Rating:  Summary: A frightenimg look at mankind's future. A brave statement. Review: I have not spent much time investigating this phenomenon, even though an episode of a vehicular abduction and "missing time" episode is evident in my own life. But somehow I found myself slipping this book into a few other paperbacks that I bought. I read it in one disturbing sitting. And I feel that perhaps Jacob's conclusion is something I've harbored all my life. I read it, but I seemed to know all this already, even the outcome, which may not take place as soon as he thinks but is on the horizon. I've never been caught up in the fervor over Roswell, secret air bases, all the MUFON lights-in-the-sky nonesense. It's too late for all that extraneous, pop culture info, for any of it to make a difference. Most of it seems to be dissinformation and allows us to skirt the subject continually in search of the "smoking gun" of hard evidence. Meanwhile, the real plot unfolds undetected, hidden in plain sight. I've never been a political or religious person and I don't see a solution or aid coming from governments or cultural institutions like the Church. I do feel that the only hope is retaliation on a spiritual or mystical level as a salvation for individuals and, if enough people were to "fight", perhaps for our race. Unfortunately, this sounds like doomsday space cult talk, right out the tabloids, and who could be trusted to organize and lead in this capacity? "God" or whatever the word for that power is, has a place in all of this, and it is here that we'll need to turn. Not to the transcended "God" in the heavens, but the one in our very human hearts. Most "New Agers" feel the need to assimilate the abduction scenario into something spiritually positive. Instead, a spiritual or emotionally human affront of resistance and retaliation is perhaps the only hope we have as individuals ( our souls ?), or toghether as an unadulterated, human race.
Rating:  Summary: Dave Jacobs knows....I'm one of his abductees Review: I have read many books on the subject of abductees because I'm one. If it weren't for Dave Jacobs I wouldn't know the truth. His book "The Threat" is as close to alien abductions as anyone has ever written. He goes in-depth when he regresses you. I've spent many many hours with him and he is totally accurate. When I read The Threat I felt like I was there all over again. No one knows what it's like unless you've experienced abductions. many may think all this isn't real....that it isn't happening...beleive me it is as real as it gets. Brovo Dave!!!!
Rating:  Summary: THE END OF THE WORLD? Review: I have read this book and just want to say I do not agree with it. BUT, it is very well written and easy to read. You will read it in one sitting. The author will respond to your emails so before writing one put aside your anger and frustration which you may feel after reading this book. The author will respond to your email in a fast and timely manner and seems to be a nice guy. Just don't let any child under 18 get their hands on this book. It will scare them really bad with the doomsday stuff and the fact that these little green aliens can come and go in your house anytime. And we aren't talking SANTA CLAUS HERE. Makes even a 18 year old fearful! Good Luck World we may need it! But I doubt it!
Rating:  Summary: Very well written. Review: I liked the first book, The Threat. This is part two by Jacobs on alien abduction and gets to the heart of the alien agenda. Jacobs has all the credentials and intellectual honesty required by non-believers; it is time to believe. After reading the first part, I do believe he takes too many of these accounts at face value and jumps to conclusions that other scientists would not make. However he is a very intelligent man with an interesting viewpoint. The treat is that aliens want planet earth and know how to take it, by infiltrating humanity with their own hybrids. Some believe, as Jacobs appears too, that a Breading Program has been taking place for decades and the level of alien hybrids is now indistinguishable from your neighbor next door, except he has full allegiance to the alien agenda. Jacobs includes many abduction accounts with new insights about the threat that no one wants to take seriously. For textbooks, I read Unconvential Flying Objects by Dr. Paul Hill and Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs. For the best fiction which includes inside information on the cover-up, the black technology, and government dirty tricks, I highly recommend Brad Steiger's new book, Alien Rapture.
