Rating:  Summary: Low Expectations = Slightly More Enjoyment Review: This is the only Forgotten Realms book I've read. It wasn't the worst book I've ever read but that might have been because I wasn't expecting much out of it.The characters were not interesting. The pacing of the plot was inconsistent. At the beginning, the protagonists were dashing to and fro through magic portals hundreds of miles apart. Everything moved along at a frenetic pace. About two thirds of the way through, the entire thing stalled. Shandril and Narm were stuck living with Eleminster for what seemed like an eternity. Huge amounts of text was devoted to them talking about how they were going to leave, and them getting ready to leave, but it wasn't until the last 20 pages that they actually journeyed on. Not being familiar with the Forgotten Realms world, I was also a tad bit frustrated by Mr. Greenwood's lack of explanation when it came to all the bizarre factions that were trying to acquire the Spellfire. Who are they? Why do I care if they grab the Spellfire? There seemed to be a few too many generic evil people. The book did have it's moments so I can't in good conscience give it only one star. Some of the action narratives kept me interested and I enjoyed seeing the D&D gaming rules being implemented in a book. I was mildly entertained but I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone. There are plenty of other fantasy books out there that are head-and-shoulders above this attempt.
Rating:  Summary: A great book to start out with... Review: I have read some of the other reviews and I am very confused why it got SO many bad reviews. This is a great book. It was my first Forgotten Realms books and I chose it at the time because it was a "stand-alone" book. I was instantly hooked. This is a great story of a no-body girl who discovers great power within herself. Talk about fantasy! Becuase of this book, I have discovered an entire realm of books and stories from Ed Greenwood, who is one of my favorite writters. I am currently reading Crown of Fire and it's even better. Can't wait for Hand of Fire to get into my hands. Thanks Ed for the great stories.
Rating:  Summary: spellfire Review: spellfire is a great book. i'm only 13 and i have readed alot of books over 300 in 12months . spellfire is the best i've readed. thanks
Rating:  Summary: Creative and Amazingly Actioned-packed Review: When I first heard of this book from a friend of mine, I thought that it was just another weird D&D novel without the usual good stuff of great fantasy novels, but as I was a new member of the D&D world, I decided to try this one out. After reading this book, I was amazed at the wonderful depictions of a young girl's innocence and need for adventure. In this book, Ed Greenwood has brought to life in me a love for the Forgotten Realms and books about them. After reading this book, I read approximately 30 - 40 other Forgotten Realms books, but I would like to attribute my sparked interest to the action-packed "Spellfire." Also, the "Crown of Fire" book of the Hapers series is a great sequel.
Rating:  Summary: no words! Review: Wow, this book was terrible! I mean really really bad. I guess maybe my tastes have changed or something...I used to read forgotten realms books all the time. Ok, my first complaint is the number of characters, because there are so many. Second, the heroine is so...stereotypical and wooden. She's seemed rather stupid and impulsive, which is fine, but there was no motive for her except she was bored. That's it. Sure, her life was boring but it wasn't bad enough to go join a group of men she didn't even know! All the characters are VERY one-dimensional to my way of thinking. I'm not sure I've ever read a book where a man wrote a woman character believably and well. I don't mean to sound so prejudice, but that has been my experience. Example in this book, when she is rescued by Narm, this mage guy, they fall in love at first sight and have sex a few minutes after they truely met, on a freaking pile of gold. PLEASE!! My final pronouncement is that the characters were just not developed enough, and didn't seem to be any different from the stereotypical dwarves, elves, heros, damsels, etc. and that the plot was extraordinarily weak. Stick to Salvatore people!
Rating:  Summary: Where to Start?!? Review: While Spellfire was somewhat entertaining and helped pass the time on rainy days, it left much to be desired. First, when there are no battles to be fought, the people of Shadowdale become drunken sex-crazed lunatics, it's a suprise Shadowdale even exists at all with this careless behavior. -While numerous deaths do take place, I found it a bit too unbelievable how lopsided the death toll was, even when a "heroe" is hurt, there always seems to be enough healing magic present to save the day. Too many characters!! When you are not being transported throughout the Realms, it takes all of your will just to keep track of who's who, I totalled 73 characters, or one new character every fifth page. -Arrgh? Aye?? What is this, Greenwood trying his hand at Shakespeare?? Faerun must be composed of 99% water, for when the characters are not having sex, or displaying bodily functions, they are constantly blubering, a 74th chracter "Noah" should have been included in this novel because with all the crying, the planets going to flood. Mark me wrong if you must, but does Elminster seem a rip off of Gandalf from Lord of the Rings? Considering Tolkien wrote those pieces a half-century ago, I'd say yes!!Far too many loop holes and contradictions in this piece....
Rating:  Summary: Was my favorite book for the longest time. Review: I enjoyed this book immensely. It is always tricky to handle a character that has near super-powers. They always have to have a weakness, but not one that makes then unlikeable. I thought that Shandril's powers and weaknesses were done well. The only part I didn't especially like was where Shandril was gaining her powers. The events didn't all seem to flow very well. I must say - Ed Greenwood is a very hit-or-miss writer.
Rating:  Summary: Great Saga Review: Ed Greenwood's "Spellfire" was a refreshing read for me. The plot may begin a bit slow for some, but I assure you, you will not be dissapointed. On every other page, I could not help but crack a smile at some of the things that went on in Shadowdale and the land around it. Ed fleshes out the great Mage Elminster incredibly and I am still amazed by his character and all his little quirks. Some have said his cast of characters is too overwhelming for readers. But I say READ SLOWER. Take some notes. He uses very subtle elements to build up the plot. Elements that are cherished, once found. Overall, incredible book. I finished the 1rst and 2nd book in 4 days and am just starting the 3rd. You will not be dissapointed after the 1rst one.
Rating:  Summary: High expectations from Greenwood fell far short. Review: I had been very much looking forward to reading this book. Spellfire sounded extremely intesting, and i've read many articles by Greenwood that i was thouroughly impressed with (although he does seem to be a little bit to high on the ego side with Elminster). Spellfire started out rather slow. I was ok with this though, because i like good character development. However, this book had way WAY too many characters and it became somewhat difficult to keep track of who was who. The story around Shandril was fairly good i thought. Unfortunately, throughout the entire book, the main story seemed to completely repeat itself 3 or even 4 times! At the end of the book, it finally started to hold my interest a little more. .. But then it just left me feeling very empty and wanting. It left way too much out. How do the dracolich's feel about stuff? What are they thinking? Give me some detail! Give me some feeling! I wanted much more than i got. ...
Rating:  Summary: REALLY BAD Review: This book was really bad. It has no plot whatsoever and poorly developed characters. shandril an orphan girl becone friend with the company of the bright spear, by stealing all thier stuff. Ed Greenwood kills them all in the third chaper. she falls in love with the aprentice mage Narm, who a complete whimp, just by looking at him and he dose to. People attack them for no good reason at all. There is also a lot of love making between Narm and Shandril. It even happens five minuets after they meet, and they do it on a pile of gold! Ed, you might fantisize doing it on a pile of gold but I dont. The only reason I bought this book was for the really cool cover. Like they say you cant judge a book by its cover, and this is deffentetly true for this one. I dont know why wizards of the cost decided to remake this horrible book, and why Ed kept on going wit the series.