Rating:  Summary: A great book for all star wars fans Review: Tales from jabbas palace was a great book but three of the best tales are: a time to mourn a time to dance oolas tale, sleight of the hand mara jades tale, and one days annoyance bib fortuna's tale. But one thing still puzzels me is What the hell is a cosmic egg!
Rating:  Summary: A Look at Each Tale Review: The interesting thing about this book is that rather than nineteen separate stories, it is really one story told from nineteen different angles. Each tale sheds new light on the story, and it is impossible to get the whole story by reading just one tale. However, in order to give this book an overall score, I will briefly review each tale and give the mean of the scores at the end. RANCOR KEEPER: 8--The tale this book begins with is one of the best. Malakili turns out to be more interesting of a character than I had anticipated, and this tale sets the stage for those that follow. JABBA'S CHEF: 6--This isn't a bad story, but it doesn't really stand out above the others, either; middle of the road. SALACIOUS CRUMB: 7--Crumb is one of my favorite characters, so I was looking forward to this tale with special anticipation. It was comical and fun to read (one of the better stories), but it still didn't fulfill my highest expectations. OOLA: 6--Not an exceptional story, but not a complete waste of time, either. Much better than Tyers's Bossk tale. WHIPHID: 5--This tale is well written, but it was hard to get interested in the character. Whiphid is a minor character, even among minor characters. This story does, however, fill in much of the conspiracy puzzle. MARA JADE: 7--I was rather ambivalent about this tale. If you haven't read Zahn's Star Wars novels, you won't get much out of this. However, if you have read Zahn's novels, this story won't add much to her character, and retells events already described by Zahn. Still, Zahn is a good writer, and this is a decent read. GAMORREAN GAURD: 7--This was a fun little story. The best part is what we learn about Gartogg's theory when we get to the Assassin's tale. EPHANT MON: 4--Aside from filling in a piece or two of the puzzle, this story doesn't do much for the rest of the book. Ephant Mon's name (and appearance, for that matter) seem to bear an uncanny resemblance to a certain David Lynch movie; no points for guessing which one. REE-YEES: 4--By now I was getting tired of reading about characters I had never heard of before. Unless, for some strange reason, you're a fan of Ree-Yees, you'll probably just skim through this one. THE BAND: 7--I was surprised to find myself absorbed by this story. Despite the one-dimensional motives of the three band members, this story is just original enough to be entertaining. BIB FORTUNA: 6--This was one of the better stories. The ending is pretty neat, even though you can see it coming. BARADA/WEEQUAYS: 6--I enjoyed learning about culture of the Weequays. What they consider gods, bear a stronger resemblance to magic 8-balls, at least when viewed from the perspective of the reader. Maybe I'm reading too deeply into this, but perhaps there is some commentary on American society contained within this tale. EV-9D9: 8--This is a clever story. 9D9 turns out to be female! I loved the character; I wasn't expecting a droid to be so manipulative or masochistic. A pleasant suprise. TESSEK: 4--Another mediocre tale. Read it to discover Tessek's role in the conspiracy plot. BUBO: 1--This tale fills in the last crucial piece of the mystery, but it could just as easlily been cut. I found the character hard to buy into, especially since this story is so short that we don't even get a chance to get to know Bubo. Too bad. ASSASSIN: 1--This tale is even more inept than Bubo's. Roberson seems to be attempting a writing style similiar to that of William Gibson, but this is problematic for two reasons. First, Roberson's use of the abstract seems awkward and forced. Second, a writing style such as this just doesn't fit well within the framework of the Star Wars universe. Many Star Wars fans will have a hard time with this one. SKIFF GAURD: 5--This tale really only becomes interesting after you read the About the Authors section at the end. This story seems to have been written by Danehy-Oakes as a revenge piece. Interesting.... BOBA FETT 8--This was one of my favorite stories, possibly the best, which came as a surprise since I usually don't care much for Boba Fett stories. We get to see a side of Fett that most authors shy away from. This tale is deeper than most of the others, so be ready. FAT DANCER: 7--This was another one of the best stories. Ending the book with this story was a good choice by Anderson. My main complaint here is that it could have used some extra editing. It's much too long, and parts of it could easily have been cut without detracting from the plot. AVERAGE: 5.6--Add or subtract two points onto this score, depending on how much you enjoy Star Wars. As general fiction, there's nothing extraoridinary to be found, but Star Wars fans should enjoy the read.