Rating:  Summary: A must read Review: I read most books on the abduction phenomenon, and this one is really staggering.I though a lot about all this, and theories in astrobiology and evolution, and I woudn't be surprised if he was right. Why do we still wonder whether the aliens are benevolent or not? How come it has not become obvious, after thousands of cases studied, and thousands of hypnotic regressions? Budd Hopkins, who has been investigating abductions for 25 years, who has worked with over 800 abductees and performed well over 1000 regressions, still does not see any evidence that the aliens are benevolent. Why don't the aliens make it more clear that they are here to help us? at least from time to time. The theories expressed in "The Threat" definitely make sense. The idea that the aliens are here to help seems to be just wishfull thinking in the light of the research that has been done so far. A full review of the book by Hopkins would be very usefull I think, to confirm or infirm each of the details Jacobs puts forward.
Rating:  Summary: Am not convinced it's true, but if it is.... Review: I recommend this book to interested readers not as any sort of proof of alien abduction, but rather, assuming for the sake of argument that the abduction phenomenon is true, as an educated guess as to why something like it would occur. And I don't think that everyone will be depressed with it's conclusion. I never have been nor am I now conclusively convinced that there really is an alien invasion/infiltration in progress. But if it is true, it whould explain a great deal. First it takes a stab at exploring the long time question of "what would aliens want from Earth that they couldn't find anywhere elese". The aswer it seems, would be us ! Regardless of where you stand on UFO's, our DNA could arguably be this planet's most valuable and unique resource. And if you have ever wondered what would make otherwise reasonable people and democratic governments take draconian measures at keeping incidents like the Roswell crash secret, you may just find it here. It may actually be the only kind of reason for keeping it from the public. Not doing this could at least in the analysis of official circles cause unrest, panic and perhaps collapse of religious and secular institutions that are the foundations of our society. When you add the revelation that Earth's military forces are ineffective against UFO incursions, incapable of seriously disrupting alien activity on the ground and thourougly unprepared for any future invasion, the cover ups or Mr. Jacobs pessimism and surrender is not so far feched. But it does beg the question "how do we fight them" ? When I suspend my skepticism and take it at face value, I am neither pessimistic nor do I thik it would cause mass chaos. On the contrary, I think current international conflics would be made irrelevant with a new sense of human solidarity forged by an imperative echoed in Winston Churchill's stirring words on the eve of the Battle of Britain. We MUST fight......here on Earth and in the high ground of space. We must never surrender. SK
Rating:  Summary: Jumps to conclusions Review: I will admit to having had experiences that i can't quite explain in my life. Green and white lights filling my room in the middle fo the night, strange electronic humming sounds and intense vibrations all occuring while I'm trying to sleep. But lets face it, this is a regular occurence of REM sleep, and while I don't disbeleive in UFO's or abductions and did enjoy this book, I have issues with Professor Jacob's book. 1. He uses hypnosis as his main method of information gathering. Using only one means of info gathering is leaving far too many of your bases uncovered, not to mention that even though Jacob's gives the good old college try to stand up for the scientific validity of hypnosis, in my mind he still fails. 2. he takes everything said by the abductees at face value. He ignores the fact that there IS!!!!!!!! a lot of media influence in the alien abduction phenomenon, not to mention the fact that we have to take his word for it that he's beign a good hypnotist and not leading the abductee. 3. He completely ignores the govt/military side of alien abductions. I know that it's hard to beleive but lets face the facts brought to us by good old fashioned cloak and dagge rresearch and scientific method and wake up! There is a world wide cover up of UFO information, there was a crash at Roswell in 1947, we've been disseminating the technology ever since, Operation Majestic-12 (despite obvious govt. attempts to flood the net with false MJ-12 docs and efforts to discredit it) was and still is a reality, there is a working treaty between certain world govts and extraterrestial intelligences that is not benign. I'm not saying abductions don't exist, I'm merely saying that Jacobs has missed almost 2/3 of the story. You can't ignore the abduction phenomenon just like you can't ignore the duplicity and treasonous actions of world governments against their own populations. The conspiracy goes as far back as Ancient Sumeria (Sitchins 12th planet series) and goes on today in the US govt. (Behold a pale horse by Will Cooper) If you are an abductee know this, it is a LIE that we can't fight back! It's a lie that there are'nt any splinter groups developing technology to fight these little buggars! It's a LIE that all you can do is live a comfortable life because were f'd anyway! That's what they want you to think. Our own military is in on it, but there are those willing to stand against it. God didn't make us just to perish in the 21st century, on the very dawn of greatness. No, he didn't! Resist or Serve! It should be the motto for us all!
