Rating:  Summary: The Urb Review: Last Book in the Universe, by Rodman Philbrick, is a very well written book because Philbrick uses original words and easy to understand language. The main character, Spaz, also the narrator, embarks on a dangerous journey, with his friend, Ryter, and a boy named Little Face, who follows them, to save his sister, Bean, from leukemia. They have to travel through different latches, or parts of the city. While in each latch, there is something to do, for example, find the probe runner, who is a person bringing mind probes (needles that mess up people's minds) into the latches. Philbrick ends the book, in a depressing way, but he doesn't end Spaz's story. He writes it as if there is going to be a sequel, and if there is, the very next book I am reading will be that one, so I can read what happens to Spaz.
Rating:  Summary: Be perfect or live in hell! Review: Even though the language is primitive eg. "big shake",and the ending keeps you hanging, The Last Book in the Universe is one of the best books I ever read because I couldn't put it down. In the Urb (world) , an unclean , toxic world where the sky is full of smoke, and the ground is dirt or concrete Spaz , a homeless kid, lives Spaz is adopted by a gang. He gets a letter from his foster sister (Bean) that tells him that she is very sick and wants to see him one more time before she dies. Spaz goes though a lot of adventures with a slightly zoomed writer named Ryter , a snobbish "proov" (geneticly improoved human )named Lanaya, and a young, homeless kid named Little Face before he reaches his sister. Then Spaz , Lanaya , Little Face , Ryter , and Bean go to Eden (paradise) to heal her. If you like adventure, and stories that take place in the future you should try this.
Rating:  Summary: EDEN OR NOT? Review: The Last Book the Universe, written by Rodman Philbrick is suspenful and exciting. There is always some kind of conflict going on, whether it be fight or a rescue. There is never a dull moment. As I was reading the book, I could not put it down. The story follows a boy named Spaz who has epilepsy and is on a journey to get to his dying sister. On the way, he makes friends with " a proov" (a genetically improved person) from Eden named Lanaya and a"gummy"(an old person who knows a lot about the past) named Ryter. Together,they fight for their lives and uncover Spaz's past. I think Philbrick has a gold mine of a book and and should have a sequel because he leaves the reader hanging on by a thead about the solution to the main prejudice problem: the antagonism between the proovs and the normals.
Rating:  Summary: A Story THat Makes You Think Review: A Story That Makes You Think Reviewer: Michael The story, The Last Book in the Universe, is a great book. The book takes place in the future which is nothing like today. It is dirty, and there are no colors. The main character is a boy named "Spaz". When Spaz was a young kid, he got kicked out of his foster family because of his epilepsy. One day, a latch runner (messenger)comes to Spaz with a message that his sister is sick and that she requests to see him. So Spaz decides to visit his sister. He goes through many adventures and meets some good friends. The book has some made up language due to the futuristic setting such as "chox"," and urb". I think that this was a great book that really makes me think about how the future can turn out. It is a good book because of its flattering expedition with many adventures in it. It also has flawless unusual characters.
Rating:  Summary: Eden vs.the Urb Review: To me, this book was exciting because the plot kept me reading. Last Book in the Universe by Rodman Philbrick is about a boy named Spaz. The world he lives in, the depressing Urb, is a land ruled by gangs. Eden is a place where genetically improved people (proovs) live; it is a beautiful place with grass and blue sky. Spaz receives a letter telling him that his sister will soon die and that she needs to see him. Spaz, an old man named Ryter, a proov named Lanaya, and a little boy go on an adventure to find her. Many different things happen on their adventure to see his sister and they run into different characters like Lotti Getts a latch boss and Billy Bizmo another latch boss. The unique style of writing that Philbrick writes with, such as using "gummy" to mean an old person, makes the story very interesting to readers of all ages. The book is easy to read and easy to understand. The ending of the book isn't very good though because it doesn't really close up the story.
Rating:  Summary: The Last Book in the Universe Review: Nobody cared. Nobody read. They will read this story, sometime, somehow. The story of Spaz, the epileptic, will be retold for future generations and will be passed on and on. The story of how Spaz embarks on a quest to break the boundaries of the terrifying world he lives in. It's all about having the courage to face the fears which one has, no matter the danger, the risk, or the consequence. A tale of love, loss, and the challenges we all face is raveled into this powerful and sensitive story of a young boy and his significant accomplishments. Spaz, the epileptic, is the last book in the universe. He holds the last story the world would ever read, or even hear, again. He's driven by his compassion towards his foster sister, Bean, who he has not seen since he moved out into the new latch -Bean was only 5. Confused yet eager, Spaz easily gets himself in and out of trouble. He knows how to take care of himself, for living in the Bangers' latch has taught him to be self-sufficient, but he still knows how to care for another. He has a determined attitude, but his heart bleeds for his sister. Bean is the most important thing in his life, and nothing will ever stop that. The most riveting part of the story for me was when Lanaya spoke in front of a crowd of thousands of proovs like herself (genetically improved humans) In return, she found out another point from the opposing side - you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Rating:  Summary: A Bettendorf Student Review: I have recently read the book "The Last Book in the Universe" I found this a book for all people who wonder about the future but have never found enough books on what it might be like. It describes many details that cover weaponry, racism, and the survival of many in a world of discrimination. I really recomened this book to science fiction readers, but not to those who like series of books.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: Ever wonder what it might be like in a thousand years? One way to find out is by reading The Last Book in the Universe. It takes place on Earth in a thousand years, some time after the Big Shake, an earthquake that destroyed many parts of the world. The Last Book in the Universe is about a boy named Spaz. He is called this because of his alergy to mind probes. Mind probes transmit all the excitement from a story into the user's brain. Books are no longer in use, but one man, Ryter, is writing a book about his experineces in life. Spaz lives in a place called the Urb, a run-down city, on his own. This is where Ryter lives too. When Spaz finds out his sister Bean is sick, he wants to see her. Though they are not blood relatives, he still loves her. He and Ryter travel through the Pipe, a long underground tunnel that leads to the far side of the Urb. Once out of the Pipe, Spaz and Ryter meet Lanaya, a proov girl. A proov is an improved person- someone who had special genes injected into him or her at birth. They continue to travel and soon get to Bean's home. She lives with her parents in a small house. She is doing okay, though she is weak and lies in bed all the time. After a couple of days, Bean falls into a coma. If Spaz and company do not do something quick, she is sure to die. They decide they should travel to Eden, where Lanaya is from, with Bean. But there are many dangers they will face on the way. Will they make it to Eden? Is it safe there? Will they have the technology to cure Bean's sickness? The Last Book in theUniverse is an excellent book.It is great for any reading level and may even be a good read for adults. To find out how this story ends you'll have to read the book yourself!
Rating:  Summary: A Good Read Review: This was a book about a future, it is very good. It tells of family, friendship, fighting, courage, and so much more. It is a good fast read and you will probably be able to finish it in a few days, if not one night.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Books in The Universe Review: Rodman Philbrick's "The Last Book in The Universe" has everything a good novel needs. It has awesome action and a great storyline. The technology in his book is also very neat. The book itself is also very gripping because the setting is on Earth. After a huge earthquake, the Earth is filled with turmoil and ruling gangs unless you're a genetically improved "proov" who lives in Eden. Now, a young boy and his companions are on a quest to save his sister and possibly the world. This is a must read.