Rating:  Summary: Start Here, but definitely don't stop! Review: I just have to say that the Dragonlance Saga is the best fantasy series I've ever read. (Although Piers Anthony is cool too.) All the other authors try too hard to make big epics and stifle the characters. If you're interested in the Dragonlance books, then start here, this trilogy is awesome and lets you get to know the characters. But it only gets better. The Legends trilogy, The Second Generation, Dragons of Summer Flame...they only get better...at least if Weis and/or Hickman write them. Stay away from the other author's books in the series; they just corrupt Weis and Hickman's characters. I only gave it four stars cuz their later books in the series are better. (I love Raistlin, he's by far the best character.) I'd recommend this book to anyone who is into fantasy or just wants a good read.
Rating:  Summary: I long to live in the world of Krynn Review: I lucked out when i found this very collection in my High School's library, i read the whole thing from begining to end, and i cant find it anywhere to buy! not only am i glad that i read it, but i want to read it again, and again, and so on... this is one of those books that a person hopes to find in their search for the perfect fantasy novel. in my opinion this is the perfect fantasy novel! i have to say though i put only the Silmarillion above this only because the way that that book was written is just utterly amazing. but Dragonlance is by far better than LOTR could ever hope to be ( and i loved that too! ) The actual tale told in this book i will not get deep into, only out of fear that i might give something away or spoil something for those reading this review who want to check out the book. But i will say that even though there are so many main characters, i LOVE every single one of them! they all have special places in my hearts, because Weis and Hickman did a fantastic job of not just giving each character their own personality, but they gave each character their own LIVES too (i mean its as if Tanis, Tasselhoff, Sturm, Cameron, Raistilin, Flint, Laurana, and Tika, are actual beings, and they have their own characteristic traits that are unique and no other character could show or use!) Im not lying when I say I love all the characters, but i have to say my personal favorite is Raistilin, because i can actually identify with him at some points, he brings in a necesary darker side to the group of heros, and just some of the things he accomplishes in the story can cause your emotions to stir (mine sure did, im still recovering from the shock!) to breifly describe each character id have to say Tanis - a Bastard half elf with a great mind and has a take charge type of personality, but is also really nice Sturm - a noble night dedicated to following in his now dead father, really courageous and a true friend Flint - a old Dwarf who is pretty cranky and has trouble expresing his inner feelings some times (with tasselhoff for example) but has good intentions Cameron - a super strong, but dull witted warrior who is over protective of his weak and fragile twin brother Raistlin. Cameron though has a big heart, and loves deeply as you will find out in the story Raistlin - a mysterious, sarcastic, to the point induvidual who is often not trusted by others. though it may not seem, there is a good side to him I believe, he displays actions in the story that will set off your emotions like anger, joy, sorrow at different points in the story. he is a mage to, and throughout the tale he is constantly trying to strenghten his magical powers tasselhoff - a light hearted, wild, but funny little creature known as a Kender. A ingenious contribution to the story (all characters are actually, each one is needed to fill a specific role, thats why i LOVE all of them!), he tells jokes at the right times, does funny actions at needed moments, and always manages to shock the reader with his decisions. Laurana - a love sick girl who is in a deep desire for Tanis, she begins as a spoiled girl but quickly grows up and learns how to take matters into her own hands and help others at the same time Tika - a bar maid from Solace, she has a more rowdy personality than Laurana, but does care deeply for the group, expecially Cameron who she loves. She to learns to take matters into her own hands, but in ways that are surprising. the best way to describe Dragonlance Chronicles would be to simply say its Shocking, or Surprising. Only in the deepest part of my subconcious mind, and in my dreams, could i even think a book like this exists!!!!!!!! By far the best fantasy story I've ever read, and im not kidding when i say i want to live in the world of Krynn. I wish I could be friends with all of these characters. Every book you will read will have its characters who you love, LOTR has Froto, but this has all of the 8 I mentioned above. if theres a movie for this i want to watch it, and i want to buy this very collection when i get the chance, or buy Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Winter Night, and Spring Dawning seperatly. But I must say that I don't think I will read any more books in this series, ONLY because I have been blessed in reading such a divine work that has filled a missing hole in my heart from this books first page to its last, that if i were to continue with something that was not even in the origional intentions of the Authors, it might ruin my intense love for the story, and besides, i want to use my own imagionation to think about what happens next, thats what fantasy is for. But if you are a fan of Fantasy books, then you MUST buy this, No questions asked! Believe me, you'll be thankfull, and hopefully some day I'll see you in this wonderfull land of Krynn...
