Rating:  Summary: What a brilliant idea! Review: It had to happen eventually. With a company helmed by some of Star Trek¡¯s most famous actors, it¡¯s not surprising that they would bring Star Trek into their catalogue. And why not? What better battle of the minds can you have than the great Ambassador Spock and the omnipotent Q? Two beings of mass intelligence and yet at opposite ends of the emotional spectrum make for some wonderful comedy. What better foil for Q than someone who can¡¯t be annoyed (not much anyway!) and who always has a comeback line, and what better challenge for Spock than someone who has the knowledge of the universe, and the powers to shape it for good if he so chooses. If only he can be persuaded! With a great asteroid hurtling toward Earth, threatening to wipe out everyone on it, Spock must engage in a battle of wits to prevent it without breaking the Prime Directive - or upsetting Q too much. And as the audience present at the recording demonstrate, the duo¡¯s fight to upstage each other has hilarious results. I suspect that while John de Lancie may yet have another Star Trek in him, Alien Voices has provided us with our last opportunity to enjoy Leonard Nimoy as the great Spock, in Spock Vs Q, and its sequel of the same name.
Rating:  Summary: Very Witty! Review: Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie 'compliment' each other perfectly in their roles as Spock and Q! Or perhaps I should say they joust, insult, mock and generally try to outwit each other!The CD was recorded live so you will hear a bit of audience noise. FYI - I prefer this CD to their version of "The First Men on the Moon"!
Rating:  Summary: Spock VS Q! Logic VS Chaos! Who's on First? An Asteroid! Review: Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie reprise their roles of Spock and Q in this very well written and comical audio performance that has been presented to appreciative fans at Star Trek Conventions around the world. Did you like the Spock VS Bones spats in Classic Star Trek, then you will love Spock VS Q on Audio! What an outlandishly funny take off of the odd couple. Spock is at the logical end of the continuum and Q is at the emotional end. Who will win the battle of the minds? The survival of the puny humans on Earth lies in the balance as the asteroid nears Earth. It made me laugh so hard I couldn't see straight. You will love it! Verbal insults fly profusely. Will Spock out-maneuver the clever and devilish Q in a verbal joust? Spock is really good at games, remember 3D Chess. Will he be able to outwit the all powerful Q? Will Q get an autograph from Spock for his collection, or will he have to stand in a long line like the rest of us? Will Q learn the Vulcan mind meld technique from Spock? Will the asteroids destroy the puny humans on Earth? Well buy the tape or CD and find out. Buy it and play it over and over. I hear new stuff every time I play mine. Don't delay buy your own copy of "Spock VS Q" on audio tape or CD today!
Rating:  Summary: Logical, Flawlessly Logical. Yada Yada Yada Review: Leonard Nimoy and John DeLancie reprise their respective characters of Spock & Q with absolute perfection!!! Yada Yada Yada. When I heard that, I absolutely broke down with laughter. Even my wife, who is not as big as a fan as I am loved it. I heartily recomend it to everyone who is a Star Trek fan.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious! Review: Not since Sisko punched him out has Q gotten a run for his money like this. Q grandstands and postures, and Spock takes him down a few pegs each time with some well-aimed barbs: Spock withdraws his request for Q to go bother some other civilization because he didn't want a second planet to be similarly afflicted in one night. The American pop culture references were also funny ("Tell that to Seinfeld," Q grouses at one point, and when he brings up the poet Homer, Spock replies "Simpson?") as well as the jabs at humanity's flaws as well (Spock notes our four greatest concerns as gleaned from the news paper are sex, political scandal, sex, and sports). It's a great comedy tape, even if that wasn't the original intention of the event.
Rating:  Summary: In a word, HILARIOUS! Review: Q is at his most mischevious, and Spock still manages to run rings around the intergalactic trickster. Not since Spock and McCoy went back and forth in the original series has a verbal joust been this entertaining! Part of it even reminds me of the classic Abbott and Costello "Who's on First" routine, with Spock, of course, playing Abbott to Q's confused Costello. The best part of this production is that you can really tell that Nimoy and de Lancie are both having great fun performing it for us. If you like Spock, Q, or both characters, put this at or near the top of your "to purchase" list.
Rating:  Summary: This will releive stress while driving Review: Spock vs Q, a wonderful meeting of two of the most important characters in the Trek universe. Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie are brilliant as usual in their characters. Who would've thought, a battle of wits between these two. The only way this would've been better is if it had been live on dvd or vhs. Spock vs Q is a great diversion for an hour or so on the highway. Thank you to all involved for this gem that can be listened to over and over.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely great! Review: Spock vs Q, a wonderful meeting of two of the most important characters in the Trek universe. Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie are brilliant as usual in their characters. Who would've thought, a battle of wits between these two. The only way this would've been better is if it had been live on dvd or vhs. Spock vs Q is a great diversion for an hour or so on the highway. Thank you to all involved for this gem that can be listened to over and over.
Rating:  Summary: This will releive stress while driving Review: The day after I received this CD, I put it in my car CD player and listened in heavy traffic on the way home from work. I laughed so hard in the car, I didn't realize that I was almost home. I didn't want to get out of my car. I loved it. I can't wait to get the second one. This was well worth it for any Trekkie.
Rating:  Summary: The perfect gift for the Trek fan of any persuasion! Review: This audiobook is from the Alien Voices series, but unlike their other titles, it is an original script, featuring two of Trek's most popular characters. If you miss either or both characters on the screen, this is the closest to hearing something new from them. It is recorded live, and in a way I wished it had been a videotape, so I could have seen the expressions on the actors' faces while they performed the text. Judging by the audience reaction, they must have been priceless. It is a very funny script, full of jokes, and a lot of verve. Spock was perhaps a bit more jocular than I remembered him, but Q was spot on. There were many great lines that, despite what I said earlier, really made me forget it was just an audiobook, because I could visualize the character in my mind very clearly. 'You've been manipulating me!' Q clamors at one point, and just the tone of De Lancie's chamaleonic voice brings the character to life right in front of your eyes. I'll be listening to this audiobook again and again!