyatt Steele has complained to the media that Starr tried to get her to erroneously change her story regarding Kathleen Willey. When asked in the Judiciary Hearings how he differentiated false from true with Monica, Starr answered that he believed only those statements which were corroborated. So Bill and Monica had an audience? The Grand Jury was nothing more than a perjury trap designed to circumvent the fifth amendment. The President should have refused to testify and should have dared the Supreme Court to force a Defendant to testify against himself (a Grand Jury is a Criminal Proceeding and it was Clinton who was being investigated. Starr should not have needed the President's testimony to prove his case). This whole thing was a result of bad lawyering (see Sexual McCarthyism by Dershowitz) and the President should not be impeached because his attorneys failed him in the Civil Suit and the Grand Jury proceeding. James Sensbrenner said during the trial that Clinton used all possible means to subvert the truth and coerce witnesses. Unlike certain other Presidents, there is no evidence Clinton utilized the FBI or CIA to cover anything up regarding the Lewinsky matter. BTW, Henry Hyde used the FBI to bully the person who leaked the story concerning his extramarital affair to the media.
Rating:  Summary: Simply the Best of the Bunch Review: Having read more than a few books about the Clinton scandals/presidency, I found Ms. Coulter's to be the best in that her book pretty much covers the whole kit and kaboodle -- every scandal in its own chapter(s). While seeming to be the only person out there who understands the Constitution and Constitutional law, she also displays a hearty sense of humor. Not only an "easy" book to read, but an incredibly informative one. When people ask me to recommend ONE book that kind of sums up the Clinton scandals, I direct them to this book.
Rating:  Summary: This is a VERY good book! Review: Ms. Coulter takes a comprehensive look at how the founders defined the phrase "High Crimes and Misdemeanors", and then applies it to the case against Bill Clinton. A good approach, and lacking in the rant-and-rave histrionics of other books which can be classified as simply "anti-Clinton".
Rating:  Summary: This book has opened my eyes!! Review: I have read many books about the Clinton presidency recently. This was the most informative and enlightening. I feel that with Ms. Coulter's meticulous notes for each chapter she has verified what she writes. This book is not the ravings of a member of the "vast right wing conspiracy." It is a well researched and thorough look at what appears to me to be the most corrupt presidency in history. I find it ironic to see, as stated on page 280, that a judge named Walter L. NIXON was impeached and convicted in 1988-89 for FALSE STATEMENTS TO A GRAND JURY.
Rating:  Summary: Ann has what it takes! Review: Finally a lawyer who can tell the truth! I loved this book and can't wait until she readies her pen and aims her sights at her next target...St. Hilary!