Rating: Summary: Disliking this book does not make you a bad Christian Review: The scenerios formulated by the authors in this book are interesting but it is unfortunate that the writing is so poor. I found myself forced to read this book out of the sheer curiosity of where it was headed. The development of the characters is very obvious and at times irritating as there is no depth to them. I tried the second book but stopped a quarter of the way as I couldn't stop myself from nodding off in boredom. Read the Bible instead. You'll get the story straight from the source with no confusing ideas to worry about.
Rating: Summary: Left Behind Book Review Review: The book Left Behind, a paperback book by LaHaye Jenkins was a very interesting book to read. This book was well written, and easy to read and understand. The story line was well thought out, and kept the reader sitting on the edge of their seat to see what would happen next. This book went into great detail when explaining views or objects. That made it very easy for a person to imagine what the characters in the book were seeing. On the other hand, this book has its flaws. The Left Behind story line was stretched out way to much. In other words the book keeps you in suspense way to long for little and big parts of the story. There are times when reading this book you get confused about who is talking because the context is poorly written. This book is in a series that include other books, but when they end the book, they just leave you hanging. They just stop in the middle of a thought. The story overall is great if you get though it. The story starts out on a commercial flight going overseas. Rayford Steele is the pilot. Rayford is the father of two children a boy and girl, and the husband of a beautiful woman. On the flight overseas something very unusual happens. Many passengers started to disappear. The only thing left behind were their clothes. Everyone was very scared. Rayford turned the plane around and went back to where the had taken off. When he got there, he found that many more people were missing on the ground. Everything was a big mess. Rayford went home to find his wife and son, but found neither. They were lost forever. He called his daughter and she was still on Earth. When Rayford and his daughter were together, they went to the church to find out what had happened. The pastor led them to believe it was the rapture of God. So they formed a group to study more about it, and to be saved so they could go where everyone else went when God came again. There was also a reporter that joined the group. They are all trying to stop the new U.N. leader from taking over the world. He supposedly the anti-Christ. That is the brief inside look at what this book is about.
Rating: Summary: Dumb Story, Silly Plot Review: Not an interesting read, dumb plot. It's hard to believe that educated people believe this nonsense.Let's put two things together and see what we come up with. First, when bodies are buried, they begin to rot. Within a few months, a buried body turns to bones. Second, these bodies are supposed to resurrect to be with Jesus one day when he returns. Conclusion, rotted bodies are one day going to come out of their graves and float into the sky. I don't know about you but this sounds like a pretty frightening prospect and would be better described as a revised plot for Night of the Living Dead.
Rating: Summary: Ouch Review: I began the Left Behind series a few years ago when I was in college. I enjoyed it but failed to keep up with all the new books as they came out so I was left behind (pun intended). Now that I have finally gotten all the books, I have started over... And boy is it tough to keep going. Listen, I am no "wolf in sheep's clothing" as so many people who review this book poorly obviously are. I am a Christian, and when I see a good quality Christian product, I will support it. But if something is done poorly, I can't pretend it's great. I should clarify, I am early still in the first book of this series so it may get better (my memory escapes me, but I do remember enjoying it when I read it for the first time). But to be perfectly honest, this is just horrible. It's not the plot or characters that I have a problem with (those are probably what keep one going, honestly). It's the juvenile writing style that makes it almost unbearable. I know there is a children's version of the Left Behind series so there is no excuse for this. The dialogue is unconvincing. It was so obviously written by a conservative Christian. What he doesn't realize it that nobody talks this way. Nobody thinks that way. I tell you what, inferior Christian products really make my blood boil. There is no reason for it. God gave us talents and abilities and we should be able to do better than this. I really hope, for my sake - because I'm not one that gives up easily - that this gets better in a hurry.
Rating: Summary: A PLEASANT SURPRISE! Review: What's left to say? The Left Behind series has been such a phenomenon and elicited so many reviews from fans and critics alike that just about every positive or negative angle has been previously explored. Let me just say that I was so influenced by the poor reviews of this series and its authors' theology that I balked at even giving it a chance. Plus, "Left Behind" itself is merely the first installment of a very lengthy series, and my reading experience has been that most epic novels or series are usually plodding, padded, and boring. Fortunately, I finally took the plunge despite all that and am I glad I did! "Left Behind's" plot--what if God were to suddently take up all the world's believers to spare them the coming end times tribulation leading up to the climactic battle of Armageddon--is inherently fascinating, and one the authors' play out with unflagging drama. However, it is the characters which pull the reader along as we experience this awesome story through their personal tragedies and triumphs. This human side to the story is rendered with great care and believability. The reactions from media and intelluctual elite to what has happened to all the world's Christians are handled far more accurately than some would like to admit, as is the interaction between the several protagonists as they struggle to come to grips with being "left behind" and what they must face up to now. Contrary to some negative reviews, the writing is quite good. It may not be Shakespeare, but Jerry Jenkins's prose is fluid, easily digested, and keeps you turning the pages. I also find the dialogue quite realistic, and in fact it accurately recreates the conversations many Evangelical Christians routinely find themselves in. On purely theological grounds, even if one is not necessarily in agreement with Tim Lahaye concerning the interpretation of Last Things and the book of Revelation, "Left Behind" nonetheless gives you a lot to think about and is a great faith-booster to any denomination of Christian reader. Even Christians from groups which do not believe in the Rapture (as modern Evangelicals use the term) certainly believe in a Second Coming of our Lord, and "Left Behind" is simply one possible literary interpretation of how that might develop. As for non-Christians, I should hope they will still be able to enjoy the story and that it will make them carefully consider how valuable their soul really is. As to Mr. Lahaye's motivation for creating this series, I am no mind reader and will not take a guess at an ulterior motive when there is as yet no proof of that. Certainly, he has created a series which has helped many strengthen their faith and given great encouragement to those struggling day-to-day to live Godly lives, and indeed has given some readers their first glimpse of the eternal Gospel. Overall, the good certainly seems to outweigh the bad, at least in this first book of the series. By the end of the book I was hooked and ready to start the next installment ("Tribulation Force") ASAP, the first series book to have that effect on me in a long while. I certainly recommend "Left Behind" and hope any reader will find it as entertaining and inspirational as I did.
