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Rating:  Summary: The Sword of the Rightful King: a....queer......novel Review: I have recently read the King Arthur novel Sword of the Rightful King, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This `page turner' is a historic yet fictional story filled with puzzles, magic, twists, and an ending one would never guess. It has a mix of a large variety and well-described characters. Characters one would expect to find, such as King Arthur, Merlin, etc. are in the story. There are also a few new characters like Prince Gawaine, and Arthur's brother, Kay. Each character adds something to the novel, such as Merlin's wisdom, Gawen's cunning, and Arthur's strength. A new villain has been thrown into the plot: the North Witch Morgause. This medieval classic is about Arthur's newly acquired kingdom, those who wish it for themselves, and will do anything to get it, even commit murder. The large variety of vocabulary keeps one on his toes, as well as providing the reader with a descriptive narrative of the story. It is similar to, yet still different from other King Arthur novels. This novel in particular takes place in Cadbury instead of Camelot. The author even uses medieval language, such as `aye,' to represent a time from the past. I found the book hard to put down once I started reading it, and the great mix of love, loyalty, betrayal, magic, good, and evil makes for an excellent story; leaving me hoping for a sequel. Though it is a bit lengthy for some, I recommend this book for young and old minds alike.
Rating:  Summary: A new spin on an old tale Review: Jane Yolen is one of those authors who can effortlessly give a new spin to an old story. Here she makes a rather worn area of fantasy seem new, in "Sword of the Rightful King." There's magic, treachery, a bit of romance and plenty of suspense and humor.Arthur has been king of all Britain for four years now, but not everyone is willing to accept him as their king. The most dangerous among these is the North Witch, Arthur's half-sister Morgause, whose four elder sons are heading to Arthur's court -- and there is an assassin among them. (Gawain seems very loyal but might be bewitched by his mother; his brother Agravaine is almost insanely aggressive, and the twins are ditzy). What's more, the old mage Merlinnus encounters a young boy in the forest who has a mysterious past and a grudge against Gawain. So Merlin concocts a means of solidifying Arthur's kingship -- a sword embedded in a stone, that can only be pulled by the true king. Arthur pulls it from the stone, and everyone accepts him as king. Simple, right? Except that the North Witch is still spinning her spells, and she plans to get her hands on the sword first -- no matter what. Though there's no real connection between the two books, I felt like I was reading a sequel to Yolen's previous novel "Dragon's Boy." Perhaps it was the portrayal of Merlin and Arthur -- they have a sort of father-son bond, and even though Arthur often doesn't listen to Merlin they obviously care about each other. And Merlin, although a bit decayed physically, is still the sharpest knife in the drawer. Though this book has magic (including a homicidal dagger) and the other didn't, it felt very much like a follow-up. Yolen's writing is quick and fast-moving, with excellent dialogue and some very good descriptions of things like the eerie May Queens. She carefully presents what was very touchy at the time, such as the unacknowledged rivalry of old religions like Mithras-worship and the newer Christianity. And she mixes in the more medieval stuff with historical details, such as the Picts. Arthur is a likable guy here -- not perfect, but nice and friendly and honest. Gawain is similar in personality; Gawen is never less than endearing, and his secrets turn out to be... well, a lot different than anyone would suspect, especially when you consider who gets married at the end. Agrivaine seemed a little too nuts at times, but he was supposed to be that way. Merlinnus is the lovable old mage who knows how the world works; Morgause is nasty and cold-hearted, and Yolen isn't afraid to show her at work. For an old tale told a bit differently, "Sword of the Rightful King" doesn't even falter. Expect to be surprised by quite a few aspects of this story, and to enjoy the humor and poignancy. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: King Arthur With a Twist Review: Most people seem to have some familiarity with the legend of King Arthur but it won't help them with this completely fresh version of the story. Arthur is the High King of all Britain but there are some lords who do not recognize him as such. Among these is Pendragon's widow Morgause. She wants one of her boys to be on the throne, possibly her eldest Gawaine. Although Arthur is a fair and just king it will take more to win over some. Merlinnus (Merlin) comes up with an idea to cement Arthur in his position. An idea involving a stone and a sword. In Cadbury (Camelot) much is going on. Gawain and his brothers are arriving, Gawen has arrived and become Merlinnus's helper, word has it that Morgause is sending an assassin, and a shepherd finds a mysterious stone with a sword sticking out of it. You may have thought you knew the story but this version is fresh and full of surprises. A wonderful fantasy full of magic and intrigue.
Rating:  Summary: the Kind and the Sword Review: This is a wonderful book. Jane Yolen did a great job with a King Arthur story. The characters really pop through the pages and the emotions are so thick. Yolen really doesn't miss a beat with this story. It's fresh and has a great story to go with the King Arthur chronicles.
Rating:  Summary: read this Review: This is my favorite book about King Arthur. It has all elements of a well written story. The characters are developed and you look at a well known story in a different way. I would recommend this to others.
