Rating:  Summary: A great book written by a really angry female Review: I've bought many novels because of Michael Whelan's beautiful cover art, but this is the first time I've ever regretted it. Women being in control of a society is not a new idea, but can be handled in an entertaining and believable manner (i.e. Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series or several Star Trek episodes I can think of). This book falls short of that mark. The author is constantly making references to absurd sexual reversals with no substantial reasoning behind them. In her world of Ambrai, she attempts to mirror untenable situations that women deal with in our lives as their male equivalents. Coif-clad males complain about being uncomfortable and itching to be accepted in polite company is an easy match-up for a woman wearing a bra. Anyone know of any men actually willing to deal with something like that? Then why do they? The author gives no reason. The about-be-married women in her book seek our male prostitutes on the night before their wedding so that the prostitute can "properly instruct her new husband" on what she likes! Come on! Would any man accept his wife after a courting period, knowing she had her virginity taken by a prostitute the night before? Would a woman? Ever hear of venereal disease!? I know that suspension of disbelief to a degree is necessary in every fantasy novel, but the author doesn't even make an attempt at believability here. No reason is ever given why women find themselves in power over men. Men took the dominant role in our world because they were simply more physically capable on average and didn't have to deal with weakening pregnancies. What advantage did women in Ambrai have? Robert Jordan wrote in his "Wheel of Time" series that females were the only ones who could use magic, and so they became the dominant ones! That makes sense! Where is the sense to be found here? Regretfully, glaring oversights like these interrupt the enjoyment of what would have been a great novel. My advice to anyone wanting to buy this is to do yourself a favor and buy Wheel of Time instead.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific book! Review: I enjoyed this book (and its sequel) much more than the star scroll books. I liked the characters more, and the plot was good. I have to admit that I'm a little tired of the "mages after the catastrophe" plot line, but Ms. Rawn does this well. My major comment about Ms. Rawn's writing is that she tries to make it more complex than it really needs to be to be a great story. There are almost too many people to keep track of. In these books, and even more in the star scroll books, I felt as if I had to take notes to keep track of who was who and who their parents were, and how they fit into the story. Please write #3!!!
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful book! Review: I just loved this book. It was exciting, humorous, romantic, and above all, unique! It combined all the good points of a fantasy novel in a new way. There was never any feeling of, "Haven't I read this before?" or "I could swear Robert Jordan had this in one of his books." This book isn't for the faint of heart though, or mind rather. If you don't like long and complicated books, don't read this one. It has the complexity of one of Roberts Jordan books (though not the content.) The plot, charecters, settings, and situations are all belivable despite being a fantasy book. This book has a lot of intelligance and heart. Absolutly a good read.
Rating:  Summary: an adventure with heart Review: i love these books.the people in them actually have lives outside of the numerouse battles and confuseing politics.i also love that you watch each one of the main charecters grow into adulthood so they come alive to you.iadmire melanie's great imagination and the strength she put's into her work.
Rating:  Summary: This book was boring! Review: I didn't like the magic system - why should some people get to be born with magic and others not? Its just not fair. The entire book seemed devoid of any action. If you like to read exciting books, skip this one!
Rating:  Summary: Only if I could give this book half a star :) Review: When I read Rawn's first series, I thought wow another great fantasy writer has entered the arena. When Golden Key (Her collaboration) came out, I finished it in a day without even stopping for dinner or lunch. When the exiles series came out, I waited for the paper back. Then I bought the first volume in paper back and since I knew the author, bought the second volume in hard cover at the same time. I only wish I hadn't. What a waste of time. I don't know if she gave it to somebody else to write and then put her name on it or what. I have been disappointed before by first time authors, but Rawn isn't one of those. Regardless, the series are totally without coherence. The plot never "thickens." as a matter of fact, there is no plot to speak of. The second volume starts even worse than the first. We all know that Glennin has a son. As a matter of fact he makes an enterance in the early stages of the book. But for some reason, none of the other characters reco! gnize him later on although the clues are there. Pathetic. Instead of wasting my time on the second volume I put it aside halfway through and started on another book by another writer. But if you like stupid plots and no character building you could try this book. To be fair though, I liked one concept in the book. That is, the fact that women are totally in charge and the situation in Rawn's world is the exact opposit of our society. As a male reader, even though I think myself a modern man, I couldn't swallow some of the laws in Rawn's world. However, after thinking more about it, I started to understand our world a bit more from a woman's point of view. I hope there is some second hand book store that I can sell these volumes to and I wish next time, Rawn will think twice before killing so many trees to tell a story that should have never been told.
Rating:  Summary: An excelent (if slow) start to a fantastic series... Review: A good mix of heavy and light reading, and plenty of foreshadowing and critical charater developement. Probably one of the greatest works in modern fantasy, right up there with Feist and Kerr!!! by the way, my address is not as below, but rather valheru07@aol.com
Rating:  Summary: Very grabby alternate world story. Review: I found the writing to be very easy to read and the book was difficult to put down. Great look at a different society in terms of a great plot with lots of unexpected twists. Immediately rushed out for the second book.
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful begenning to an awesome series! Review: It's the whole package; love, magic, and a split family fighting for the way the earth-or should I say, Lenfell, is supposed to be. This wonderful, intertwined plot never leaves you with questions that should've been answered, although the suspense and mystery remain! Not only do you get to know the characters, you meet them. Ms. Rawn desctibes everything from thoughts to feelings to flowers in this amazing, unpredictable start to the best series I've ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Loved it. Review: I got this book for Christmas about 2 years ago. Totally absorbed me. It develops the characters without going into boring detail. It sweeps you along. I found myself talking to the characters in the book. I highly recommend it. One of the few books that I have been breathlessly waiting for the sequel to.