Rating:  Summary: Doesn't Anyone Else See It? Review: No one else notices the fact that all the Senior Officers aboard Voyager have had some epic hardship about their life? Some dark secret about their past they'd rather not tell but do anyway? I know it wouldn't be very entertaining, but it seems odd not to hear some heartwarming story about a happy childhood and good life until the person got stuck in the Delta Quadrant. What's worse are the inconsistencies: In the show some tales of woe are completely ignored when they shouldn't be or proven wrong. The side plot (the camp they're forced into) is really just a gateway from one story to the next. AND there's not nearly enough of the Doctor in the book. More Doctor is needed. Otherwise it's pretty entertaining the first time around. However, I can't bring myself to read it again.
Rating:  Summary: Pathways By Jeri Ryan (Not a Very Orignal Title? Huh?) Review: I read the book Pathways by Jeri Taylor and it was absolutely terrific. Pathways does not start out slow like some books, it jumps head first into the action. Chakoty,Tuvoc,Tom,Neelix,Seven,B'elana,Harry,and Kes are seprarated from Voyager, and are imprisoned in a disese ridden internment camp. That is run by a hostile race of aliens. but the true chalenge is to get out of this awful situtation alive. To pass the time while they are in a shaby patched together tent, they each in turn tell the story of their life before comming to Voyager. This book like Imzadi tells the unknown story behind each of the charcter's lives and gives new insite into the dynamics of each of the charcters. And it also explains the reasons behind some of their little personaity quarks, that you just could never figure out watching the show. This book is not only written well it is technicaly accurate in part because it is written by the Co-Creator of the series.I loved it and I STRONGLY recomend it to anybody that is a fan of any of the Star Trek series. But, you(HaHaHa)don't have to take my word for it.
Rating:  Summary: Group Therapy? Review: This is one of those books I enjoyed, but still found serious fault with at the same time. The point of the story is to tell the backgrounds of some of the main charachters of voyager. In that, it does quite well. I found the stories of each of the charachters to be well writen and invigorating. However, the way it was presented.....the crew captured and held in a prison camp, and to pass the time they tell the stories of thier life which led to becoming part of the Voyager crew. It just doesn't seem right. Some technical problems as well, I seriously doubt the method used to escape would have been possible in those conditions. Secondly, it was a bit on the sappy side in the transitions between stories. I was almost expecting a big group hug in parts. Thirdly, some of the stories don't match up with the series.....perhaps the book was written before those episodes were made? Dispite these problems, it was an enjoyable read which gives insight into the crew of the Voyager.
Rating:  Summary: Great and disappointing at the same time Review: First of all, I thoroughly enjoyed the stories of each of the crew members. However, I found the endings of the stories and transitions from person to person abominable. Each story ends with "And then he met the remarkable person that was Captain Kathryn Janeway, and his life was forever changed" or something to that effect, and I felt like shouting "enough already!" The transition from character to character was similarly as corny. Beyond that though, it's a very entertaining read, and I found the background stories of the characters very fascinating. I wasn't too fond on the prison camp scenario, but the book really doesn't spend too much time there. Even though the book is about all the characters except Janeway (read the book "Mosaic" for Janeway's story), I would have appreciated more interaction with Janeway, and maybe a kickass rescue by her too!! But oh well, you take what you can get I guess! :-) I recommend this book to all Voyager fans, especially those going through withdrawal like I am!
