Rating:  Summary: MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU Review: Great book...enough said
Rating:  Summary: Darksaber, waste of time Review: I read The Jedi Academy Trilogy by K Anderson, and that was cool, but this? A Lovey Dovey Star Wars, which is totally boring. Go read the Zahn books, this is crap....
Rating:  Summary: i love this book Review: i like this book because of the great detail and the way it all fits togethor
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Book Review: This book was pretty good but I liked the other Kevin J. Anderson Star Wars books better (the Jedi Academy Trilogy). If you liked those books then you wont like this one. Don't buy it but if you can borrow it from a friend do that. That's all right now Mike
Rating:  Summary: Good book! Review: Being an avid fan of Luke and Callista, this, Children of the Jedi, and Planet of Twilight (the three books featuring Callista) are my favorites of the Star Wars series.Darksaber is a well-written novel. I think Kevin Anderson does do a wonderful job of preserving the continuity of the characters for the most part (except for a handful of scenes where some characters would say/do things that doesn't seem to fit their character). I loved how he referred to past events we remember well from the movies and other books. The returns to Tatooine, Dagobah, and Hoth, especially, were great. He did an admirable job continuing the story of Luke and Callista, though the ending was disappointing if you are a fan of this couple. Still, he did leave the door open for a happy ending (which looks to be just about closed now, unfortunately). All in all, definitely worth a read!
Rating:  Summary: GREAT!!! Review: This is a great book! The Hutts build a Death Star, the Empire reorganises and Luke and Clalista get into trouble everything in the same time and keep thinking "Oh man what happened there, there and here!!!" I started reading and I couldn't stop!
Rating:  Summary: Too quick for tastes Review: Darksaber was too quick, and Anderson ended it WAY to quick. It started off really good, but the ending was crud. I mean One TIe Bomber took out the Knight Hammer, which in opinion is highly not possible. The Knight Hammer was bombarding Yavin 4, and not hitting one thing! the only casualty was basically one Jedi!! Also, killing off Crix Madine was a low blow to the unsung heroes of Star Wars. Anderson, try to put more quality into your books.
Rating:  Summary: darksaber is ok Review: Obi-wan Kenobi is the man he should have been the only person in the book. He should not have died he could have whipped darth vader in a minute. If you liked this book you make me sick. This book would have been better if it was writen by me.
Rating:  Summary: OH MY DEAR LORD, THERE IS MORE???????????????????????? Review: Yoda said it best when he said "Anger, fear, Anderson, the dark side of the force are they." How I plan on reading more of his books I'm not sure. I think Kev has some serious explaining to do, how he even got this, this abomination past LucasFilm, and his editor is beyond me. My first thought apon seeing this thing was 'Finaly Luke has a decent girlfriend!' but I was soooooooo wrong about Callista, she is the most whiny, unappreciative, jealous, anoying, lunatic I have ever seen!!!!! and after her and Luke wen't through all of that to get her powers back, she up and leave's 'cause she still doesn't have them! I mean what was up with her???? And the Hut's! we all knew they were ugly, but stupid to boot? I mean they can't even come up with a half-decent super weapon! I mean where isthe creativity in ANOTHER Death Star????? That make's, what four of them? And, uh, where is Mara during all this? comatose? and I thought she was a minor character in 'The New Rebellion'! I just hope the other two books in this series are better. Hey, here's a good idea, let's kill Kev, in all the ways he killed Lemelisk. Now, addmit it, that could be interesting. Just for the record; two stars is the LOWEST RATING I HAVE EVERN GIVIN A STAR WARS BOOK!!!!!!! Have A Nice Day :)
Rating:  Summary: A GOOD BOOK BUT GREAT CONSIDERING THIS IS STAR WARS Review: This book is a good and somtimes exciting novel but to be honest I recommend that you spend money on another STAR WARS book such as: REBEL DAWN THE NEW REBELLION JEDI SEARCH CHAMPIONS OF THE FORCE The plot goes that the hutts are constructing a super weapon which is actually the death star but without the station its just the laser.And the rebellion know little about this but suspect somthing about Durga the hutt and the rebellion also have to worry about UNDEAD admiral Daala (after being prsumed dead)who has gatherd a very large fleet of star destroyers to crush the jedi accedamy on Yavin 4.Really the only bit about the book that sparks it up is the great idea Daala has to crush the rebellion. I dont want to spoil the book for u but DONT buy this book but DO loan it if possible. Thats all from me Chris morgan Surrey England