Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: A good book to curl up with as we approach the new millennium. A well reasoned look at how the religious institutions of the world would respond to the arrival of a bona fide messiah. The resulting imbroglio is as chilling as it is unpredictable. Excellent suspense thriller that will keep you guessing until the last chapter.
Rating:  Summary: Thought-provoking read not intellectual enough for some Review: This is a great book dealing with the heady topics of dogma and religious hypocrisy. Yes, the book is written in a modern, quick style, but this actually makes it even more engaging. I for one don't like to ruminate for twenty minutes over each paragraph I read. No it's not Voltaire but it definitely makes you think more than the average trashy read. As for the Church-bashing - lighten up! It's a work of FICTION. Read it for what it is. I don't understand why some of the malcontented even bought this book. The book jacket should have told them what they were in for. That's like going to Toys R Us and getting upset when you can't find the fine china department. PLEASE!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent novel Review: One of the better novels to come out of Warner in years. Intersting, well-crafted read.
Rating:  Summary: A find Review: This book begins December 24, 1999. To read it so close to the actual inception date was a nerve-racking experience! Many of the events written in the book years ago when it was first published are surfacing today. The "millenarians" gathering in Israel at Ascension Mount, the meteor storm predicted for December 22, and so much more, it's uncanny. This novel is heads above most new fiction, very thought provoking and intelligent, it damands your full attention every sentence. There are innumerable "secret gems" sprinkled throughout the text that add to the fun and keep you on your toes. The threads of this story are intricate and challenging, and the way the author ties them together in the end is nothing short of brilliant. The best book I've read this year, in fact, better than any book I've read in many a year.
Rating:  Summary: Great, It's Not Review: I found little of lasting value in this book, and I'll usually find something, even in brainless thrillers. But this one has only a hollow shell of a plot, with unreal characters and odd reactions to what should be a magnificent, transcending event. The key to all this would be a believeable female messiah, but in Jeza we are given a savior who lacks charisma, wisdom, and good sense. I could hardly imagine her attracting a following of any kind, let alone characters who should really know better. She is a caricature of a feminist, not a messiah, just as the Church and pope are caricatures of the real thing. Satire perhaps? If so, it fails. Subtlety is not this writer's strength, nor is complexity. Sorry to say, nor is writing. The more words in a book does not equal meaningful thought. While I thought some parts were fun, it ultimately was dreary. To those who read a great deal, it is hard to imagine this fluff being on their favorites list. It barely merited the time to place this review. But taste differs and we are free to make individual judgments, thank Jeza!
Rating:  Summary: Good Lord... Review: At the risk of being burned at the stake as a "henchman for the religious right", allow me a voice in the wilderness here. When I finished this telephone directory of a thriller last night, I came here to comment on how much I disliked it. From some of the reviews, I thought I had the wrong book. To be accurate, unless I bought a misprinted copy of the book, the Last Day I read was written poorly, self-important nonsense, with a politically correct Jeza character (a female Jesus clone) who gave me the creeps when she wasn't making me yawn. The church bashing was funny at times, but seemed overdone and bitter when it went on too long. The author doesn't appear to know much about the bible, religion, or real people. If it wasn't so darn long, so difficult to read, and so self-important, it could be dismissed as a sub-par thriller. But since the book tries so desperately to be significant, I'll give it two stars for the effort. I believe I smell smoke, so on to better books!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent novel on religious tyranny Review: A great story to get your mind and heart working overtime. I first heard about this book on AOL where they host discussion groups about it. I've been meaning to read it for months but couldn't find the time. Then once I started, I finished it in two days. I couldn't put itdown. It's as good as everyone says. Better.
Rating:  Summary: Ponderous Review: I think this novel is a dreadful, pretentious bore. I can live with the twenty cent theology lesson, but where was an editor? This seems to have tumbled out of the press like a road apple from a pony's rear-end. Lousy writing and editing really ruin books for me and this one is a lost cause. The author had something Important to say and he makes it clear we must listen. What astonishes is that a publisher can confuse ponderous with profound and have such rock-bottom standards.
Rating:  Summary: Junk - Don't Bother Review: This book started out fine but ended in total disaster. The ending was severely rushed and was poorly concluded. It reminded me of a television sitcom where the family crisis is quickly resolved and everyone joins in for a group hug because everything is good again. The scientific underpinnings were not clearly established well enough in order for this book to work. Furthermore, the author tiptoed along the lines of hypocrisy with regard to his use of religious scripture to prove his points. Whereas his disdain for organized religion is quite evident, he relies on theological points and scripture (that were a result of centuries of deliberation within the church) in order to boost the messianic credentials of his main character. In other words, the author uses theological points to puff up the mysteriousness of Jeza, but attacks the same church who originated those points. All in all, a major dissapointment.
Rating:  Summary: wading into controversy Review: a book like this will upset some readers. as a former southern baptist who left my congregation over the issue of religious empowerment of women (as a woman, i endorse it), i can see where the pro-female side of this novel will turn many people against it. i support the progressiveness of this novel. it approaches the ancient dilemma of sexism in a very bold and imaginiative way that is also quite effective. it takes other daring stands as well, and i would advise conservative christians to steer clear--although they're the ones who would benefit most from a book like this. but if you can weather the controversial elements, this is quite a fascinating and different sort of book. it keeps you guessing, it will frighten the daylights out of you, and you can't stop thinking about it when you're finished.