Rating:  Summary: Quality unmatched in the world of manga!!! Review: A million artists could try for a million years and never recreate the beauty and wonder that is woven so deeply into each and every page of dragon knights. This series really has come a long way since it's adorable debute almost two years ago. What started as a delightful breezy little comedy, has grown into a full fledged epic of drama, action and of course, good ol dragon knight charm!! Not only the story, but the characters have evolved too. The guys have really grown into thier parts as their world has slowly fallen apart around them. And as the true meaning of the plot is revealed piece by piece, you get drawn deeper and deeper into their world. Ever since the knights went their seperate ways, the series has been a roller coaster ride of sorrow, drama and suspense. With everything that's been going on, vol. 12 really serves as a reward for all the depression and frustration we have endured since the series took it's dark turn. But before the book ends, it will take one last romp in the world of depression. The all too familare feeling of dread returns tenfold as yet another dragon officer dies. Last time it was Alfeegi, this time it's one of Rath's closest comrades. But there is a bright side to all the darkness. Rath is FINALLY himself again!! And for the first time in almost a year, the knights will finally fight side by side again!! I've waited for their reunion since the second they separated, and now it's time for them to claim revenge for their fallen friends. The three of them together, that's the way it should be, and that's the way it will be from now on! I don't want this series to end, but I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I can't wait to witness the amazing climax I'm sure is in store for the manga masterpiece, Dragon Knights!!!
Rating:  Summary: Quality unmatched in the world of manga!!! Review: A million artists could try for a million years and never recreate the beauty and wonder that is woven so deeply into each and every page of dragon knights. This series really has come a long way since it's adorable debute almost two years ago. What started as a delightful breezy little comedy, has grown into a full fledged epic of drama, action and of course, good ol dragon knight charm!! Not only the story, but the characters have evolved too. The guys have really grown into thier parts as their world has slowly fallen apart around them. And as the true meaning of the plot is revealed piece by piece, you get drawn deeper and deeper into their world. Ever since the knights went their seperate ways, the series has been a roller coaster ride of sorrow, drama and suspense. With everything that's been going on, vol. 12 really serves as a reward for all the depression and frustration we have endured since the series took it's dark turn. But before the book ends, it will take one last romp in the world of depression. The all too familare feeling of dread returns tenfold as yet another dragon officer dies. Last time it was Alfeegi, this time it's one of Rath's closest comrades. But there is a bright side to all the darkness. Rath is FINALLY himself again!! And for the first time in almost a year, the knights will finally fight side by side again!! I've waited for their reunion since the second they separated, and now it's time for them to claim revenge for their fallen friends. The three of them together, that's the way it should be, and that's the way it will be from now on! I don't want this series to end, but I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I can't wait to witness the amazing climax I'm sure is in store for the manga masterpiece, Dragon Knights!!!
Rating:  Summary: After an annoying delay, the long awaited 10th book is here! Review: After everything that was revealed in the ninth book, I just couldn't wait to read number ten! But then, for some reason, it came out an entire month late!!! Grr... oh well it's in the past now. This book picks up right where the last one left off with Rath, Cesia, and Kai Stern. Tho it's not as eventfull as the triumphant eleventh book, some very importan stuff happens in this volume! Do you remember the revival water the demons wanted to use on Rath all those volumes ago? Well, it's back and this time Rath gets a huge splash of it, right in the kisser!!!! And you know what happens next, right? OF COURSE NOT!!! You never can tell with this series! As confusing as it gets sometimes, i still love it and always will. The other knights of course are not in this one again, but dont worry cause everyone is in the next one!! Though Thatz and Rune are not in the main story, they are in the side story. The side story was pretty good actualy. It's about when all the knights first met each other. It was good to see the old Rath again! I miss him... Well that's it for Dragon Knights number ten!! It was late, but it was still worth the agony of waiting! This is the best manga ever. I'd just like to hear someone say otherwise!!
Rating:  Summary: The story keeps moving in number 13. Review: Alot sure has changed sinse volume one. Rune has sucked Varawoo into his body, just to get him pushed back out. Thatz whent on a journey with Kithchel and... well, he sorta ABANDONED her! And Rath has died, turned into Nadil, and THEN he came back to life! With all that's going on, it's a wonder they can still stand, let alone fight! With all of their privite journeys now completed, the three knights are finally back where they should be, side by side. They are now trying their best to reunite their fallen kingdom, and protect it from Nadil's aproaching army. And beside fighting the good fight, the knights also have to worry about Cesia, who is currently in Nadil's cluches. At this point the story does seem rather depressing and hopeless, but i'm sure the knights will pull through in the end. There is good news tho! The books, no matter how depressing and serious they can get, will still always be the funniest manga around. The books are still just as much fun as they were two years ago, and I don't see em slowing down any time soon!!
Rating:  Summary: The story keeps moving in number 13. Review: Alot sure has changed sinse volume one. Rune has sucked Varawoo into his body, just to get him pushed back out. Thatz whent on a journey with Kithchel and... well, he sorta ABANDONED her! And Rath has died, turned into Nadil, and THEN he came back to life! With all that's going on, it's a wonder they can still stand, let alone fight! With all of their privite journeys now completed, the three knights are finally back where they should be, side by side. They are now trying their best to reunite their fallen kingdom, and protect it from Nadil's aproaching army. And beside fighting the good fight, the knights also have to worry about Cesia, who is currently in Nadil's cluches. At this point the story does seem rather depressing and hopeless, but i'm sure the knights will pull through in the end. There is good news tho! The books, no matter how depressing and serious they can get, will still always be the funniest manga around. The books are still just as much fun as they were two years ago, and I don't see em slowing down any time soon!!