Rating:  Summary: The Demise of the Denizens. Review: This book focuses mainly on the intrigue, plots and counterplots going on in Jabba's palace between the arrival of R2-D2 and C3PO to just after Jabba's demise in the Dune Sea at the pit of the Sarlacc. One prominent plan in some of the stories is the plans that the B'omarr monks have for some of Jabba's denizens. I enjoyed the book immensely and found myself routing when a bad guy like Bib Fortuna recieved an unexpected (for him) judgement; and saddened when a good guy was saddened such as for Malakili at the death of his charge. The book was hard to put down once picked up
Rating:  Summary: Well, it was enjoyable, but.... Review: This book had it's interesting parts, that I won't deny. As a matter of fact, the entire beginning was, how shall I put this, intriguing. That was, until I came to realize an extrodinarily annoying pattern: EVERY SINGLE STORY WAS ABOUT, BASICALLY, THE SAME THING. I had not realized this when the book was purchased, and if I had, I might not have been quite so anxious. True, from reading this book, one will learn what happened to all of those "little people" who lurk in the backgrounds of the movie, Return of the Jedi. But then, I really don't think anyone is really that solicitous or troubled about where they all went. I mean, where were they to find this out, like names or even that these people-- excuse me, creatures-- even existed, without having read this book? I guess, though, finding out what happened to Boba Fett was useful, but that's about it. Oh yeah, also, now I can sound like an expert on SW (hey, maybe I am) when people ask me "Who's that?" while pionting at one of the things in Jabba's palace. One last thing: was anyone else annoyed at the choice of name for "EFONT MON" or however it was spelled? I know it annoyed me! I mean, really... Ephont Mon, Elephant Man, come on, people!
Rating:  Summary: A great book of short stories Review: This book had some great stories. I liked how the stories fit together. I think some of the best stories were: The Rancor Keeper's tale, Ephont Mon's tale, The Band's, Bib Fortuna, The Weequay's tale(funny),and of course Boba Fett's tale. The epilouge at the very end of the book was cool.
Rating:  Summary: Each of the Short Stories is AWESOME!!! Review: This book is another classic of Star Wars. I found each of the short stories were equally enjoyable. With this book you can get info from different inhabitants of The Most Ruthless Gangster on Tatooine. From J'Quille the Whiphid to Oola the Dancer to Tessek (Squidhead), this book sheds light on the action in JABBA'S PALACE!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: What ever happened to... Review: This book is deffinetly one to buy for the typical Star Wars maniac. It tells what happens to people like Boba Fett, Bib Fortuna and others that may be unfamiliar to you. I give it an 8 because I was dicapointed that they never focused in on Jabba's history. All in all it is a good book that ties together nicely
Rating:  Summary: Mmmm Plasti-foam!!! Review: This book is divided into several short stories about various creatures that you saw lurking around Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi. Some memorable characters that are discussed are: Ephant Mon, Gartog, the dim-witted Gammorrean Guard (this one's hilarious), and Bib Fortuna. These are all kind of spooky, set in Jabba's dungean-like palace, but I've found that it was great to read in the winter(Minnesota Winter, which lasts for about 8 months, usually), because of the descriptions of the warm, hot, desert of Tattoine. This is a good collection of stories, and enjoyable to read.
Rating:  Summary: Average material with occassional flashes of brilliance Review: This book isn't particularly inspired as far as fiction goes. It's typical sci-fi fare with too many heroes and typical villains and those odd in-between characters. The stories are almost all about bad people who find out they're all good in the end(Ephant Mon's tale, for example, and the fates revealed by the epilogue). The book takes itself lightly, which makes it really enjoyable to read (The Weequays were hilarious). Dannik Jerriko's tale was just plain weird in my book. The highlights are "A Bad Feeling" and "A Barve Like That", two excellent stories that make the whole book worth it all. It ends with the fairy tale "Skin Deep" and an epilogue that gives nearly everyone a "they are all reasonably happy" ending that doesn't satisfy at all. If you're in the mood for sweet that might give you a toothache if you think too much, pick up this book.
Rating:  Summary: This book was okay, I guess. Review: This book was interesting because it showed different points of view from 19 different characters, from the time Luke Skywalker came to Jabba's Palace, to the time Jabba's pet rancor died. But some of the stories were very detailed and hard to get into.