Rating:  Summary: Best Fantasy Work EVER!!!!!!!!!! Review: I picked up a copy of this exact chronicles collection because I heard that this Dragonlance series was supposed to be pretty good, and after reading this from the first page to the very last page.... I have to say that was wrong, because this is AMAZING, SPECTACULAR, PERFECT, and EXTRODINARY. From start to finish there is no part that is boring, slow, or fails to grab attention. What these authors have created in this world of Krynn is no other than the ultimate fantasy story, that if I never read another one of any kind again, I would be happy because this Dragonlance series is everything I have ever desired and dreamed about reading when it comes to reading fantasy adventure books. The story itself involves a group of hero adventurers going on a series of quests that begins with trying to return a magic healing staff to a sacred temple to finding the round circular magic made dragon orbs that control the dragons of the land to finding and saving each other from many forms of certain doom! One thing that I must point out is that the absolute main characters that the series centers around totals to about 10 individuals, and each character has their own distinct personality. These characters include Tanis, Flint, Tasselhoff, Sturm, Riverwind, Goldmoon, Cameron, Raistlin, Laurana, and Tika Tanis= a half elven/half man bastard son, not accepted by elves or men, but has a strong, cunning, and affectionate personality non the less. He is the leader of the group and the others look to him for advice. Flint= a old dwarf that has a mostly groutchy personality and tries not to express to much emotion, but is really kind hearted and is a true friend to his comerades. He is very wise and shares his wisdom with the group of friends when it is needed. Tasslehoff= a extremely happy care free being known as a Kender, Tass brings alot of the comical relief into the story. Tass has a habit of getting into trouble and of getting on everyone elses nerves, but he means well and proves to also be a big help in the groups travels. Sturm= a noble man who desires to become a knight of Solamnia more than anything else in his life. separated from his father at birth (who was a knight of solamnia), Sturm feels it is his duty in life to follow in his fathers footsteps and do his part in protecting and upholding justice. His life is honor and everything he does is honorable, and he also is a valiant warior. He also puts others before himself and is always worried about the well being of them. Riverwind= a plainsman from a tribe of people who had banished him because of his love with the Cheiften of the tribe's daughter Goldmoon. As a test of his love Riverwind brought the magic healing staff to the tribe, but the tribe took it as blasphemy and tried to kill him. He is a very proud man, but holds strong moral codes and cares deeply for those close to him. He proves to be a powerful fighter too. Goldmoon= origionally just the daughter of the Cheiftan, Goldmoon falls in love with Riverwind, and with time their love leads her and Riverwind away from the tribe into all sorts of trials and hardships that come with proving the strength of love. She also becomes a messenger of one of the gods of Krynn and is blessed with the power of healing, not only from the staff but from herself too. Cameron= A extremely strong but pretty dull witted man, that spite his appearance, is superioly affectionate to his friends and expecially his twin brother Raistlin. Cameron spends most of his time helping Raist move around, comforting him, and taking care of his needs. But when danger is near Cameron becomes a fierce warior who will not let the enemy win at whatever cost. Raistlin= Raist is actually a magic user, he is of the red robed mages which means in the war between the good and evil forces he is supposed to remain neutral. He is the most unusual of all of the characters and the most mysterious. Because of certaine events that happened before the story begins he has golden skin and hour glass eyes (which only allow him to see things whither and come closer to dying, no beauty at all!), he is also very frail too and has a cough that makes him cough out blood. Raist is very sarcastic, and keeps his distance from the others even though he still considers them friends. Most of the other friends, despite their friendship with him, don't trust him and often blame events that go wrong on him saying that he's betraying them, and by his actions their doubts and suspiscions are condonable. But inside all of his cold heartedness he is a deeply hurt person who has been through alot of troublesome times and feels alone, at certain points in the story this side to him appears from the depths of his heart and leads him to do good and benificial things for his friends and others he meets along the way. Raist helps save the whole groups lives at least 10 times in all of the chronicles. Laurana= Daughter of the qualinesti elven king, Laurana is at first a love