Rating: Summary: An Absolutely Amazing Series (Books, & Audio Book's) Review: I don't know how anyone couldn't love these books. The depth of the characters, and the story is incredible. I'll admit, with the first book I was not yet hooked. Wasn't completely sure if I'd even read the next one in the series. But I am sooo glad I did. Half way through, I knew I was hooked. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A CHRISTIAN FICTION LOVER TO LOVE THESE BOOKS! Even for those non-believers, that are looking for a great on the edge of your seat adventure/thriller to read, this is a GREAT read!!! And who knows, by the time you get half way through the series you may see things differently about life. And for those who are believers, this series will make/help you understand revelations so, so much better and easier. To anyone who loves to read and really get into the books they're reading, this series is a MUST READ! As highly as I recommend the Left Behind Series to Readers, I have an even HIGHER recomendation regarding this series. THE UNABRIDGED AUDIO BOOKS read by RICHARD FERRONE. Even if you have read the entire series, go back and listen to these done on audio by Richard. He is amazing! As incredible as LaHaye and Jenkins are at creating the characters, Richard is absolutely amazing at bringing them to life, and drawing you into the story. Richard Ferrone is the best audio book reader I have ever heard by FAR! Listening to the story being read to you and acted out by ferrone puts an entirely different spin on enjoying this series. (don't confuse the unabridged version with the abridged however. Frank Muller does the abridged version, and I kid you not, he's terrible.) I listen to these tapes when I go out for my daily walks, and not wanting to turn it off, I just walk and walk and walk. Great excercise for the body and the brain at the same time! Whether you are reading the books or listening to the unabridged tapes, you will not want to put the book down or turn the tapes off, and each book will leave you dying to start the next. I'm just starting book 10 and I am on the edge of my seat to know whats going to happen next. The Left Behind Series is so worth getting into on so many levels. ~~~~~ I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE 3rd MOVIE!!!! ~~~~ Have you checked out the Dramatic Sound and Drama Series yet? Gotta check it out!
Rating: Summary: Matt's Review Review: Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins make a great team. Left Behind is a story of a huge disaster in which millions disappear. The book then tells how the those left behind must band together in order to survive. Left Behind is a fantastic read. I couldn't put it down.
Rating: Summary: Helped me figure out what I really believe in Review: I was first introduced to this book when I was bedridden during a pregnancy in 1996. Bored -- and a friend loaned me a copy of this book. WOW -- talk about hold your attention and can't put it down. And you can argue about writing style, interpretation of the end times, etc, etc -- but what the book did for me was to make me stop and think about where my own heart was with God. It made me really look into myself and work out what I REALLY believe. Even if it's just read from the perspective of simply being a good story, it's still a good read. But it helped me settle for myself where my spiritual life really is. I recently gave a copy to someone who is very dear to me, but has stated that they don't know what they believe. I'm hoping the book will do for them what it did for me -- settle once and for all what they believe in. I think that's the purpose of these books, even more than presenting a view of the end times. I think there's an evangelical undertone that many people miss. Don't focus on where you think this book is taking you -- just read it and let it help you examine what you believe in.
Rating: Summary: Left Behind No. 1 Review: This was a great book. If reading Revelation in the Bible is hard for you or hard to understand then reading this book and the rest of the series will help you to form a clearer picture of the end of days. But whether you are reading this from a religious or christian perspective or simpley for enjoyment. This book grabs you from the beginning and doesn't let go. When I finished this book I immediately openned up the second book of the series and started reading it. Wow, what a ride!!!
Rating: Summary: The enemy is strong, make up your own mind! Review: The enemy is strong and apparent in many of the reviewrs who obviously are non-believers yet act like they have read the Bible (IE, quote:""taking literally what was meant metaphorically, while taking metaphorically what was meant literally". This series is an example of both defects at once. If taken at all seriously, it is an intellectual and spiritual insult to Christians") but obviously haven't had an inch of understanding it. As if they'd know what was insulting to Christians. That review is what is insulting to Christians. You either believe the Bible or you don't. If you don't your a non-believer. God gave us free will. Make up your own mind. If you have a mind to read these novels, do so. See what might be laid on your own hearts through it. Don't be afraid. I would say that first review is trashy, not the books' message. Yes, it's fiction, no it's not wacky. Even if your not a believer, it's a great series. Armageddon has obviously not happened yet, we don't need a reviewer to tell us that. But the research of Biblical Prophecy and timelines in this series is of experts. The story is touching and real in so many aspects that brings our own humaness to light throughout these prophecyies so that we can relate to the characters. Don't be caught unprepared due to the enemy. Make up your own mind. Read. Enjoy. God Bless and Happy Reading!