Rating:  Summary: Sword Of The Rightful King-An Excellent Story! Review: This is the story of a newly crowned Arthur. As usual, too many are unsure of him and others desire the crown for themselves. Merlinnus plays a major role in plotting Arthur's success with the "sword in the stone." However, there are a few twists along the way. Did someone else pull the sword out of the stone before Arthur? Has the sword been enscorelled by Morgause? Who is the newcomer to Arthur's kingdom? Is he really what he seems? These questions and more are entertainingly answered with many surprises. I bought this book knowing it was for young adults, which I definitely am not, hoping for an alternative and entertaining story that was fresh. I didn't think it could be done (I've read hundreds of Arthurian Literature books) and certainly didn't expect the surprise this book turned out to be! Additionally, I believe some of the words in this novel would be difficult for many adults, let alone young adults to understand, so keep that dictionary handy as you are reading. Buy this book and read it! It is extraordinary!
Rating:  Summary: Sword Of The Rightful King-An Excellent Story! Review: This is the story of a newly crowned Arthur. As usual, too many are unsure of him and others desire the crown for themselves. Merlinnus plays a major role in plotting Arthur's success with the "sword in the stone." However, there are a few twists along the way. Did someone else pull the sword out of the stone before Arthur? Has the sword been enscorelled by Morgause? Who is the newcomer to Arthur's kingdom? Is he really what he seems? These questions and more are entertainingly answered with many surprises. I bought this book knowing it was for young adults, which I definitely am not, hoping for an alternative and entertaining story that was fresh. I didn't think it could be done (I've read hundreds of Arthurian Literature books) and certainly didn't expect the surprise this book turned out to be! Additionally, I believe some of the words in this novel would be difficult for many adults, let alone young adults to understand, so keep that dictionary handy as you are reading. Buy this book and read it! It is extraordinary!
Rating:  Summary: Read this "Rightful" Novel! Exciting and Original! Review: What if someone had pulled the stone before Arthur? Thats the base this novel is built on, along with some cleverly written perspectives on Arthur's exciting road to Kingship. Arthur is a noble and kind man and perhaps someday will be a great king. But he is still barely of age, twenty-two years old, and the disgruntled poplace of England wonders at his ability to be High King. Arthur himself, though proud, doubts his own claim to throne and is always reminded that he is king because Merlinnus wanted him to be not for his bloodright. Merlinnus. The great wizard famed for his incredible powers. As an assasin creeps into the midst of Cadbury (Yolen's Camelot), Merlinnus is forced to consider the enemy that he himself helped create, and find a way to stengthen people's hearts toward Arthur. Sir Gawaine is a sworn knight of the Round Table, and a loyal companion to Arthur. But his mother, powerful sorceress Morgause, despises Arthur and wishes to destroy him--and put one of her own sons on the throne. When Gawaine and three of his brothers journey to Cadbury, suspicions from all sides are thrown on them. Arthur must doubt his own friends. And finally Gawen, a youngster that journeys to Cadbury seeking revenge on Gawaine for untold reasons (that is, until the end.) When Arthur refuses to take him on as one of his knights, Gawen becomes Merlinnus's assitant and much of the story unfolds through his eyes--and indeed, Gawen influences the plot very drastically. Merlinnus has an ingenious plan. It started simply, putting the sword in the stone and letting it be found in the hills, inscripted with the promise that whosoever pulls it will be High King. After a little bit of show, Arthur should pull it effortlessly and no one would be able to doubt Arthur's rule. But he must bargain with his old student, Morgause, and her bitter, dark magic that is bent on revenge. And he didn't count on someone pulling the sword before Arthur got to it. This is a well-told tale of the early days of King Arthur's reign. Yolen makes her characters humbly and realistically flawed; Arthur is more boldly human than I've ever seen him protrayed in fiction, yet endearingly holds the qualities of nobleness and kindness associated with the traditional Arthur. Yolen artfully deceives the identity of our main protagonist, Gawen, until the very end, tying up the loose ends that were threaded throughout the novel. Gawen's insights on Cadbury and Arthur are unique and original, and allow us a very different view on the old myth. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. I give it four stars for being a good re-telling, refreshingly insightful, and well-written. The fifth star was left off because sometimes the plot dragged slightly in the middle and you had to be familiar with Arthurian myths to catch some of the context. I would check this novel out from your library, DON'T purchase it. Its a good story to read and you'll be satisfied, especially since you didn't pay a dime for it. While captivating and intriging, once you are done, I doubt you'll want to read it again. Happy Reading!
Rating:  Summary: A Twist on the Familiar Sword in the Stone Story Review: Young Arthur, High King of Britain, is a good king, but not everyone thinks so. Merlinnus (more commonly known as Merlin), the castle mage, knows this is dangerous, so he secretly makes a sword in a stone. He lets everyone in the kingdom know that whoever pulls the sword out of the stone will be king. With a little magic he thinks he will help Arthur pull it out. But when the time comes, it doesn't work it out the way Arthur and Merlinnus expect. Not only was this book well-written, but it also had an awesome plot! I liked how Arthur and Merlinnus always had to be on the lookout, because anyone could be a spy, or worse, an assassin. I also liked the ending because there were lots of surprises. The one thing I didn't like was that one of the big "mysteries" was solved too quickly. I would recommend this book for both boys and girls ages 10-14. If you like this book, Jane Yolen has also written more than 200 books for kids.
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