Rating:  Summary: A real shocker, too much for some... Review: I wrote Dr. Jacobs a four-page letter after finishing my reading of the Threat. Those not involved in the UFO research community could easily dismiss this as pure nonsense, but it isn't.
Rating:  Summary: Gradual - Accelerated - Sudden. Review: If you are like many 'skeptics,' which is to say if you have a narrow and closed mind, are riddled with prejudices, and are a fanatical believer in the 'truths' you were indoctrinated with during your childhood, skip this book. It isn't for you. Scorn is cheap, and you would gain nothing by reading it. If, on the other hand, you have an open mind, and one strong enough to contemplate the most horrifying news ever brought to mankind, you should certainly read it, but not perhaps before bracing yourself for the worst. Jacobs is a highly qualified academic who has spent much of his life investigating the UFO phenomenon, and his book is based on over seven hundred hypnotic-regression interviews, extracts from many of which are cited in this well-written and thoroughly researched study. He is a brave man and writes with authority. We should be grateful to him, although the picture he has slowly pieced together from these varied voices is terrifying. It isn't easy to create natural dialogue, to create the feel of a real person speaking, to summon up the image of a vivid and believable man, woman, or child in just a few lines. Only the very greatest writers can do this. And this is what frightens me. I sincerely hope that Professor Jacobs, besides being a scholar, is also a literary genius, a fraud, and deluded, though I fear he isn't any of these. I fear that these voices, as he claims, came right off the tapes. As one trained in literary analysis, what impresses me most about this book is the wide range of utterly believable individual voices we are given, voices of many different persons who are evidently sincere. In these interviews we see them struggling to come to terms with the abductee experience, and trying to describe what they saw, heard, and felt as well as they can. They deserve our gratitude and our sympathy, and one feels disgusted that the official world offers them no support at all. Some of these individuals are clearly intelligent and highly articulate; others appear none too bright and are poor speakers. But they are all real, and even those who have trouble expressing themselves manage to convey enough for us to see what they are trying to tell us. Only another Arthur Miller or Tennessee Williams could have made these voices up. As for the news the abductees bring, it can be stated briefly. The Aliens are here. They have been here for some time. They have made complete fools of us. The Alien strategy consists of three stages: Gradual - Accelerated - Sudden. They are delighted with their progress and are currently approaching the end of the accelerated stage, at the completion of which will occur - "The Change." One abductee reports: "This thing is going down a lot sooner than people think." We do not know precisely what means the Aliens will employ to precipitate the global catastrophe that is to sweep most of us away, but one can imagine them thinking something like this: The Earth is a beautiful planet. Why leave it in the hands of greedy and primitive Earthlings whose economic machine is rapidly converting it into garbage? It will be a relatively simple matter to divert a suitable- sized asteroid and have it slam into the Pacific. After which... For the rest, and there's a lot more, you will have to read Jacobs. It's worse, much worse, than you can imagine. No-one could have imagined this. But don't read this book if you ever want to sleep well again at night, or perhaps I should have said in the nights you have left...
Rating:  Summary: Finally, a UFO researcher with an open mind Review: If you read many of the UFO books, you will find that each writer has a narrow focus which makes that writer of ufology special. Many want to make the UFO's angels, messengers, demons, leprechauns, extraterrestrials, aliens, pleidians, etc. David Jacobs brings the reader through his first research where he almost began a narrow focus then to the current state of his research experience. He takes all the consistent reporting and analyzes them. He forms his theory from decades of case analyses. He did not discard portions which did not fit his theories (as many other noted Ufologists). I highly recommend this book. It gives a more complete and concise summary of mutliple decades of UFO research.