sick girl who has a deep crush on Tanis, but throughout the story she becomes a admirable, efficiant leader of people who leads the people to victories against enemy forces. She is one of the most beautiful girls in the world, and is extremely kind and generous as well. Tika= a barmaid from a tavern in the town of Solace, Tika is a very admirable person who is friends with the rest of the group and does all that she can to help them out. She has a crush on Cameron and really cares about his well being. She is also a really good fighter for a person who has never had sword training, and is a major benefit to the group. each one of these characters has deeper personalities than which I had breifely stated, and because the authors did such a amazing job in giving life to each individual, I have to love every single one of the characters as my favorite all time Fantasy heros!!! Each character has their own uniqness that is unlike the other characters, and each one evolves into what ever a person from that personality would become, and never once acts or says anything other than that of what their personality would have them say or do. Not only that but each person does actions of great heroic deeds in their own way that helps the group carry on with their journeys and prevent trajedy from taking place. And finally I have to say that the most attractive thing about this series is that everything that happens in it results in bigger important situations, in other words everything happens for a reason. there is nothing lame or corny about this book! the authors suceeded in not only creating the story but filling it with deep purpose and emotion. If you can get into the book its funny parts will make you laugh, its sad parts will make you feel sad, its scarry parts will even make you twitch a little if not shudder, and no matter what else you will get from it, it will touch your heart in such a way that you would wish that this book would never end!!!! There is absolutley nothing in this book that will not satisfy the fantasy thrill seeker, and this could become the favorite book of anybody willing to take a chance with this easily! I myself deeply love this story, and even though I finished it a matter of 2 weeks ago I am still replaying parts of the story in my mind and think about it all of the time! Never has a fantasy book touched me so deeply! I definently recomend this book for a person who wants to find a escape from life, because this is the perfect escape! I long to some how join these characters in this enchanting world of Krynn, and I am not exaggerating at all when I say that the minute I finished this book it felt like a piece of my heart was missing, because there was nothing to continue the story with! A MUST HAVE, BUY IT IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY HAVE IT!!!
Rating:  Summary: They're still the BEST! Review: I can't stress the fact too much that these books trully are the best books I've ever read. Currently I own over 14 books in the Dragonlance: Saga, and I strive to own each one of the spellbinding novel's. The three books that started the entire enthralling series are the building blocks to what is now a New York Times best-seller. Dragons of Autumn Twilight is the first chapter of all of the trilogy and it tells of the companions struggle to find evidence of the True Gods, but what they find will take them all on a journey beyond imagination. Dragons of Winter Night is the second of the three it tells of the companions search for a lost artifact capable of containing the dragon's true essence and directing it to do the owners will, butthere joureny breaks the group up and they all struggle to prevent the Dark Queen from taking over all of Krynn. Dragons of Spring Dawning is a story about the heroes last stand against the Queen of Darkness herself. I hope you've enjoyed this review and I hope even more that you read and enjoy all of these books those that follow, so until the next time I get bored and deside to submit a review, FAREWELL!!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely fabulous! No other series can come close! Review: I started out reading Dragonlance a few years ago and with the instructions of my friend, I went to the bookstore in search of a book "with a red dragon and a bunch of people on the cover." Upon reading the first of the Chronicles, I zipped off to the bookstore, bought the 2nd two, bought Legends and pretty soon I ended up with over 50 of the Dragonlance saga novels/novellas/anthologies. I was so mesmerized, enthralled, captivated, and in love with the world and its people (and most definitely its creators) that I found a RARE edition of the compilation (Collector's Edition) of the Chronicles and that of Legends and bought them just to keep them nice and fresh looking! An absolute 10! Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman at their very best! Nothing can come even close to comparing with Dragonlance! A marvelous read - spell-binding and enthralling! A great book!
