Rating:  Summary: Invisible Review: Looking for a great book then read about a boy who mysteriously becomes invisible one morning. Then he meets a blind girl and together they find a way to help him.
Rating:  Summary: Emotional Book Review: Ok I'm a 12 year old girl and this book was really cool. There's this boy that turns invisible... well one morning he just wakes up and he's not there anymore. It's not like he's transparent, he's just invisible. You'll get what I'm saying once you read the book. Told in the first person, this book is sort of like his diary... which, might I add, diaries are fun to read, no matter whom they belong to! It's quite real, although I highly doubt that by the way he turned invisible (I don't want to spoil the ending, so I won't tell you how he got this way), like I was saying, I doubt the way he turned invisible would actually happen, but it's fun to wonder... So he and his family are trying to deal with this problem, that by the way, won't just go away on its own, while the police and his school are getting quite suspiscious. I read this book in like three days, because I couldn't put it down! It's really interesting, and a good book. The reason I wrote emotional book, is because this kid's in touch with his emotions, well sometimes, and he expresses them, with highly detailed decriptions of his days. The end of the book made me cry, and it might just be because I'm emotional like that. But I think you will too, because the end will shock you, surprise you, and most of all, touch your heart. I know that sounds really corny, but it's true, and I think anyone, any age, would really enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: "Things Not Seen" Review: One of the best books I've read this year is "Thiigs Not Seen" it's about a boy who wakes up one morning,goes down stairs & relizes that his parents can't see him. Bobby is a regular 15 year old until his life gets flip-flopped.If you want to find out why Bobby becomes invisible & what kind of things he endures you have to read "Things Not Seen" by Andrew Clemnts.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: The book explores the interesting concept of being invisible. Bobby, a young boy, wakes up one moring and can't see himself. He now must hide from the world. If he does go out, he must bundle up and wear sunglasses, or walk around naked. His only friend is a blind girl, who accidentally finds out about his invisiblity. Now Bobby must figure out if there is a way out; can he ever live a real life again, or is he condemed to hide from the whole world forever? First he must figure out how this happened, but he doesn't have much time. The school and the government haven't seen him for many weeks, and they are becoming concerned. Will Bobby be able to become visible again? Well read the book to find out. One thing I objected to was that this kid goes places naked to spy on people and discover what is it like to go around town invisible. His clothes don't turn invisible. Because of this you will have to make your own decision on wether you want to read a book with this in it or not.
Rating:  Summary: Things Not Seen, A Story about a Boy, who turns invisible! Review: The great book "Things Not Seen" is written by Andrew Clements. The Main character in this book is named Bobby. Bobby is a regular teenager, who isn't very popular, and just try's really "not to be seen" but one day when he comes out of the shower, he really won't be seen. The Main story is about Bobby Phillips who has to go through being invisible. He has to not go to school, and go around and live his life "invisible", until he can finaly turn back, the way he was. The Story takes place mostly in Bobby's house and sometimes and the University Library that Bobby goes to. The Main theme of this story is friendship and trust, because Bobby developes a strong friendship with a blind girl name Alycia, who helps him stay safe and strong, and also trust of not letting the word spread about Bobby. Overall, I did like this book, and I rate it a "4" because there are still some areas where it seemed a bit odd to me. I do recommend this book to anyone who is interested! It really has character!
Rating:  Summary: Things Not Seen Review: Things Not Seen is a book about a named Bobby whom wakes up one mourning to find that he is invisible. He tells his parents of this and they, after calming down and thinking about it, realize that they should just keep this between them. He eventually gets bored of sitting at home and doing nothing so he decides he will go out for a while and he finds an interesting way of doing that. He ends up accidentally running into this girl at the library and finds out she is blind. After that something happens to his parents which really made the novel start to move along. After that he starts to develop a relationship with the blind girl and finds out her name is Alicia. They are much alike in many ways and seem to have and face the same problems. At first when I started this book I thought it was kind of slow going. There was very little action in the beginning and nothing seemed so very special about the events that happened. It also seemed at that time very unrealistic. But all of a sudden it picks up a few chapters in into one of the best books I have ever read. Bobby's and Alicia's friendship bring something to the novel that just makes everything flow and also a hard to put down book. They both seem to help each other all the way through.
Rating:  Summary: The best book I've read Review: Things not Seen is a book about a narmal 15 year old boy until a serant day that he turns invesable his name is Bobby Phillips. It's a regaular school day when it happens. Bobby gets out of shower and off the mirror. thats when he finds out that he's invisable. Then he looks down and can't see his feet. He runs down the stairs then drinks his drink. Then life completly changes. Then the whole house hold swore not to tell ANY one. When Bobby fell asleep agian his mom and dad go to work. Bobby wakes up and then go the libry then it gets inerasting. Then his parnts get into a rack. The day before his mom comes home he tales his new friend Ailia {a blind girl} or something like that. Well, at the end his friend finds away to help. Does it work read to find out.
Rating:  Summary: Irritating Review: Things Not Seen is a foolish fancy of the imagination. Nothing is particularaly in-depth nor believable in any fantasy world. I nodded off more than once from lack of interest, and at the end I was relieved that I would no longer suffer from it. Again, Andrew Clements fails to produce a jewel.
Rating:  Summary: An Andrew Clements masterpiece Review: Things not Seen is a great book created by the fantastic author, Andrew Clements. The book is about a boy named Bobby Phillips who wakes up to find himself invisible! The main plot in this book is how Bobby tries to become visible again. Many other adventures happen, for example a terrible thing happens to his parents and when Bobby meets Alicia.The main characters in this book are Bobby and Alicia. Bobby is a fifteen-year-old boy who is the person who turned invisible. He is expressive and emotional and shows it in this book with great detail. Alicia is a blind girl who is about Bobby's age. Even though she is blind she helps Bobby a lot by being his body. The setting is in the Sears headquarters, the library and Bobby's house. My first favorite part is when Bobby first becomes invisible. When Bobby goes downstairs to tell his mom and dad that he is invisible, he licks a spoon and sticks it on his nose and proves it to his parents. Then his mom wants to call a specialist or a doctor and Bobby says, "Oh great. Yeah, let's call one of those Invisible Teenager Specialist. I'll go get the yellow pages." I found what Bobby said was funny. My second favorite part is when Bobby's mom is in the hospital and Bobby needs someone to take care of him. Bobby's mom says, "Bobby's Aunt Ethel will take care of him." But Bobby knows that his Aunt Ethel is in Florida and that his mom tricked the police so that no one would find out about Bobby being invisible. Andrew Clements is my favorite author because he knows how to make a book very interesting. For example no one but Mr. Clements would make a story about an invisible boy. Another technique Mr. Clements uses is that he makes the kids in his books do outrageous things. For example, in Frindle, Andrew Clements' best book, a boy tries to change the word 'pen' into Frindle. I strongly recommend his book.
Rating:  Summary: Things Not Seen Review: Things Not Seen is a very good book but it is not as good as a book like the Lord of the Rings or other books like this. This book is about friendship and one of the lessons I learn from this is to never give up. Here is a quick summary of what happens. Theres this regular boy named Bobby but he turns invisible. And he doesn't know where to turn but then when he meets a blind girl named Alicia together they try to turn Bobby back to the way he was. If you want to learn more read Things Not Seen to find out.