Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Book Ever Written Review: I received this book for Christmas from the woman I once called my wife. Since I read Last Day, I live alone in the wilderness, zealously analyzing the Parables of Jeza. The old faith is dead to me as I bask in sacredness. Jeza has sanctified. The wisdom in this book leaves me reeling, punch-drunk from being pummled by strokes of genius. The spiritual flogging leaves me giddy with gratitude that a new lord worked through the author to bring revelatory firestorms to my being. Though I am but a neophyte, Jeza leads me. I have copied the Parables in illuminated text and crazy-glue them to rectory gates. The Vatican must see them and know this book can not be suppressed. I grow vertiginous with veneration. The greatest book ever written must be read!
Rating:  Summary: A page turner Review: Fans of suspense thrillers will enjoy this one. Not your typical, garden variety whodunnit, this book has a generous portion of politics, philosophy and supernatural theology mixed in. The plot is based on both current and historical places, events and writings, with the added bonus that it's all layed out very logically and credibly. YOu're never asked to suspend belief. I never saw the ending coming, and that made the twists all the more fun. Don't plan on putting it down once you start.
Rating:  Summary: One Cool Book! Review: I don't read much fiction so I can't compare it to a lot of thriller or science fiction or whatever category this would be put in, but I really enjoyed it! It's especially an improvement over the childish LEFT BEHIND series that is currently burning up the charts. I could never predict what was going to happen and especially loved a lot of the scenes in the Vatican. I'm not sure I believe some of the reviewers here who are treating this book like a new bible. I hope they're being facetious.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, My Jeza! Review: This is the finest spiritual writing of all time. The Parables of Jeza have brought a New Messiah to us, the undeserving. Jeza casts aside the myths of the old and gives us a New, New Testament. New and improved! Just as Jeza is a vast improvement on the old, creaky original. He has nothing relevant to say, but Jeza says it all. She is where its at and this book is what's happening! Search if you will, but the truth is in this book. We must accept Jeza as millions have, before it's too late. Jeza speaks. Listen or abandon all hope.
Rating:  Summary: You Will Never Read Another Book Review: You will never need to read another book because this one has all you will ever need. I, like most readers honored to have this book enter their lives, have devoted my life exclusively to The Last Day. In it are all the answers. This masterpiece embraces the reader in a divine stranglehold and will never let go. Jeza enlightens within, squeezing the heart like a spiritual sponge. Lifetimes of intense study will be dedicated to her revelations. Once all have read these truths (which should be soon, given the number of reviews here), humanity will reach the Omega Point. All agree that Last Day offers salvation, so open yourself to the power of this book and find your mind and soul reborn in its glaring light. Deny the truth no longer. Buy this book from Amazon today and meet your Jeza!
Rating:  Summary: A good book, but not the NEW BIBLE! Review: Hey, I thought this was a really good book, but let's not go overboard! This is just FICTION, people. Kleier isn't a prophet, he's just a writer. The Last Day isn't the New Testament, it's a mystery thriller. Enjoy it for what it is, don't make more out of it. It seems as if some people are so disillusioned with their religions they hunger for something to replace it. If this novel makes you question some of your beliefs, that's healthy. But if you're that shaky in your religion that you'd throw it away over a novel, you probably shouldn't read it. I don't think this book's intentions are to start a cult. You got sucked in, as well-written fiction will do.
Rating:  Summary: Keeps you reading Review: Not what I expected. This is more of a mystery novel than a theological treatise. The book does get into some hot topics and handles them well. I particularly liked the encounters between Jeza and the Vatican, which were intense and had a ring of truth to them. The best character in the book for me was the pope, who I thought was sincere in his tragic confusion. This a hard book to put down.
Rating:  Summary: The Book That Changed My Life Review: A toweringly monumental & immense literary & theological accomplishment. Immense I tell you! I study the parables of Jeza for hours each night, cleaning my soul in their richness. My life has been changed by Her words and no other book will suffice. The profoundity of Last Day overwhelms me with rampaging emotion and words fail me. I am mute with awe.
Rating:  Summary: A Book of Herculean Majesty! Review: Unprecedented, incomparable grandness distinguishes this tour de force from all other literature. A gargantuan work of momentous import to all blessed to read its universal truth. The effects on the lives of readers has been soul stirring and phenomenal. Mr. Kleier is the mentor and phoenix rising like a flame from the bodies of the spiritually wretched. He has created a magnum opus that sears ones very soul with veracity. He and author Jerry Furland share a divine insight into the meaning of human existence and truth. If you read only one book in your life, let it be The Last Day. No one can deny it is the greatest book ever written and will never be equalled in a hundred generations!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I can't get this book out of my mind. It affected me on a personal level unlike anything I've read in a long while. It's not just that the story seems so real and plausible, it's that the points it makes are extraordinarily thought provoking. There is more in one chapter of this book than in the entire contents of most novels. I've earmarked each of the "parables" and have read them repeatedly, transcribed them and emailed them to friends. They are simply astounding. One of manyother sections in the novel that also fascinated me occurs during Jeza's final public appearance in Jerusalem when she delivered the final chapter of her New Testament, the "Book of the Apotheosis." Most specifically, the paragraph that reads: "Be it known to all that, in the true progression of life on this earth, it was the female form that came first. In the beginning, God created the primitive organisms. And in His design, He created them female one and all. Cell begetting cell,female begetting female. It is only later in time that maleness emerges, male issuing from female." (And in pursing this at the library, I find that it's TRUE!) Of course this challenges the Bible and Genesis I (so much of this novel challenges conventional beliefs) and it's no wonder some people get worked up over the things in this book. This novel has provoked stimulating debate with my friends. I don't see how anyone can read it and not react strongly, either pro or con.