Rating:  Summary: Ever wonder how Voyager's crew came to be? Review: Anyone who is interested in Voyager should read this book, I know in the shows you get a bit of information about their past lives ... before voyager but, this book gives you it all! Jeri Taylor brings to life a novel 'episode' where the crew is stranded and all they can do to keep entertained is share their past lives, leading up to Voyager. Kim, Paris, Chakotay, Seven, Neelix, Tuvok, B'Elanna and even Kes ... their life stories unraveled for you in this book! If you ever dared to wonder what any of Voyager's beloved crew grew up ... this is your way to find out! Excellent book! A++
Rating:  Summary: Slap on the cheek! Review: The book was worth reading I can tell u that, but I hope that Janeway was part of the adventure and Seven was able to remember more of her childhood then the usual stuff! My favorite part was when Janeway slapped Chakotay and pretended not to know any of them! Too bad Paramount was not able to make it into a movie I cound just imagine the look on Chakotay's face! :)!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting background stories but weak plot Review: This novel by one of the producers (note: Taylor left the series at some point, but she came up with it with some other people) is about the "Pathways" that took the crew of Voyager to that ship. The structure of the book, except for the very beginning and the very end, is a short chapter (10-15 pages) of actual plot followed by a long chapter (35-70 pages) where a character tells his life story. The main plot of the novel is that the command crew of Voyager has been captured and is being held as prisoner. Captain Janeway and the Doctor are the only members of the crew that managed to escape capture. The breakdown of the novel is obvious, approximately 16% (82 pages) of the 501 total pages is spent on discussing the crew's activities in the POW camp and their attempts to escape. I think a better format for the stories would be to design it as a series of the crew member's personal logs or perhaps simply as a series of short-stories/novellas in anthology form. At this point, I will discuss some of the stories. If you want to avoid having the story spoiled, stop reading here. I think the most interesting parts of the novel were the explanation for why Chakotay joined the Maquis, why Tom Paris was in a prisoner's colony and the back history to the less colourful characters; Ensign Kim and Lieutenant Tuvok (I know he is promoted later) are the simple Starfleet people but even here there are some interesting things. Apparently, Kim actually had to apply twice to get into Starfleet Academy and Tuvok originally wanted to become monk rather than enter Starfleet. It has been years since I read a Trek, but I probably read about two dozen (all the series-based ones, excluding Enterprise) novels and this is fairly good. Unfortunately, a novel like this would only appeal to fans. I may also read Taylor's novel, "Mosiac," the background story of Captain Janeway, but it does not seem that likely. I think the next Trek book I read will probably be the Deep Space Nine Millennium series or "A Stitch in Time," by Andrew J. Robinson (about Garak, and written by the actor who played him).
Rating:  Summary: Nice book. Review: This is a nice book. It gives lots of unnofficial imformation on the lives of all the main Star Trek: Voyager characters, as well as how they met Captain Janeway and got aboard Voyager. The book is great for the fan who wants to get to know more of the characters. However, the main story of the novel is quite boring, and many of the "stories" the characters tell to one another about their lives get boring after a while. For example, one character has tfive times as more as another, but it's five times as boring as well. I felt like it would never end.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful...I hated to finish! Review: I loved this book! It was a great insight into the characters of Voyager. Jeri Taylor did a fantastic job. I could hear the crew's voices as I read the lines. I could clearly see their faces with every word. I loved learning the backgrounds and histories of the characters. Now when I watch Voyager, it seems as though I have a hidden knowledge of the crew. I also read Mosaic by Jeri Taylor and I found the same to be true of that book. I can only hope one thing.....Now that Voyager is off the air, I hope Ms. Taylor will honor us with more original novels of Voyager and her crew. Just because the show has ended, our enjoyment of it shouldn't have to. It could keep going through the great writing abilities of authors such as Jeri Taylor.
Rating:  Summary: Very good background on the Voyager crew Review: I think this book and "Mosaic" by the same author are must-reads for all die-hard Voyager fans. Far more so than the average Trek tie-in novel, these books give great character backgrounds. Regarding the Doctor, remember that this book is entitled "Pathways" -- i.e. it is about how the twists and turns of the characters' lives ultimately led them to be on Voyager. But the doctor as we know him didn't actually exist until the pilot episode except as a potential EMH program that had not been utilized on Voyager up to that point. They only use the program because the flesh-and-blood doctor was killed in the pilot episode. Therefore, any doctor background would have to be on his creator rather than on him, because the doctor's actual background consisted only of sitting in the computer waiting to be used.