Rating:  Summary: A nice story with a surprising twist Review: I have read this book and realized how real a plague that no one can stop can be. I was very surprised to find out that Corran Horn was a Force-sensitive and that his grandfather was a Jedi Master. I hope Corran appears in another story, this time a Jedi Knight
Rating:  Summary: A Slacker. Review: This book does capture what Stackpole is aiming at, but failes to grasp this nail-biting tension of the others. The X-wing battle scenes are what make this book stand out. However, this book has almost none. The best part was the sudden apperance of the Lusankya (a SSD)
. I'll admit it, The O.J. trial was like sleeping tonic to me. That is about what the trial of Tycho is. Okay, but not the best
Rating:  Summary: The Krytos Trap Review: Yet again Stackpole has writen a novel that is worthy of the Star Wars universe. Not since his work with FASA to make the Battletech novels has he writen such a great piece of work. If you love the Star Wars universe, then this and the other X-Wing books will certainly please you
Rating:  Summary: A page-turner that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Review: I loved this book and agree with the review that Amazon give it, however, I thought Corran's escape was the best part of the book. The deductive reasoning he used was great, and Stackpole wrote it superbly. I go to school, am involved with out of school activities, and have homework. I enjoyed this book so much, i read it in three days. In my opinion, it is the best book in the series by far and I can't wait untill the next book comes out
Rating:  Summary: Stackpole consistently writes good Star Wars Review: Presumed dead at the end of "Wedge's Gamble", Corran Horn is actually captured and imprisoned in the infamous prison of the Empire: Lusankya. He is being tortured indoctrinated by Ysanne Isard so that he can potentially become a weapon against the Rebellion. Meanwhile, Rogue Squadron and the rest of the Rebel Alliance believe that Tycho Celchu is the murderer. They believed there was a spy in their midst and the evidence pointed to Tycho. Wedge, and some of the other Rogues, does not believe that Tycho could have been the spy. While the investigation and the trial of Tycho is taking place, Rogue Squadron and the Alliance are dealing with the trap Isard had laid on Coruscant. She essentially abandoned the planet and allowed the Alliance to retake Courscant, but Isard had a virus called Krytos which only targeted certain alien species and can only be cured by mass quantities of the miracle drug Bacta. Using enough bacta to save the planet will bankrupt the Alliance and selective use of bacta could destroy the Alliance from within by setting aliens against humans. Through all of this, Corran Horn is attempting to escape from Lusankya.
"The Krytos Trap" is the third book in the nine book X-Wing series. Michael Stackpole has done an excellent job in creating characters (especially Corran Horn) who are as compelling as any we saw in the Original Trilogy. Here, Horn learns more about the family history he was never told about and also more of the truth of Lusankya as well as about Tycho. There are fewer space battles in "The Krytos Trap", but Stackpole is a very good storyteller for Star Wars and his books are among the most entertaining of the entire series.
-Joe Sherry
Rating:  Summary: Leanest of the First 4 X-Wing Books, Still an A Review: The Krytos Trap, is the leanest of the first 4 X-Wing books by Stackpole. It's not a bad book, but some of the action gets tedious. Overall, however, its still a great read, a fun addition to the series and much better than many other Star Wars books. Curuscant has been freed from the Empire, but Intel. Director Isard left behind a devastating plague that only affects non-humans. The Rogue Squadron spy has been caught and is on trial for the murder of Corran Horn, supposedly killed at the end of the second book in the series. Yet information is still getting to the Imperials, even with Tycho Celchu in custody. With Bacta as the only form of medicine to cure the plague in short supply, the Republic has been dealt a hammer blow. But hope could return in the form of some savy smugglers, as well as the captured and imprisoned Corran Horn. While his friends mourned his death, he was being tortured by Isard in her cruelest dungeon Lusankya. Because of the diverse threads of the story, the action can get tedious but overall its a great effort, just not as good as the first 2.
Rating:  Summary: This Series Just Keeps Getting Stronger With Each Book! Review: When I first heard of the X-wing series of Star Wars books, I wasn't sure I wanted to read it. It was mostly about the pilots from Rogues Squadron, with some cameo appearances by Han, Leia, and Luke. I thought the books might be dull do to the lack of my favorite heroes. Boy, was I ever wrong!! These books are fast-paced and exciting from cover to cover! In this excitng installment, Corran Horn is believed dead and Tycho Celchu has been arrested for his murder. Celchu faces a treason and murder trial, with all the evidence working against him, despite all of the heroic work he's done for the Republic. The Alliance is struggling to become the New Republic. The dreams of setting up the main government at Coruscant are beginning to collapse as the deadly Krytos virus begins to attack non-human members. Bacta, the only known cure, is scarce and the prices are climbing. To make matters worse, a terrorist group on the planet of Coruscant is threatening to tear the government apart before it even begins. As Rogue Squadron deals with the loss of its top fighters, Corran struggles to stay alive in the horrific Lusankya prison, run by the evil Ysanne Isard. The best of the series so far, this book is packed with action and suspense. And the dogfights - WHOA! This book has something for every type of Star Wars fan: action, intrigue, suspense, mystery, you name it!
Rating:  Summary: A fast paced rollar coaster of a novel... Review: I've found Stackpole's work to be dull and dragging, charactoristics I found all too apparent in the previous two books of his series. But while Rouge Squadron and Wedge's Gamble may be a bore to the reader, I warn you, don't get frusterated.The Krytos Trap may pose the series's savior. Stackpole weaves a tale of betrayl and treachery, of love and detirmination, and suprises you simply can't put it down. There is very little space battles or battles in general for that matter, but Stackpole keep's you in complete suspense until the very end. His work is far more down-to-earth, complete with lawyers, a very diferent (not bad mind you) turn for Star Wars literature. If I could give Stackpole a single bit of advise, it would be to give up Sci-fi and go to more realistic fiction. This rollar coaster of a novel starts you out on a fast paced straight away that accelerates you into the plotline. No turns or loops simply a well written beginning. But then, without warning, this book sends you into a tunnel of betrayl and questions, questions that blind the reader to the turns twists and turns its about to take. It takes so many twists and turns in fact that it could make the Goliath at Magic Mountain look calm. It end with a final loop that shows you just how wrong you were the whole time, which leads me to a final regret, just as a rollar coaster must come to an end, so must a novel. Luckily we've still got the Bacta War. I can virtually guarentee you this book shall not disappoint, it's a true return to great Star Wars literature, in a time in which it seemed Star Wars was in a downfall.
Rating:  Summary: Another Good Book In The Series Review: By book three, this series is in full swing; the main characters have been introduced and developed, the continuing war against the Empire is being fought, and Coruscant has been taken! This book is where the author really shows his stuff, balancing characters, relationships, battles, action and death perfectly. I had read I, Jedi some time before this, so as far as Corran's situation went I already knew the outcome, but the amount of tension and fear for his life that I felt was amazing despite this. Though some of it was a bit far-fetched, (Corran Horn, the barely known Rogue Squadron pilot and former cop is suddenly everyone's best friend and the martyr of the galaxy? Spare me) the book was still excellent. Since I've been following the New Jedi Order for quite some time, I've gotten used to Gavin as the kind, middle-aged, father figure type squadron leader, and I found it quite entertaining to see him here as the young, inexperienced sixteen-year old scared little boy, "taken care of" by his squadronmates. Anyway, this book was great and I recommend it to any true Star Wars fan.