Rating:  Summary: Rath's deepest secret finally revealed! Review: Dragon Knights is a great manga with stunning artwork, and has a deep compelling story with charactors you just can't get enough of. Since the very first book to this latest one, I have really enjoyed Dragon Knights. Mineko Ohkami is a very gifted manga-ka, and I hope to someday read her other works.In this volume, you finally find out what really happened to Rath all those years ago. Something that I've wanted to know for a VERY long time! Though the whole story of it really isn't revealed in this volume, you finally understand him a little bit better. And you also find out who is burried at the unmarked grave in the dragon castle forest... believe me, you NEVER would have guessed who! Once again, this book is totally about Rath. Thatz and Rune do not appear at all. I really miss them!! Just goes to show how good a manga this is! I hope that we see more of Rune in the near future. I NEED to find out what's up with that 'Nohiro' guy, I mean who IS he anyway? And I would like to catch up with Thatz sometime soon, and find out what he's up to. I mean it's not that I don't like Rath, it's just that he seemed SO much happier when they where all together. He's just so dramatic lately... I miss the old Rath!! Well, this was the ninth volume. It's not getting boring yet... let's hope it stays that way!!
Rating:  Summary: one of my all time faves Review: Dragon knights is defiantly great! The artwork is unique and fantastic, plenty of action and blood, lovable characters, and most of all.............. IT"S HILRIOUS!!!!! the beginging is so hilrious with you're paranoid elf obsessed about getting home, you're glutounous but lovable theif(I love thatz- he's probley my fave character... most likly cuz he's almost exactly like me) and then ur yokai demon hunter, who' of course..... obsessed with hunting down and killing demons. The story is great. It starts out seemingly pointless but hilrious, but then takes a sharp gothic turn after the 9 vol. (SO SAD! MY OTHER FAVE CHARCTER DIES!!!!! *sob*) Anyway, DK is just great and really worth buying....
By the way, on the cover art, that's Rath, and the blonde guy is Bierez, who you'll meet in the 3rd or 2nd vol. But i think it's 3rd.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Manga Excellence Review: I have become rather bored with Anime as of late, but Dragon Knights is truly great. I enjoyed this book greatly, and have read the series many times. The illustrations are good, although a little feminine (the author is female, so what do you expect?) and the story is surprisingly original. If anyone reading this is a fan of Anime or Manga, or would simply like to try it, I would highly recommend the Dragon Knights series.
Rating:  Summary: After an annoying delay, the long awaited 10th book is here! Review: I'd just have to say that this series gets darker & darker, but still has it's little humorous twists. It's a must have for any true Dragon Knights fan. @_@ I'm not saying anything more, just buy it. I'm not about to give out spoilers, that's what your friends are for. ^_^
Rating:  Summary: Witty and hilarious...definitely a favorite Review: Okay, time to write some online reviews! Before i buy anything i always come and read the reviews here, so i guess i oughta do my part and write some of my own! Dragon Knights Vol. 1: The chronicles of three somewhat crazy knights as they cavort across a magical landscape full of bizarre characters with the head of their former enemy Nadil. Meet Rath, a Yokai Demon who's bent on destroying those of his own kind, Rune, a somewhat feminine and sensitive elf who just wants to follow orders and get home safely, and finally Thatz, a lazy human thief and former gangbanger who's only interested in food, sleep, and cash of course. This is a hilarious series that is definitely a feat in comic manga. So, why the four-star rating, you ask? Well, truth be told i think this volume is one of the better mangas out there, but I reserve my five-star ratings for things like Nausicaa, and anything Miyazaki and whatnot. I was originally put off by this series when i first started reading manga becuase of the cover art (pretty bad on this one folks...since when does RATH have PURPLE HAIR?...and who the heck is the other guy?) well, at any rate i got bored one day and browsed thru it in B&N, and it turned out that the cover art wasn't anything LIKE the stuff on the inside. The characters are drawn way more three dementionally, etc. However, a word of warning before you get your hopes up: the artwork changes very quickly with the progression of the manga,(ive browsed through later volumes) in much the same way that X/1999 by CLAMP does. However, i think if you ignore it the artwork QUALITY remains very good, even if the style differs. As to comic level, this books great; full of knights in drag, man-eating witches, demon fortune tellers, and robotic storekeepers!!! after i started reading this the first time, i was disappointed to find the seemingly pointlessness of the stories, but i dont think thats true at all. whats really happening here is the author is giving you the lag time (that most mangas lack) between destinations in the form of several witty, comic adventures. its just that it is put in the first volume, then travels backwards in time to explain it later. From what i hear, the series gets a darker feel as you go, and the plot stabalizes. The reason i personally enjoy this manga so much is that the comic humor is great, and the characters and their expressions are unique and full of life as demons and the like plot to get nadils head (btw, once you read this, is it me or is Cesia like...a fourth dragon knight who doesnt know it and controls the WIND? hmm...)and of course, cat fights between the dragon knights ^-^!!!! for this volume, the art is still good, but it lacks wide-angle shots, which may be part of the style. Usage of screen tones is excellent! The best kind of Manga artwork is the kind that maintains consistency, explores different angles without obvious effort, and is servicable to tell the story rather than look pretty. Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, Akira, MARS, and anything by Rumiko Takahashi (Inu Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku) are all excellent for that, and dragon knights vol 1 definitely goes along witht hem okay, so ive spilled my thoughts and opinions! btw, this manga has less cheap humor and more laugh out loud, comical, clean humor. its a great buy, i highly recommend it! i notice something new every time i read it!