Rating:  Summary: Very cool reissue of the original Dragonlance trilogy Review: All three of the original "Dragonlance Chronicles" are here in this massive one volume set. Think of it as a kind of Bible for The Dragonlance world. It starts out with many mysteries; like why two constellations are missing from the sky, whare did this new race of lizard men come from, and who is this guy that keeps popping up from time to time? There are many, many more questions, but you'll have to read the books to find out more, and also some of the answeres. The cast is a mixed bag, some are very interesting, and some are little more than a sterotype. The leader of the Compainions (as they are refered to in the books) is Tanis Half-Elven. He is moody and somber, very resentful of his heritiage, ok but not my favorite. Next we have the twins, Caramon the fighter and Raistlin the sickly yet extreamly powerful mage (by far the most interesting character in the series). A very fatherly Dwarf named Flint Fireforge (every team needs it cynic, but he's alright). There is also Strum Brightblade, who cares more about the letter of the law than the spirit. And one I love a lot, Tasselhoff Burrfoot, a Kinder who "picks up lost items"; he isn't a theif, really, just very curious. I loved his childlike wonder of the world. All the Compainins band together to fight evil Queen Tarkisis, a Dragon God who wants her Dragons and Draconians (magicly altered dragons shaped like men) to eventually take the world for her. She is aided by Kitiara, one time lover of Tanis Half-Elven, and her lieutenant the dreaded (and kind of spooky) Lord Soth. The only thing that can destroy the Queen's dragons are fabled dragonlances, wepons made of powerful magic that has been missing for eons. Dragonlance consists of many quests, rescue missions, and narow escapes that are so traditional in heroic fantasy, they are all there, traditional but exciting. The insperation for these storys are obvious; first of all the very populor role playing game "Duneons and Dragons", and also J.R.R. Tolkin's "Lord of the Rings" novels. I have the feeling that Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis are trying too hard to copy the poetic verse of the Tolkin noveles, and sometimes it can be hard to wade through. But the story itself is incredible, and it should be a great stamp on fantasy for years to come. The "Annotated Chronicles" has many side bars for those interested in what the authors were thinking and what they have to say about this scene or that character. Very interesting. All in all, this is a very cool set of novels, and essential for any fans of Ansalon and Krynn.
Rating:  Summary: best book in the world Review: it is the best in the world
Rating:  Summary: There's no word for it. THEM! Review: What can I say? The best books ever. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. TOtaLLY WORTH FIVE STARS! It totally wisks you away, I mean I picked it up at 12:00 and didn't put it down until 4. With that kind of book, you just don't notice time as it goes by! The characters and the world are very well established, and it's realistic, not counting the dragons and magic, of course. From the serious Solamnic Knight, Sturm, to the kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot, the likable and funny character whose pockets always seem to have ... interesting... things in them that are't his, you'll love this book to the end.
Rating:  Summary: So good I have read it 3 times and and workin on the 4th. Review: I bought all the books from soulforge thru chronicals and I love all of them. I have let friends borrow them, and as soon as I get them back I read them agian. Truly a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: The makings of a Saga Review: These are the original three novels that created the world of Krynn and began the Dragonlance Saga. The Chronicles trilogy tells the story of a diverse and mostly reluctant band of adventurers that go on to become the Heroes of the Lance. Fighting evil dragons, draconians, wizards, and monsters across the continent of Ansalon, the companions seek out lost magics, the true Gods, and of course, the legendary silver lances that give the series its name in an effort to complete their quest and restore peace to their shattered world. This trilogy is great fantasy writing in the tradition of J.R.R. Tolkien, and getting these three novels in one volume is the best way to do it. Highly reccomended for fans of quality fantasy/adventure.