Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Books Yet! Review: The Day Of Reckoning blew me away! As a faithful reader to the Jedi Apprentice series, I had a great time reading this book. But you don't have to be a JA reader to enjoy this book. This book is filled with action, suspense, and drama. It has everything a book can offer, including the best protagonists (Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon) and a great antagonist (the evil but very cool Xanatos). I recommend this book to anyone who loves Star Wars and would like an enjoyable book to read to get away from it all. ........................
Rating:  Summary: Definitely A Five Star Book! Review: The Day of Reckoning is a great book! The story begins when Obi-Wan and his former Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn arrive on the planet Telos to hunt down and destroy an old enemy called Xanatos, who's memory has been haunting Qui-Gon for a long time. As Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan explore the planet, though, they find that it is being destroyed and mined. The planet is also being tricked by a popular new game called Katharsis. And guess who is in charge of it all? Xanatos. The Day of Reckoning is a very exciting book, and it never gets to boring parts. The characters are sweet and funny, especially Andra and Den, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's new friends. And you can obviously notice, that the more that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have to work to stop the trickery of Xanatos, the more their old Master and Padawan bond grows back together again. This is definitely a good book for the Star Wars fan!
Rating:  Summary: Xanatos's back again! Review: The Day of Reckoning is by far my favorite Jedi Apprentice book, because my favorite villian (Xanatos) goes back to Telos and comes to power. Telos is basically corrupted, and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan land there, and they are instantly guilty of a crime they didn't committ. Then they unravel a new mystery of Offworld, and from then on, they have the upper hand...I though the ending was good, but I was also very frustrated. Guys, if you love Xani, be afraaaaaaid!
Rating:  Summary: Never a dull moment!!!!! Review: This book is fantastic! It deals with all of the problems that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn have been having. Ever since Obi-Wan left the Jedi to help a group of teenage kids fighting a war to bring peace (how ironic), Qui-Gon has been reluctent to give Obi-Wan his trust. Even though he has forgiven Obi-Wan for leaving, he doesn't think it's fair to Obi-Wan if he takes him back as an apprentice, if he feels he can't trust him. So now they are apart...but not for good! Now they are on the trail of Xanatoes, but as soon as they get to Xanatoes's home planet things spin out of control. Now it's up to Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and two newfound (one rather silly) friends to save the planet Telos, exploit Xanatoes as being a betrayer, and keep from getting themselves KILLED in the prosess! Don't miss this book! It has got to be one of the best!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book to Read! Review: This book is really good and I highly recomend it, Qui-Gon is going against the Jedi Councils decision and is going out to find Xanitos (his former apprentise who is really, REALLY evil) make sure you read all of the other Jedi Appretises befor this in order or else you will have no idea what is going on!
Rating:  Summary: awsome! Review: This book is the best of the series. I like how Jude Watson has done so many books and none of them are bad. This star wars book can tell you so much of the place that they are in.
Rating:  Summary: Qui Gon vs. Xantos Review: This book is the last of three book in the Jedi Apprentice seris. Book numer 8 takes place right after Xantos escapes. The jedi counsel does not approve of Qui Gon's decision to go after Xantos but Qui Gon goes after him anyway. Xantos is Qui Gon's old apprentice who turned to the dark side. Obi Wan Kenobi the boy who is now trying to become a jedi again(If you want to find out why he is trying to become a jedi for the second time read book 6) is trying to earn back his rank of Qui Gon's apprentice. They go to Xantos home planet of Telos where they find they are wanted criminals and are framed for a crime by Xantos. They meet a criminal/gambler named Den who helps them narrowly escape the police on Telos. He leads them to one of his friend named Andra. She is trying to prove that a tech company Unify is mining and destroying precious land on Telos. Qui Gon devises a plan. Obi Wan and Andra are to break in on the precious land and record the mining taking place and fine proof that the mining company Offworld is involed. They need to find this evidence because Xantos is the head of Offworld and has been cheating the people who love him on Telos. The second part of the plan will also be revealed but I think have told you enough. I highly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Whoa,are those Jedi tough! Review: This is guite a good book. I llike it because it exciting. You really FEEL the same things that the charactors are feeling. Sort of like in #6,The Uncertain Path, when Cerasi dies. I felt the same way that Obi-Wan did. It is the same way in here! What I am trying to say is , keep up the awesome work, Jude!
Rating:  Summary: good padawan gone bad Review: This is one of my favorite books. I always like books where good guys go bad. Xanatos was Qui-Gon Jinns former padawan. He already went to the dark side. When Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi went on a mission to Telos Xanatos' home planet. They ran into a surprise. Xanatos was waiting for them. They fell into many of Xanatos' traps yet in the end of the book the jedi manages to put Xanatos in a similar trap. This is one of the best books yet and I love it. It shows ones evil fall and anothers redemption as a jedi. Qui-gon is finally letting go of Xanatos and accepting Obi-Wan, This sets a background for the entire saga of Star Wars. I would just like to say that I have read all of the Star Wars kids books and I am the biggest fan. I know what I'm talking about. May the force be with all who read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Return of Evil Review: This is the best sieres of books I have ever read and I recomend it to enyone who is a Star Wars nut.But what I do not recomend is reading the books out of order.I made this mistake when I started to read this seires and now it's driving me nuts that I skiped a couple of books out of the sieres.So start at numer #1 The Rising Force and do not skip any. Now to the book.Xanatos is back and now he's more powerful than ever.Qui Gon Ginn and his apprentice Obi Wan Kenobi have been asinnged to go to Xanatoses home world of Telos to exploit OFF-WORLD for the destruction of Telos's natinal parks.But trouble isn't far away when Xantos is invovled. Obi Wan and Qui Gon are wanted men on Telos for a crime they didn't comit, clearly a trap set up by Xanatos so the mission became more defficult then thy could ever imagin. Now The most exiting part is still to come but do you seraously think I'm going to tell you what it is? well all I can say is that this is is a must read if you love this sieres as much as I do.I hope you enjoy every minute of it. May The Force Be With You.....