Rating:  Summary: One of the most exciting and interesting books ever! Review: This is one of the most exciting and most interestingly complex books I have ever read. The main character makes some pretty stupid mistakes, but covers them up nicely with a few bloody murders. (Hey, this kind of sounds like Joseph Stalin.)
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, deservant of another try! Review: Though stated in other reviews as terrible I found the first book to be interesting and comical. The way the main character bumbles around, and how the scientific knowledge know by Hubbard is astounding. Deffently worth the chance to read the next book.
Rating:  Summary: Crap. Not even in capital letters, just crap. Review: I have read all ten books in this series. I do NOT blow my own horn you understand, but I feel I certainly have earned a medal (or it's equivalent) for slogging through this trash. The whole mess MIGHT have been worthwhile (as a satire) if done in a SINGLE (!!!!!) book. By a third of the way into the second book I wanted the protagonist to die a horrible, slow, death. I wanted the villian to rape the heroine. Yes, I'm foolish for putting myself through such AGONY, but only twice, in more than 30 years of reading, have I NOT finished a book or series. I love books and I mourn the fact that these "things" must be permitted to be described as, and associated with, the real thing. This was simply (the kindest explanation I can think of) a gratuitous effort at making money. Obviously, if Amazon permitted "negative" stars, this rating would be sub-zero. P.S. Is L. Ron Hubbard dead yet? If not he should attempt to diminish the magnitude of his sins through suicide. It wouldn't be enough, but it would be the best we could hope for.
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointing for such a huge sci-fi work a highschool read. Review: If I was still in high school, I probably would have really enjoyed this series and probably overlooked the many holes in Hubbard's writing. In writing a dekalogy (a 10 book series) he had the option to follow in the footsteps of such greats as C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia), and especially Frank Herbert (Dune). But instead of spanning the galaxy and thousands of years, he zones in on a character that's basically a secretary and a bumbling one at that. Among the disconcerting lack of details that would make the story truly work, is the fact that everyone in the book seems to eat mostly sweetrolls and soda, with the occasional beer (he did go as far as to create terms for them in the context, "sparklewater" and such). So basically what you have here is a shining opportunity to get really in depth and create a story with the scope of a thousand worlds and the fate of the galaxy. What you actually get is a private window on a bumbling cartoon character who munches on sweet rolls and generally interperets things poorly. It's amusing, but not what I'd call a page turner. But don't let me knock the series too much. My advice is to invest carefully. No sense buying ten books you hate. Just get the first one and see how it sits with you, and may it sit better with you than with me. - Jon Dayon
Rating:  Summary: Enjoy it for what it is. Review: Scientology, homophobia, and casual treatment of rape aside, this is an extremely good series with plenty of twists, action, and emotion. Exremely comical and well paced. As another reviewer wrote, the scientology aspects are irritating, but if you simply ignore it and any other external factors to this work, you will probably enjoy them as much as I did.
Rating:  Summary: "One of the great embarassments of modern science fiction" Review: That's how the "Encyclopedia of Science Fiction" described this lumbering, nearly unreadable mass of words...and this description is sorely accurate. The so-called "satire" is a thinly disgused commercial for Scientology, as Hubbard plunges us into a world where super-hero Jettero Heller has to save the Earth, and ultimately the entire galaxy, from a devious plot to take over the Galactic Empire. What is this plot? Why, a massive conspiracy to use drugs, psychology, and psychiatry to enslave the population...which just happens to be exactly what Scientology is raving about. The "satirical" world presented in this series is frighteningly close to the way Scientologists are taught to look at the REAL world, which does a lot to explain the fear and paranoia gripping the organization. I pity the poor souls deluded by Scientology...but as for Hubbard's "satirical" look at the world, I can certainly see why Scientology embarked in a massive campaign to buy huge quantities of these books in order to propel them onto the best-seller lists. That's the only way they could ever survive this long, without being forgotten as poorly-written pulp fiction from an author whose limelight faded decades ago.
Rating:  Summary: Fizzles Review: I really enjoyed this first book in the series. I loved the satirical attitude. I read several of the next books, I think I made it to about the fifth book till I got tired of it. I found the violence increasingly mean-spirited and really unnecessary to the plot. I simply got bored with the story and moved on. I think the first few books are worthy reads. Unfortunately, the story ultimately fizzles.
Rating:  Summary: Ultimatly boring and always insulting to religion Review: The book begins with a catchy sequence that is more than able to keep your attention. The first book by itself is an OK read. As a form of comic relief Hubbard uses the word "blank" in place of any profane word. While you find plenty of "blanks" you never see a traditional four letter word. He does make an exception to this however. The book is filled with any and all forms of taking the Lord's name in vain. Many times I would read "god damn" or "Jesus Christ" when a character wanted to issue a profanity, but never a damn or a hell, only "blank". After reading several of the titles I became acutly aware of this practice of blasphemeing Christianity. I found it not only annoying but offensive.
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC! Review: OK, am I the only one who sympathasizes with Soltan? I think Jet is great but too goody-goody to be true. I feel sorry for poor Soltan Gris, stuck doing Lumbar Hist's dirty work, doomed no matter how his mission turns out. Misguided and tyranized by Lombar, Unable to see past himself. I find myself more and more loving,despite myself, poor Soltan. But maybe it's just me.